[3.12] PoE Heist Raider Flicker Strike Ranger Fast Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
This PoE 3.12 Ranger Raider Flicker Strike build is designed to be an enjoyable, solid and extremely fast mapper, able to chain super juiced up endgame maps a rate of 15-20maps/hours or more.
Quick Jump
Pros & Cons
- + Super fast clear, thanks to Flicker Strike mechanics and +120% built-in movespeed - without a Quicksilver!
- + Very tough with >5500HP, 96% mitigation against attacks and 50% against spells.
- + Very solid DPS that you can scale to insane number with some investment.
- + Can do all game content without requiring a stellar budget
- + Highly enjoyable gameplay. Flicker strike targets stuff for you, just hold your key down to the end of the map!
- + Strong enough to disrespect most game mechanics, through sheer tankiness and built-in corpse destruction. Will facetank bosses, metamorphs, and survive jumps in packs of 30 porcupines in 4 damage mods maps.
- + Built-in mini Headhunter effect
+ Completely off-meta in 3.10 - can benefit from lower prices at leaguestart.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Must like Flicker Strike playstyle and tolerate its inconveniences (hectic movement, potential sync issues, the occasional "random death" due to flickering back into a death zone). First thing you should do before rolling this character is to check if gameplay suits you : try it out with a 4L on low lvl mobs (acts).
- - Weak against degen zones and effects which ignore your evasion ( poison pools, burning ground, sirus quad-beam...). You will have to manually avoid those.
- - For the reasons above, it's not the best boss killer ever - Flicker makes it hard to dodge shit. The hardest fights in the game (Sirus, Uber Elder..) will require a gem swap to Cyclone. That said, you'll still be able to facetank and destroy within seconds map bosses, conquerors and guardians without any gem swap, so it's not that bad.
- - The single target DPS needs a bit of gear to really ramp up. With only the starter gear, you'll need 20-30sec to kill T16 map bosses. With the 20ex gear, most will go down in less than 10sec.
Skill Tree
Ascendancy: Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter -> Rapid Assault -> Avatar of the Chase
Pantheon: Lunaris/Garukhan synergize well with the build for mapping. Nothing wrong to swap it for other options though, it's only minor buffs.
Bandit: Alira is the best choice for leveling and on starter gear. Once your have access to better items and no longer have resists issues, 2 passives points (kill All) will net slightly better results - use the vendor recipe to swap your choices.
Passive Tree & PoB
Path of Building Link
Low Budget, lvl 90 POB : https://pastebin.com/PK7gG86F - 5400 HP, 1.8M regular boss DPS.
Mid budget, lvl 95 POB : https://pastebin.com/ngkWYsrR - 5900HP, 4M shaper DPS
High budget, lvl 98 POB : https://pastebin.com/xx2GAfBF - 6100HP, 13M shaper DPS
(DPS number against bosses include your totems)
Gems Setup
Main link:
Flicker Strike - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with attacks -
Close Combat - Combustion (or Fortify before your corrupted Oro's)
Alternative main link - Cyclone (Sirus, Uber Elder...)
Cyclone - Pulverise - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fire Penetration - Immolate - Close Combat OR Infused Channeling (Ideal, but requires recoloring)
Totems for bossing:
Ancestrall Protector - (Vaal) Ancestral Warchief - Multiple totems - Combustion - Elemental Damage with attacks - Ruthless (6th L)
Defensive aura, Warcry & Mobility
Flesh&Stone (Sand Stance) | Enduring Cry | Dash - Second Wind
Depending of your preference, using Leap Slam + Faster attacks instead of Dash is completely fine as well. Linking Blood Magic to your Leap Slam allows you to have an easy way to leech some mana back in no-regen / Baran's runes maps.
Offensive auras:
Anger | Flammability - Blasphemy | Precision (lvl <5)
CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration | Vaal Grace
If you want 1 spare gem for your Portal or linking Blood Magic to Leap Slam, ditch Precision, it's only 3-4% DPS and you can do without.
Gear Setup
Gearing-up - Getting started (Lvl 67 - 2Ex budget)
Suggested lvl 70 tree: www.poeurl.com/cTEz
What to buy/do:
- • your Oro's Sacrifice(5c). Choose one with >800 elemental DPS.
- • A corrupted 6Linked-chest featuring some life and resists (80+ life, 50resist is fine - 30c)
- • 2-10c gear on all the other slots, should have T1/T2 life and cap your resists, and give you the Strenght (155 for totems) and Intelligence (114 for Blasphemy) you need. DEX bases are ideal, but we will use mostly red sockets - so STR/DEX are a good choice to avoid painful offcoloring.
- • Jewel up, link and color appropriately your stuff to set up your gems properly
- • Totems links are unimportant at this stage, but don't skip them - they are key for single target DPS on starter gear. Just get a Jeweller's touch to 5L your totem setup, it's more than enough at this stage.
- • Set up your flasks
- • Run merciless and eternal lab. Wait to have 4200-4500HP for the latter.
- • Save up for your Impresence. It will only be 10c or less after a few weeks, but might get to 2ex+ in the first days of a new league. Be sure to take the fire version, and annoint it with Essence Sap to quickly fix mana issues.
Useful budget uniques : Tabula Rasa; Belly of the Beast; Starkonja's Head; Worldcarver. Consider one of these only if you can fix your resists/INT/STR on your other slots.
What to expect:
Should be enough to progress your atlas to red-tier maps at a fast pace. T16s on a Tabula are manageable with some levels, but require attention to map mods and are a bit rippy.
Gearing-up – Getting to endgame (Lvl 80-90 – 5Ex budget)
Suggested lvl 80 tree: www.poeurl.com/cTEE
What to buy/do:
- • Progress your atlas and level up. The build scales very well with each extra levels. Don't engage in too rippy content yet for this reason.
- • Get Hunter's gloves with “Strike skills target 1 additional enemy nearby” (1Ex – +60% DPS against packs). You can unspec the 4 passives leading to Tribal Fury once you get it.
- • Get your 2 main cluster jewels. Important notables are Feed the Fury and Fuel the Fight for the large one (8passives, 2 sockets), Master of Fire + Cremator + Jewel socket for the medium one (4 or 5 passives).
- • Get enough resists to change from Alira to 2 passive points.
- • Get a collection of %increased max life, crit multi and increased damage jewels (50c each)
- • Get additional Accuracy on rings/gloves – Ideally 400ish. Check your hit chance is still 100%.
- • Get a Watcher's eye with 14-15% Fire Damage Pen while affected by Anger (1Ex - +12% DPS)
- • If 6linked Oro's happen to be cheap (50c-ish), get one at this stage in order to improve your chest piece. This was the case in Metamorph and Delirium leagues.
What to expect:
Should be enough to handle T16s quite comfortably and start generate currency at a very reasonable pace
Gearing-up – Scale that up! (Lvl 90-95 – 20Ex Budget)
Suggested lvl 95 tree: www.poeurl.com/cTEq (Add 11 points for your large & medium cluster Jewel)
What to buy/do:
• Save up for a corrupted Oro's Sacrifice with the Fortify Corruption, and get a crafter to 6L it (5-6Ex, +20% DPS AND +20% survability, huuuge upgrade!)
• Get an Elder STR or STR/DEX chest piece with flat crit chance and %life recovered on kill (5-10Ex, +15%DPS). 6Link is not a priority yet.
• Purchase lvl 21/20 gems and Awakened Melee Splash / Ele damage with attacks (70c-100c each)
• Purchase a Warlord's helmet with 9% Fire Pen (1-2Ex, +7% DPS)
• Look up for opportunities to grab good cluster jewels. You want Feed the Fury and Fuel the fight on a large one with 2 jewels sockets, and Cremator + Cooked Alive on a medium one.
• Inspired learning (2-3Ex)- Comes at a very moderate opportunity cost as our build do not go out of his way to spec the required notables.
• Get Vermillion bases and fertile catalysts for your rings to boost those HP up
• Once you have good rings, craft the -10 to mana cost (prefix slot) on them and replace your Essence Sap annoint by Frenetic.
Assassin's Garb
3% increased Movement Speed
+118 to maximum Life
12% increased maximum Life
+43% to Lightning Resistance
Recover 6% of Life on Kill
Attacks have +1.41% to Critical Strike Chance
9% chance to Dodge Spell Hits
Fluted Bascinet
+46 to Intelligence
+49 to Evasion Rating
84% increased Armour and Evasion
+128 to maximum Life
Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
+33% to Lightning Resistance
What to expect
- • Strong enough for Simulacrum 20/20 or pushing deep delirium in T14+ maps for 5/3/1 or even 6/4/2 rewards. You will reach 4-5M DPS in clearing (including splash from gloves) and 4M on single targets (including totems), which will be enough to cut through conquerors in seconds.
- • Enough for ilvl86 bases farming in juiced up T19 maps
- • The build is now mostly complete and can do pretty much all game content
Gearing-up – Sky is the limit! (Lvl 95+ - 100Ex+ budget)
What to buy/do:
- • A double "perfect" large cluster setup featuring 2x Surefooted Striker, Fuel the Fight, Feed the Fury, 2x other good notables and 4x jewels sockets is more efficient that any DPS option you'll find on the tree. Could be expensive in 3.11
- • Bottled Faith (15-25Ex, +25% DPS). Replaces your life flask, get a corrupted blood immunity jewel to keep up this bleed immunity.
- • A 2-stat Watcher's Eye (Fire Pen + Crit multi with Anger or Precision) (20-30Ex, +10%DPS)
- • +1Strike and +1Frenzy gloves from Awakener Orb crafting (20Ex - +10% DPS)
- • Awakened multistrike support(45Ex, +10% DPS)
- • Tailwind boots
- • 6L your chest for totems
- • A second 6L corrupted Oro's to switch to a 3,5M+ DPS Cyclone on weapon swap – because, why not?
- • %increased life, AS/incDmg and 2x crit multi jewels (8-10Ex each, +3-4% DPS each)
- • Headhunter, Tailwind + Elusive boots, Assassin's Mark ring + Extra Curse chest...
Examples of excellent endgame gear for this build :
Spiked Gloves
20% increased Melee Damage
+587 to Accuracy Rating
Regenerate 6.6 Life per second
+6 Mana gained on Kill
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
+70 to maximum Life
Slink Boots
Adds 45 to 68 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recently
+89 to maximum Life
+48% to Lightning Resistance
35% increased Movement Speed
8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits
9% chance to gain Elusive on Critical Strike
You have Tailwind if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently
Stygian Vise
Has 1 Abyssal Socket
+52 to Strength
+112 to maximum Life
12% increased maximum Life
+44% to Fire Resistance
+46% to Cold Resistance
42% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Watcher's Eye
4% increased maximum Energy Shield
6% increased maximum Life
4% increased maximum Mana
+39% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision
Damage Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance while affected by Anger
Rare Jewel
16% increased Fire Damage
+12% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+14% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
7% increased maximum Life
Choosing rares - stats to look for
This section will help you to choose between different rares once you start to min/max your character with expensive pieces.
The values below are indicative only and will change for your own character, so when in doubt, refer to your own POB !
Defensive stats
+500 Evasion: +4% evade chance - huge boost, but caps a 95% evade chance. You'll need approx 2200 evasion rating on gear to reach the cap
+500 Armour: +1% Phys reduction, almost useless
+20 Life (on gear): +60 Total HP
+5% Increased Max Life = +100 Total HP
Offensive stats
+10% Global Accuracy Rating: +3,9% DPS (if not yet at 100% hit chance)
+100 Accuracy: +1,8% DPS (if not yet at 100% hit chance)
The 100% hit chance cap will be achieved with roughly +700-750 Accuracy on your gear if you stick to the suggested tree.
+10% critical strike multiplier: +2% DPS
+5% Fire Penetration: +4% DPS
+10% increased damage (Fire, Elemental, Melee, with Swords, with 2H...): +1,4% DPS
+10% critical strike chance: +0,9% DPS
+5% Attack Speed: +1.5% DPS (beware of mana issues!)
Best helmet enchant is 9% Flicker Strike damage/frenzy, which will net you 63% increased damage on 7 frenzies. 40% increased damage is good value as well.
Several boot enchants are very nice for the build, so I'd suggest to use your divine fonts on them. Flat Fire damage or Attack speed if you killed recently are both good for mapping, Movespeed if not hit is always great, and extra Spell Dodge or 80% stun avoidance are very good if you like running super rippy delirious maps. Finally, extra Elemental Damage Penetration if you have not killed recently is excellent for bossing.
While nice, these enchants remain entirely optional. Don't waste time or money chasing them if you do not yet have a multi-ex item equipped in every slot.

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