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[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Mauarder Impale Cyclone Berserker Starter Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jun/09/20 06:18:49 Views: 12037

PoE 3.11 Duelist Mauarder Impale Cyclone Berserker Insane DPS Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

This PoE 3.11 Mauarder Impale Cyclone build can be a nice league starter, as it require very little investment to get going, but also require very high budget to min-max. But do not worry, as you can kill shaper and elder (and their guardians) with minimum investment.

[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Mauarder Impale Cyclone Berserker Starter Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)


Quick Jump

Pros & Cons

  • + Can be a leaguestarter
  • + Very cheap to get going
  • + Can easily handle most map mods except for no leech, reduced recovery and physical reflect.
  • + Good mapper
  • + Good boss killer
  • + Can do most endgame content
  • + No gemswap or gearswap. what you wear is what you play
  • + Great leech
  • - Cannot do no leech and physical reflect map mods.
  • - On high tier maps, reduced recovery map mods can be deadly.
  • - Kaom's Heart is not an option since the build uses every socket.
  • - Vaal Pact (some might consider it a negative)


Skill Tree

Ascendancy: Aspect of the Carnage -> Flawless Savagery -> Crave the Slaughter -> Rite of Ruin (or Blitz)


Major God = Soul of Lunaris.

Minor God = Soul of Ralakesh. This will help us with Blood Rage and Bleedings, and when upgraded also give us immunity to Main (30% Reduced Movement Speed) and Blind (50% Less Chance to Hit)

For Minor God, you can also choose Soul of Gruthkul.

Don't forget to fully upgrade them.

Bandit: Help Alira

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link:

normal: https://pastebin.com/f08CSzni

max: https://pastebin.com/NuhsbpTV


Gems Setup

Having a 6-link is very important DPS-wise. so until you can buy a 6-linked Terminus Est, you should use Tabula Rasa. If you really need to switch Tabula, get The Jeweller's Touch Prophecy for a 5-link.

Skillgem links:

Cyclone => Impale => Pulverise => Fortify => Infused Channeling => Brutality

Leap Slam => Faster Attacks => Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (not required)

Precision lvl.1

Cast When Damge Taken lvl.12 => Immortal Call lvl.14 20%

Pride => Dread Banner => Blood and Sand => Flesh and Stone

Ancestral Protector => Ancestral Warchief => Multiple Totems => Summon Ice Golem

Blood Rage (Extra DPS but active degen. I personally don't use it) => Berserk

You'll notice we have 2 extra sockets. We do not require them right now, but we will require them in the Min-Maxed build.


Gear Setup


Terminus Est
+360 to Accuracy Rating
258% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
74% increased Critical Strike Chance
+10 Mana gained on Kill
10% increased Movement Speed
Gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike

Weapon of choice is Terminus Est, it is very cheap and will benefit the build in multiple ways. Starforge can also be used, but will costs much more. Personally I prefer using Terminus Est. 

Min-Max: Require a Vaal Implict on our weapon: "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify", This will Increase our Cyclone mana cost.


You can use rare armour for every slot, however I prefer the AOE and damage increase from Carcass Jack, and also I love DPS so I play with Abyssus.

BUT you do not have to use them! you can use rares as well, However if you decide to use rare helmet and/or chest, your AOE and mostly DPS will drastically decrease, so keep that in mind.


+41% to Fire Resistance
+45% to Cold Resistance
+45% to Lightning Resistance
30% increased Movement Speed
6% chance to Dodge Attack Hits
+69 to maximum Life

Glove (Sample)

+39% to Fire Resistance
+33% to Cold Resistance
+29% to Lightning Resistance
+68 to maximum Life

Your goal is to cap your Elemental Resistances with your rare gear, and also have a T1 or T2 life roll. Some more chaos resistance and armor can also be nice but is not required.(Ignore the socketed gems)



+41 to maximum Mana
Regenerate 4.2 Mana per second
-8 to Total Mana Cost of Skills
8% of Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit

Rare Ring

+16% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Grants Level 22 Herald of Ice Skill
Adds 1 to 15 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+36% to Cold Resistance
Curse Enemies with Level 8 Assassin's Mark on Hit
+53 to maximum Life

Stygian Vise

Has 1 Abyssal Socket
+87 to maximum Life
+43 to maximum Mana
+55% to Fire Resistance
+55% to Cold Resistance
+42% to Lightning Resistance


+28 to Strength and Dexterity
+46 to Intelligence
Adds 4 to 9 Physical Damage to Attacks
+32% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
8% increased maximum Energy Shield
+85 to maximum Life
+36 to Dexterity

Murderous Eye Jewel
+12% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+26 to maximum Life
Adds 8 to 16 Cold Damage to Sword Attacks

The build uses 1 Unique accessory, Praxis Paua Ring. It must have -8 to total mana cost of skills.

For the other ring, It needs to have a Shaper base and have the following mods: "Curse Enemies with Level 8/12 Assassin's Mark on Hit" and "+# to Maximum Life".

Your belt should be a Stygian Vise and grant as much resistances and life as possible. For the abyssal jewel modifiers, look for "+# to Maximum Life" and "+9-12% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier".

The build's amulet require at least 26 Intelligence (Does not matter how you obtain it) and look for the following modifiers: "+# to Maximum Life", "+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier", "Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks"

Annoint your amulet with 1 Black oil + 2 Silver oils to allocate: "Discipline and Training".


The build has 3 jewel slots. 1 is a rare, and 2 uniques (until you get the 2 uniques you can use 2 rares instead)

Look for these 2 stats on your rare jewel: "#% increased maximum Life" "#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier"

The 2 Unique jewels we are using are Transcendent Flesh Crimson Jewel, and Watcher's Eye Prismatic Jewel. Look for any cheap mod that buffs you. (Through Pride or Precision)


Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky (Diamond Flask)

Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask effect
Removes Freeze and Chill on use

Immunity to Bleeding during Flask effect
Removes Bleeding on use

It does not matter on which flask you get Freeze Immunity and Bleed Immunity, but you must have them both

Other Flask

Lion's Roar

+3000 to Armour

Requires Level 27
Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect
Knocks Back Enemies in an Area when you use a Flask
75% chance to cause Enemies to Flee on use
25% more Melee Physical Damage during effect

Cinderswallow Urn


Requires Level 48
Recharges 1 Charge when you Consume an Ignited corpse
Enemies Ignited by you during Flask Effect take 10% increased Damage
Recover 3% of Life when you Kill an Enemy during Flask Effect
Recover 2% of Mana when you Kill an Enemy during Flask Effect
Recover 3% of Energy Shield when you Kill an Enemy during Flask Effect
76% increased Critical Strike Chance during Flask Effect imp Veiled Mod


Min-Maxed Gear


We now require a Vaal Implict on our weapon: "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify", This will Increase our Cyclone mana cost. Linking it will take a few exalts for buying Fusings & Vaal orbs.


We are now switching our rare gloves to Shaper's Touch with the Vaal Implict: "+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges" for much needed Accuracy Rating, and some Increased Melee Physical Damage.

For the Helmet(Abyssus), you have 2 options.

1. Get Vaal Implict: "Socketed Skill Gems Get A 90% Mana Multiplier" to reduce our reserved mana, and use the extra mana to allow a higher level Precision gem. The reason is that we can save 6 points on our tree (5 below the +1 maximum frenzy charge, and 1 that is the +30 dexterity node) and use them for Maximum Life instead of more accuracy.

2. Get the Enchantment: "Berserk has 30% Increased Buff Effect"

I recommand using the second option if possible.

This is how we cap our Elemental Resistances:

  • + 15% From Bandits
  • + 9-12% From Carcass Jack
  • + 55-58% From Stygian Vise
  • + 40-48% From Boots (Dont forget to also get atleast 30% movement speed)
  • + 13-16% From Skill Tree

If you still need some more (For example, I needed atleast +8% Lightning resistance to cap because of my current gear) Get it on your rare jewel.


Empyrean Hold Steel Ring
Adds 4 to 16 Physical Damage to Attacks

Adds 7 to 16 Physical Damage to Attacks
8% increased Attack Speed
+21% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Curse Enemies with Level 12 Assassin's Mark on Hit
Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost

We are also switching our rare ring for Full DPS ring. We also Require 1 open prefix on the ring or amulet to craft -3 to mana cost of channeling skills. 

Stack as much Dexterity on your amulet as possible. Buy a new one if needed. Make sure your base amulet is "Turquoise Amulet" or you will have to take the +30 Intelligence node on the Skill Tree.


Watcher's Eye

6% increased maximum Energy Shield
6% increased maximum Life
6% increased maximum Mana
8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Elements
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride
Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace

Behemoth Vessel Cobalt Jewel

3% increased Cast Speed while Dual Wielding
7% increased maximum Life
+12% to Lightning Resistance
10% increased Area Damage

At this point we need to switch both our Rare and Watcher's Eye jewels to better versions, and get double Critical Strike Multiplier mods on our Rare jewel unless you require an Elemental Resistance mod ("#% increased maximum Life" "#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Two Handed Melee Weapons" + "#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier" / "#% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier"

For Transendent Flesh Crimson Jewel, if you can get the vaal implict "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" you can replace your life flask with Cinderswallow Urn Silver Flask and have Freeze Immunity on your Diamond Flask.

We are also switching whatever Watcher's Eye jewel you have. We are looking for this specific mod: "Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride".


Add Bottled Faith if you have budget


We are changing 2 gems on our main skill and adding 2 more gems to the empty sockets.

Skillgem links:

Cyclone => Impale => Pulverise => Awakened Melee Physical Damage => Infused Channeling => Awakened Brutality

Leap Slam => Faster Attacks => Endurance Charge on Melee Stun

Precision lvl.1

Cast When Damge Taken lvl.12 => Immortal Call lvl.14 20%

Pride => Dread Banner => Blood and Sand => Flesh and Stone

Ancestral Protector => Ancestral Warchief => Multiple Totems => Summon Ice Golem

Blood Rage (Extra DPS but active degen. I personally don't use it) => Berserk

Cast When Damage Taken lvl.21 => Berserk lvl.21


Levelng Guide (Gem Progression)

In this section I will explain how you should level as if you have no gear (League starting)

If you have leveling gear, you can play differently if you already have a plan. I will include the gem progression step by step * = Ignore if not using Impale from level 31

0. Grab from a vendor 2-Handed Axe or Dual Wield two 1-Handed Axes (replace every 10 levels or so, use essences if you come across them for a free upgrade to rare or use vendor recipe for +40-69% Increased Physical Damage (Local) if you do not have it on your weapon).

1. Get the following gem links: Ground Slam + Onslaught Support (+ Ruthless / Added Fire Damage if 3 linked)

2. Get the following gems: Ancestral Protector (lvl.4), War Banner (lvl.4), Precision (lvl.10) (keep Precision at level 1)

3. Get the following herald gems: Herald of Purity (lvl.16), Herald of Ash (lvl.16).

4. Get the following gem links: Sunder (lvl.12) + Faster Attacks (lvl.18) + Melee Physical Damage (lvl.18)

*5. Replace War banner to Dread Banner (level 31)

6. Get the following gem links: Sunder + Faster Attacks + Melee Physical Damage + Impale (lvl.31) or Added Fire Damage

7. Get the following gem: Summon Ice Golem (lvl.34)

8. Get the following gem links: Sunder + Faster Attacks + Melee Physical Damage + Impale or Multistrike (lvl.38)

8.5 If you have / can get 3 linked red sockets, use both totems for even more DPS: Ancestral Protector => Ancestral Warchief => Multiple Totems Support

9. Use the current setup until you can buy a Terminus Est Tiger Sword (lvl.51).

10. Replace to main build and profit $$$ (can also use Flicker Strike with Blood Rage until after Blood Aqueducts, Setup: Flicker Strike => Melee Splash => Multistrike => Melee Physical Damage)

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