[PC,PS4,Xbox] PoE 3.7 Lightning Trap Shadow Saboteur Starter Build
Lightning Trap can trigger a series of lightning damage to enemies and subsequent targets. If you like to use traps to build your builds, if you want to achieve a pretty clear speed with a lower budget, then try this Lightning Trap Saboteur Build !
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About this build
+ Start game and End game Easy
+ Cheap to kill uber elder (<50c gear)
+ Fast to kill uber elder (< 2 minute)
+ Delve more than 1500 depth
+ Fast mapping(87%IIQ 280%IIR 1:20 map T15 Belfre or 2:30 T16 Burial Chambers)
+ Magic find(87%IIQ 280%IIR and easy to mapping)
+ Any map affix can be completed
+ High movement speed, Run lab(MF gear 230% UP, Fight gear 250% UP)
Skill Tree
Ascendancy Passive Skill
Normal: Perfect Crime
Bit of extra damage and a chance for traps to trigger twice (DOUBLE DAMAGE)
Cruel: Chain Reaction
One of our main engines, this makes it so when a trap pops, all the nearby traps also trigger. EXPLOSIONSSSS
Merciless: Pyromaniac
Immunity to Shock/Ignite, but also up to 20% REGEN FROM THROWING TRAPS?? LOL THAT'S MORE THAN RF BUILDS GET
Uber: Born in the Shadows
We get to blind everything around us! Huge defensive boost, alongside some damage.
Soul of the Brine King
This helps us avoid being stunlocked (that's never fun) and if you get the Divine Vessels done, some Freeze/chill resistance.
Soul of Ryslatha
This allows us to passively gain Life Flask charges if we haven't used one. Great for running Uber Lab or any long boss fights without adds. With Divine Vessel, we get a huge buff to life recovery from flasks while on low life. Great for those random "oh god please don't die" moments.
Skill points or Alira
Passive Tree
PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/WS6MuVgT
I take Eldritch Battery in order to unlock our infinite mana combo with Tinkerskin. Since EB allows us to spend Energy Shield instead of mana, we can reserve 100% of our mana and be totally fine. Tinkerskin returns 50 mana per trap triggered by an enemy, so 200-250 mana back per throw. My traps only cost about 60 mana to toss out 4. Easy tossing, no mana potion required!
Phase Acrobatics goes hand in hand with our Born in Shadows ascendancy node. We blind all enemies in an AOE around us, kind of like Blasphemy linked to Enfeeble would. Great defensive buff against attacks AND spells.
Eldritch Battery
Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill CostsEnergy Shield protects Mana instead of Life
50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Eldritch Battery
30% Chance to Dodge Spell Hits
Eldritch Battery
Cannot be Blinded25% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit
10% reduced Damage taken from Blinded Enemies
Nearby Enemies are Blinded
30% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
Gems Setup
6 Link Lightning Trap
Lightning Trap, Cluster Trap, Trap and Mine Damage, Controlled Destruction, Pierce, Lightning Penetration
(controlled destruction doesn't mean you can't crit. if you use ele focus you can't shock/shatter. do not.)
For single target situations (like Uber Elder), you can swap in Slower Projectiles instead of Pierce.
If you want to use Arc, just take out Lightning Trap/Pierce and put in Arc/Trap Support.
4 Link Lightning Spire Trap
Lightning Spire Trap, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, Lightning Penetration
3-5 Link Movement Skill
Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, Fortify, Culling Strike, Blood Magic
4 Link CWDT
Cast when Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Enfeeble, Summon Lightning Golem
Keep an eye on the level of your CWDT. I prefer mine to go off when I take about 40% of my maximum life in damage. So if you had 6k life, set it to a level where it requires about 2k damage to proc. Level the other gems accordingly so they cast automatically.
Aura Setups
Wrath, Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder
Support Skills
Bear Trap, Increased Duration, Portal
Alternate Defensive Setups
If you're feeling a bit squishy, swap out Herald of Ice/Herald of Thunder for an Enfeeble, Blasphemy setup. It will drop enemies damage in an area around you for added safety.
For a more detailed selection of gear, please refer to the PoB Link. The gear selected in the PoB is not mandatory if it is not stated. It is recommended that the player check the affix of the gear and make a better choice.
Gloves: Commandment of Winter/Spite/Reflection
I prefer Winter, it's a Cold damage version of Ball Lightning. Crits and freezes anything that touches me. Spite will launch your weapon in 10 directions and leave chilled ground, nice little defensive buff. Reflection will spawn a clone of yourself that runs around and punches things, great distraction but if enemies have Chain can get you killed sometimes.
Helm: Lightning Trap Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance
Huge damage boost for us. If you're using any other skill, pick the best enchant for that. Arc +2 Chains, for example.
Boots: Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances If You Haven't Killed Recently OR Adds 1-160 Lightning Damage If You Haven't Killed Recently
This is up to you, I go for Pen. Since our traps do all the killing, we don't have to worry about dropping this bonus ever.
Word of advice: Get whatever resist/stats you are lacking first. These are just a guideline. Prioritize LIFE ROLLS.
Normal Jewel Stat Priority
- Life
- Critical Multiplier with Lightning Skills/Crit Multi With Spells/Crit Multi With Elemental Skills
- Global Crit Multi
- Spell Damage/Spell Damage While Holding a Shield/Projectile Damage/Trap Damage
- Trap Throwing Speed
- Lightning Damage
- Stats/resistances ONLY if you need
Pick Shadow, stab Hillock, get to town, acquire Explosive Trap. Link it to whatever you want. Once you get "The Siren's Cadence" quest you'll get Lightning Trap. Use that until you're level 100!
Suggested Twinked Leveling Items
Axiom Perpetuum, Crest of Perandus, Tabula Rasa, 2 minus mana cost Elreon Rings (or Incursion mana/mana cost rings), Karui Ward, Wanderlust, Doedre's Tenure, Goldrim, String of Servitude (with 46+ All Resistances), and some Quicksilver Flasks! Just make sure to upgrade your life and mana pots as you can and it should be a breeze.
If you're leveling SSF or in a new league, just look for rares that have decent Life + Resistances. Get attributes as you need, but try to make sure you have fairly high elemental resistances. Ideally, you'd have 75/75/75% ele res by the time you hit Act 7 and maintain that into maps.
Make sure you left click your skills and turn on "Always Attack/Cast without Moving" so you don't stutter step forward to throw traps/Shield Charge/etc. Feels a lot better with it on.
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