This build useing CoC+Nova, plus Frostbolt on Cospri's Malice, and other cool things like Arctic breath and Vortex, to create multiple casts of Ice Nova per trigger! As well as a good use of the 3.5 cold skills new mechanics!


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + Up to 2.5M SHAPER DPS
  • + Very fast clear speed
  • + Flexibility, some gear depend on youself and the few required uniques
  • + Interesting mechanism


  • - MUST HAVE is Lycosidae


Skill Tree 


The ascendancy can be very flexible, but if you choose Assassin, you can get crit chance, power charges and a decent start point from the passive tree.

-For instance, if you don't like Kaom's root and want to take advantage of Pandemonius' blind effect, you can choose Jugg.

-If you'd like more damage and some ailment immunity, take Inquisitor.(my personal choice)

-If you're using Cyclone instead of Blade Flurry, you might want to get the Champion node for fortify.

-Raider for infinite frenzy charges and onslaught, and even Slayer for the overleech.


Help Alira


The Pantheon List

Assuming you have all gods captured and unlocked:

Major gods

  • Soul of Lunaris: for general mapping, Elder/Uber Elder, Hydra, Chimera, Phoenix, etc.
  • Soul of Solaris: for Shaper, Minotaur, Purifier, Enslaver, Catarina, Phoenix, etc.
  • Soul of Arakaali: for Eradicator, Constrictor,etc.

Special Note: the recovery from Arakaali's minor god Arachnoxia is insane (especially when it's combined with the Acuity).

Minor gods

  • Soul of Gruthkul: for Minotaur (cyclone),general mapping,etc.
  • Soul of Tukohama: for Minotaur (Blade Flurry), general mapping,etc.
  • Soul of Yugul: for Elder/Uber Elder, Hydra,etc.
  • Soul of Ralakesh: for general mapping (to reduce the dot from Blood Rage)
  • Soul of Shakari: for any encounter that involves chaos dot and poison.
  • Soul of Abberath: for Enslaver, Phoenix,etc.
  • Soul of Garukhan: for general mapping.

Passive Tree


Gems & Gear Setup


3L Cospri 

weapon 1: Cospri's Malice, Jewelled Foil

Frostbolt - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Ice Nova 


weapon 2: Lycosidae, Rawhide Tower Shield

Frost Bomb - Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call 

3L + 1 Charge + Totem

Helmet: Starkonja's Head, Silken Hood

Ancestral Protector - Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks 


Body Armour: Carcass Jack, Varnished Coat

Blade Flurry  - Increased Critical Strikes  - Cast On Critical Strike  - Concentrated Effect  - Ice Nova  - Hypothermia 

2L + 1 Vortex + BR 

Gloves: Command of the Pit

Blood Rage - Vortex - Bonechill 

Other Items

  • Boots: Kaom's Roots, Titan Greaves
  • Belt: Spirit Leash
  • Amulet: The Pandemonius, Jade Amulet
  • Ring 1: Wrath Hold, Paua Ring
  • Ring 2: Wrath Finger, Opal Ring


Kaom's Root is not mandatory for this build (if you're using Cyclone, you don't need it at all!). you can get Duskblight or rare boots, even Atziri's step and Garukhan can do just fine.

Let me explain a bit the mechanics:

First we got the 6-Linked Carcass Jack (which received a decent buff with the AoE), a typical BF-CoC-IceNova setup. We're using Increased Crit. Chance for more procs, and Hypothermia instead of Elemental Focus because we need the defensives from Chill and Freeze.

The next will be the 3L Cospri:GMP-Frostbolt-Ice Nova

And on another item, Vortex-Bonechill

Here's how it works:

Frostbolt will let Ice Nova cast again, up to 2 frostbolt duplicating per Ice Nova. which basically means the Ice Nova will double its damage if there's enough frostbolt in front of you!

Cospri's Ice Nova can also proc on frostbolts as well!

Vortex can provide multiple benefits including end-game encounters, you can easily cast it since its an Instant skill! (where you cannot apply chill that easy).

Vortex provides Chill Ground, which is counted as a fixed Chill effect against any enemy(including Shaper/Elder).

And this helps with the Pandemonius (20% cold pen. against chilled enemy) and the Hypothermia support (more damage aganst chilled enemies).

Annd, when you cast Vortex while there are up to 4 Frostbolts out there, it will cast Vortex on the Frostbolts again! thus, a huge area coverage.

Annnd, with the new support Bonechill, it gives you even more damage!

As for other gems like Blood Rage and Ancestral Protector, they can give you more attack speed (more procs), and frost bomb gives you more cold damage (and a not that reliable culling strike, since only the explosion of Frost Bomb counts as a hit). However, these are flexible.

Flasks and Jewels

  • The Wise Oak, Bismuth Flask
  • Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Heat
  • Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Warding
  • Ample Hallowed Hybrid Flask of Staunching
  • Atziri's Promise, Amethyst Flask 

Nothing special for the flasks.

As for the jewels, all you need is a Pure Talent and a Clear Mind.

You can also have up to two Might of the Meek if you can afford them. (And if you have even more currency, get Unnatural Instinct)

For the rare jewels just look for Life, Crit Mult, % cold damage (and other % damage), Maximum Mana, attack speed, etc. 



How do I start the league with literally NO PoE CURRENCY to buy these bad bois?

It's simple, before you can get those items, the only MUST HAVE is Lycosidae, you can have anything on other parts, self-cast Vortex+Bonechill (its instant cast !), put Ice Nova AND Frostbolt into your 5-linked CoC setup, buy a Mortem Morsu (a claw that'll probably cost you 1 chaos) and an Ungil's Harmony, and you're good to go!


Expectations & POB

The actual highest shaper DPS can reach 2.5M+ now !!

POB link:

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  • Download Path of Building (link:
  • Copy pastebin URL.
  • Launch path of building.
  • Click on Import/Export.
  • Click Import from Pastebin
  • Paste the URL copied in step 2.
  • Done!