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PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Guide: Encounter Mods Choice

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Apr/21/21 08:58:03 Views: 6757

PoE 3.14 Ultimatum trial event will have random mods for players to choose. Some mods are very deadly. Here is the PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Encounter mods guide to help you deal with these mods correctly.

PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Guide: Encounter Mods Choice


Color: If you have an endgame build and are careful enough, these mods are safe in most cases

Color: If you choose these mods, please read the description and deal with it carefully

Color: These mods are very fatal for certain builds. Like "Less Cooldown recovery" for CoC builds, "Lightning Damage from Mana Costs" for mana builds. If your build happens to be affected by this, please avoid these mods as much as possible.

Color: These mods are extremely deadly to most builds, please avoid them as much as possible


PoE Ultimatum Guide Choking MiasmaChoking Miasma

A cloud that deals Chaos Damage over Time will follow you

PoE Ultimatum Guide Choking MiasmaChoking Miasma II

A large cloud that deals Chaos Damage over Time will follow you

PoE Ultimatum Guide Choking MiasmaChoking Miasma III

A large and fast cloud that deals Chaos Damage over Time will follow you

PoE Ultimatum Guide Stormcaller RunesStormcaller Runes

Runes will appear that will call deadly Lightning storms if you remain in them

PoE Ultimatum Guide Stormcaller RunesStormcaller Runes II

Large runes will appear that will call deadly Lightning storms if you remain in them

PoE Ultimatum Guide Stormcaller RunesStormcaller Runes III

Many large runes will appear that will call deadly Lightning storms if you remain in them

PoE Ultimatum Guide Flame throwerFlamethrower Raging Dead

Skulls will appear that spit Fire if you remain near them

PoE Ultimatum Guide Flame throwerFlamethrower Raging Dead II

Many skulls will appear that spit Fire if you remain near them

PoE Ultimatum Guide Flame throwerFlamethrower Raging Dead III

Many skulls will appear that pursue you and spit Fire when near you

PoE Ultimatum Guide Frost InfectionBlistering Cold

Frozen pustules will periodically appear and explode when you approach

PoE Ultimatum Guide Frost InfectionBlistering Cold II

Many frozen pustules will periodically appear and rapidly explode when you approach

PoE Ultimatum Guide Frost InfectionBlistering Cold III

Many frozen pustules will periodically appear, chill you, and rapidly explode when you approach

PoE Ultimatum Guide Restless DeadRestless Ground

Patches of Unhallowed Ground will appear that Hinder players and cause slain Monsters to resurrect as Phantasm

PoE Ultimatum Guide Restless DeadRestless Ground II

Many patches of Unhallowed Ground will appear that Hinder players and cause slain Monsters to resurrect as Phantasms

PoE Ultimatum Guide Restless Dead RuinRestless Ground III

Many patches of Unhallowed Ground will appear that Hinder players and cause slain Monsters to resurrect as Ruin-inflicting Phantasms Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

If you don't know why you failed your encounter sometime just careful it's mod.

PoE Ultimatum Guide RevenantStalking Ruin

An invulnerable shade stalks you, inflicting Ruin with its Melee Attacks Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

PoE Ultimatum Guide RevenantStalking Ruin II

An invulnerable shade stalks you, gaining speed and inflicting Ruin with Melee Attacks and Spells Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

PoE Ultimatum Guide RevenantStalking Ruin III

An invulnerable shade stalks you, gaining further speed and inflicting Ruin with Melee Attacks and powerful Spells Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

If you don't know why you failed your encounter sometime just careful it's mod.

PoE Ultimatum Guide SawbladeRazor Dance

Blades will periodically appear and fly at you, applying Corrupted Blood on Hit

PoE Ultimatum Guide SawbladeRazor Dance II

Many blades will periodically appear and fly at you, applying Corrupted Blood on Hit

PoE Ultimatum Guide SawbladeRazor Dance III

Swarms of blades will periodically appear and fly at you, applying Corrupted Blood on Hit

PoE Ultimatum Guide Physical TotemTotem of Costly Might

An invulnerable Totem will appear that imbues both its allies and its enemies with Speed and powerful Physical Damage benefits, but causes enemies to take 10% of their maximum Life and Energy Shield as Physical Damage per second

PoE Ultimatum Guide Elemental TotemTotem of Costly Potency

An invulnerable Totem will appear that imbues both its allies and its enemies with Speed and powerful Elemental Damage benefits, but causes enemies to take 15% of their maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second

PoE Ultimatum Guide Encounter Daemon EffectThe Trialmaster

PoE Ultimatum Guide Cant LeaveAreaLimited Arena

The encounter area will be much smaller

PoE Ultimatum Guide Monster Applies RuinRuin

A Monster type will apply Ruin with its special ability Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

PoE Ultimatum Guide Monster Applies RuinRuin II

A Monster type will apply double Ruin with its special ability Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

PoE Ultimatum Guide Monster Applies RuinRuin III

Two Monster types will apply double Ruin with their special abilities Fail on reaching 7 Ruin

PoE Ultimatum Guide Reduced RecoveryReduced Recovery

30% Reduced Life, Mana, and Energy Shield Recovery Rate

PoE Ultimatum Guide Reduced RecoveryReduced Recovery II

60% Reduced Life, Mana, and Energy Shield Recovery Rate

PoE Ultimatum Guide Lessened ReachLessened Reach

Players have 50% less Area of Effect and Projectile Speed

PoE Ultimatum Guide Buffs Expire FasterBuffs Expire Faster

Buffs expire three times faster on players

PoE Ultimatum Guide Less Cooldown RecoveryLess Cooldown recovery

Cooldowns take five times longer to recharge

PoE Ultimatum Guide Escalating Damage TakenEscalating Damage Taken

For the remainder of the encounter, damage taken will slowly increase by 1% per second, up to 50%

PoE Ultimatum Guide Escalating Monster SpeedEscalating Monster Speed

All Monsters gain 2.5% increased attack, cast, and movement speed per second they are alive, up to 50%

PoE Ultimatum Guide Chaotic TouchBonus Chaos Damage

Monsters deal 30% of Physical Damage Added as Chaos Damage

PoE Ultimatum Guide Unlucky CritsUnlucky Criticals

Your Critical Strike Chance is Unlucky

PoE Ultimatum Guide Hindering FlasksHindering Flasks

Using a Flask Hinders you by 50% for 4 seconds

PoE Ultimatum Guide Limited FlasksLimited Flasks

Using a Flask removes any existing Flask effects

PoE Ultimatum Guide Curse Ailment ReflectionAilment and Curse Reflection

Curses and Non-damaging Ailments you apply are Reflected

PoE Ultimatum Guide Lightning Damage From ManaLightning Damage from Mana Costs

Take 50% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage

PoE Ultimatum Guide Lightning Damage From ManaLightning Damage from Mana Costs

Take 200% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage

PoE Ultimatum Guide Lightning Damage From ManaLightning Damage from Mana Costs

Take 1000% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage

PoE Ultimatum Guide Scattered ProjectilesRandom Projectiles

Your Projectiles fly in random directions Monsters fire additional Projectiles

PoE Ultimatum Guide Shared AurasTreacherous Auras

Your Auras that affect Allies also affect Enemies

PoE Ultimatum Guide Occasional ImpotenceOccasional Impotence

You and your Minions deal no damage for 2 seconds every 8 seconds

PoE Ultimatum Guide Siphoned ChargesSiphoned Charges

Lose a Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charge every second Monsters gain Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charges on hit

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