[3.12] PoE Heist Juggernaut Earthshatter Mauarder Starter Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
Earthshatter is a new Slam skill that is flying completely under the radar. It isn't anything special in terms of being crazy unique however it has very good damage effectiveness in comparison to the other Slam skills. Once you pack in all the nonsense going on with Warcries and this will pack a mean punch
Quick Jump
Pros & Cons
- - Zoom Zoom is not really the play style of this build
- - Some might find buffing our attacks annoying, not a 1 button build
- - A lot of Reduced Physical Damage got removed from the tree
- - New skill, so it could potentially feel / be awful
Skill Tree
Ascendancy: Unflinching > Undeniable > Unstoppable > Unbreakable
For your Major God you want to either choose Soul of Lunaris or Soul of Solaris. These are both super solid options and just depends on whether you want to be mapping or bossing more. If you think you won't fuck with bosses then take Lunaris, otherwise take Solaris. I personally use Lunaris as it helps when suicide running into packs like a lunatic, which I do frequently.
For your Minor God your best bet is Soul of Shakari. Reduced chaos damage is a nice quality of life as poison is usually not planned around. Soul of Gruthkul wouldn't be bad either as we will be taking hit frequently.
Alira is our Bandit of choice. The Crit Multiplier and Elemental Resistance makes building far easier. We can grab much cheaper gear thanks to this. Eramir is also a super good choice this League as more skill points = more Cluster Jewels.
Passive Tree & PoB
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/Yza15G3R
Gems Setup
Earthshatter > Fist of War > Pulverise > Fortify > Awakened Melee Physical Damage > Ruthless
Pride > Blood and Sand > Flesh and Stone > Dread Banner > Enlighten > Maim
Dash > Second Wind > Seismic Cry > Infernal Cry
Cast when Damage Taken > Molten Shell > Increased Duration > Summon Ice Golem
Blood Rage > Vaal Ancestral Warchief > Leap Slam > Faster Attacks
Gear Setup
This is the perfect League Starter in terms of gear. The entry level requirement gear is very cheap and can be easily farmed for in somewhere like Blood Aqueducts. Crafting gear should be really fun with Harvest. Couple that with the new Two Handed Base buffs we should be able to get a mega stonks Mace.
For all the gear options I will embed a Path of Exile Trade link so that you don't have to go search yourself and you can instead just open the link for what you need. These are set to search in Standard Temp Leagues so if you are playing in a different League then you can change it in the top right.
Recommended Gear
First up we got the bread and butter of our mega slams, a Rare Two Handed Mace. We can keep it simple and just search by top Physical DPS. For AoE memes you can search for or try and craft on a Crusader Influenced Coronal Maul for the best Increased AoE Mods. Our best weapon end game will probably be Marohi Erqi as it has Pulverise built into it. This will probably be pretty rare considering it is a Legion only drop, and will be comparable to the new end game Rare Two Handers anyway.
Abyssus will be my go to helnmet. With Crit Multi getting cut hard on the tree this becomes even more valuable. There is an inherent risk as you are increasing the damage you take however I believe it is worth the payoff.
Rare Influenced Astral Plates will be our perfect armour, however these are also complete overkill and have a huge price tag. The Mod "Attacks have +% to Critical Strike Chance" is the most important one but is hefty to buy. Buying a Rare Body Armour that focuses on Armour and Health first is vital, and you can easily fill out the resistances here as well.
Rare Gloves with some nice Life and Resists are important here. Once again adjust and focus on your Resistances first as these are fundamental. If you are looking for Damage sort by Sum which should should just beneath the item modifiers. This will organise from best to worst in terms of damage.
Likewise with our gloves we also want to rock some Rare Boots. If 30% Increased Movement Speed is too expensive just knock it down to 25%. By this point you will be hunting down Resistances that are specific to you so search for what your build is needing to cap.
Rare Amulets provide us with the goods. This is the only slot where I don't search for life, however definitely pick it up if you think you need even a smidge more. We also want to make sure we try and squeeze in some Dex here so we don't have to push so hard for the requirements later. Once again sort by Sum in order to find the big chungus amulets. Remember to have it non corrupted so that we can allocate an anointment.
For rings we go with one Rare Ring that provides nothing but pure damage and Maximum Life. For the second ring we go with a Curse on Hit Ring. Assassin's Mark and Vulnerability provide roughly the same DPS. Focus on getting whatever you can afford at the highest Sum listed.
Ryslatha's Coil is our best in slot belt. These can be expensive however the pay off is huge. You want the high % more roll possible and the lowest % less roll possible. When boosted by Abrasive Catalysts you can squeeze out another 2% Total DPS.
Rare Life Jewel's are the perfect way to slot in some more defense. I also chuck in % to all Elemental Resistance as it give me more room to work with on my other gear. For big money Watcher's Eye is best in slot, however extremely expensive.
Last but not least are our pots. For our Non-Unique pots we want to grab a Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline, Diamond Flask of Heat and Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching. Our Unique Flasks are Atziri's Promise and Lion's Roar. Naturally Bottled Faith will replace something like our Atziri's however I really don't think it's worth getting this unless you are min-maxed out of your mind.
Act 1
Level 1:
Grab Ground Slam as reward, link with Ruthless (first Support)
Level 4:
Onslaught rewarded for completing Mercy Mission
Level 10:
Leap Slam rewarded for completing The Caged Brute
Grab Added Fire Damage here as well for 4th Link (if lucky)
Linked in order of importance:
Ground Slam > Onslaught > Ruthless > Added Fire Damage
Level 12:
Earthshatter > Onslaught > Ruthless > Added Fire Damage
Act 2
Level 16:
Blood Rage, Seismic Cry, Herald of Purity and Flesh & Stone
Use whatever you can slot. Seismic Cry is most important.
Level 18:
Add Faster Attacks to your Leap slam
Level 24:
Pride and Infernal Cry
Level 38:
Fist of War and Pulverise
These are at the very end of Act 4. Your links should now be:
Earthshatter > Fist of War > Ruthless > Pulverise
Leap Slam > Faster Attacks
Seismic cry > Infernal Cry > Blood Rage
Pride > Flesh & Stone > Herald of Purity
This will carry you until maps, and then some. If you can't afford the mana then don't use Herald of Purity (I didn't). When you get into Act 6 slowly work your way into the Gems in the build guide
Lilly Roth's quest will give you access to all skill gems.
If at all your damage starts to feel weak upgrade your weapon. Using the Harvest mechanic you can very comfortably get very nice Levelling weapons.
Useful Levelling Gear
Wanderlust, Blackheart, Kaom's Sign, Goldrim, Lochtonial Caress

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