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PoE 3.15 Expedition Duelist League Starter Builds

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jul/19/21 04:04:08 Views: 10834

PoE 3.15 Expedition has brought 19 new Skill and Support Gems, massive balance changes, a flask system rework as well as new item types. Here is the latest PoE 3.15 Duelist League Starter | Endgame | Fast | Cheap Builds brought to you by PoECurrencyBuy. These Champion, Gladiator and Slayer popular builds are also leveling guides, you can check the pob link in detail.

PoE 3.15 Expedition Duelist League Starter Builds


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Duelist Champion 

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.15 Duelist Cyclone Champion Beginner Build

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.15 Duelist Ground Slam Champion League Starter Build


[Ultimatum] PoE 3.15 Duelist Cyclone Champion Beginner Build

  • + All content Viable
  • + Easy to Play, Spin to Win!
  • + Instant Life Leech feels super nice
  • + Strong single target even with a tighter budget
  • + League Starting Viable
  • + Handle deep Delirium Mobs well
  • + AFK Facetank 80% of the Game
  • + In depth Guide & SSF Viable
  • + Min-Max to destroy Content
  • + Slayer Version for Better Map Clear(Less Single Target DPS)
  • - Can not Facetank certain Bosses
  • - Medium Map Clear Speed
  • - Struggle in no Leech Maps
  • - Can not do Physical Reflect Maps
  • - Stat Requirements annoying to get
  • - Low damage during "Mob's cannot be Taunted" maps

Gems Setup

Vaal Cyclone isn't specifically needed. A Normal 20/20 Cyclone is perfect as well!

5 Link

Cyclone - Impale - Infused Channelling Support - Fortify Support - Brutality Support

6 Link  + Melee Physical Damage Support


Dread Banner, Blood and Sand, Precision

Keep Precision at Level 4. We will use it at level 4 later when we acquire more money and go for the Expensive Gem setup.

Auras #2

Flesh and Stone, Maim, Herald of Purity

Make sure Flesh and Stone-Maim is linked.

Movement Skills

Blood Magic - Faster Attacks - Whirling Blades

4-Link Totem for Extra Single Target DPS

Ancestral Warchief - Culling Strike - Melee Physical Damage - Brutality Support

Use Vaal Ancestral Warchief to help with Map Clearing. Specially useful for clearing inside the Delirium.

Cast When Damage Taken Setup

CWDT - Molten Shell


Blood Rage

You want to level Blood Rage to level 20 and 20% Quality. It doesn't show here yet but I will fix that when I can.


Path of Building Link 

Lv 12 - Lv 22 - Lv 32 - Lv 40 - Lv 45 - Lv 50 - Lv 54 - Lv 60 - Lv 64 - Lv 68 - Lv 68 +




[Ultimatum] PoE 3.15 Duelist Ground Slam Champion League Starter Build

  • + Leaguestart and scaling: Just pick up ground slam and go, big impales and fort+armour from our ascend makes levelling a breeze and jumping into maps easy as well.
  • + Stunning Durability: Ground Slam puts out some big stuns meaning enemies don't get to attack you, and what does get through has to penetrate several layers of defences.
  • + Low Stress: Few required items and light on skills to use, this is a very laid back build to play.
  • - Stat budget: The build uses a lot of uniques with low/zero resist, plus we cannot equip gloves or a shield. It's not terribly hard to pack enough on belt/rings but gets expensive if you want damage mods as well.
  • - Chaos/Degens: I personally just run near -60 and deal with it, but there is room for some in the build if you can afford it.



Intro: Easy to build melee character that's not afraid to tank some hits and does big damage. Running into packs and slamming them flat feels amazing, plus we can stun nearly anything with Vaal Ground Slam including awakener 8. Easy leaguestart and progression with big power coming from our ascend points. With balanced gear you should hit around ~5500hp and ~10mil DPS.

Path of Building: Leaguestart | Midrange | Endgame




Duelist Gladiator 

[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Bleed Earthquake Gladiator League Starter / Budget Friendly Build

[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Lacerate Gladiator Tank / Fast ClearSpeed / Easy Build


[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Bleed Earthquake Gladiator League Starter / Budget Friendly Build

If you looking for a Tanky build with high damage and budget-friendly, you've come to the right place.



Vaal Earthquake - Chance to Bleed - Fist of War - BrutalityAwakened Deadly AilmentsMelee Physical Damage(Swap melee phy to Less Duration have a better clear speed)

Path of Building Link


Had to Edit the pob to show the damage with the last hit for the exerted attack and the 100% more damage with Ailments with Fist of War
The edit information is at the weapon.

Standart SETUP

121M of bleed damage/ 22M BLEED DPS: https://pastebin.com/9a7ta8KQ

Budget version: https://pastebin.com/f3nk8zUi

Budget Version No-Cluster: https://pastebin.com/Lgqcqm0v



[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Lacerate Gladiator Tank / Fast ClearSpeed / Easy Build

  • + Fast Clearspeed (Crazy leap speed!)
  • + Super EZ to run (Even for first timers)
  • + Can do all content
  • + Cheap to get it up and running, not too expensive to meta
  • + Ranked Uber Lab runner (Check below for ladder scores*)
  • + Good league starter
  • + Fun to play (Packs explode all at once!)
  • + SSF Friendly
  • + Console Friendly
  • - Maven fight and some Maven arena boss combinations needs investment to do
  • - More oriented to fast clearspeed than bossing (With bossing getting much better at Meta Gear stats)
  • - Not recommended for Hardcore
  • - Can’t run Physical Reflect maps



Gems Setup

Lacerate - Melee Physical Damage - Brutality - Multistrike - Impale - Fortify

Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Melee Physical Damage - Brutality - Maim

Aura: Pride - Blood and Sand - Dread Banner - Arctic Armour

Blood Rage - Increased Duration - Enhance

Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vulnerability

Movement: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun


Path of Building Link

40 -> 50 -> 60 -> 76 -> 90 -> 94 -> 98


  • Until we get a Soul Taker, we need to use Life and Mana Leech node and respec it after we get it.
  • If in need of Intelligence or Dexterity, pick +30 to Intelligence or Dexterity nodes.
  • These passive trees are made for playing without a cluster jewel and Thread of Hope, mostly for levelling. When adding a Cluster Jewel or Thread of Hope, please refer to passive trees in Path of Building links of Required Gear or Meta Gear up above

Required Gear (lv92): https://pastebin.com/MZ8r1BqD (3.2m Shaper DPS, 6.0k life) 

Meta Gear (lv98): https://pastebin.com/s8bPfHCB (6.45m Shaper DPS[9.46m with Berserk enabled], 7.0k life)



Duelist Slayer

[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Gladiator Impale Cyclone Easy Build


[Expedition] PoE 3.15 Duelist Gladiator Impale Cyclone Easy Build

  • + This build can achieve stupid levels of damage.
  • + League start and SSF viable.
  • + No required items.
  • + Good clearspeed.
  • + Tackles end game easily on a low budget.
  • + Has lots of room for min/max.
  • - It's perfectly viable in SSF but struggles more than Champion/Gladiator with low access to gear.
  • - While our Cyclone area is very big, we are still playing Melee wich is dangerous at time.
  • - Meta build means some end game items can be expensive.
  • - Leap Slam is bugged in the current patch causing you to get stuck on objects easily.
  • - It's not a tank build so you have to dodge things yourself.

Gems Setup


The all purpose link for Cyclone will be Impale-> Brutality-> Fortify -> Infused Channeling -> Close Combat

Rage, Melee Phys, Pulverise

Close Combat is the flex slot and you can use either Rage, Melee Phys or Pulverise instead. Rage is the best for damage but has a nasty ramp up, Melee Phys is the most consistent, Pulverise is the worst for damage but gives more AoE and finally Close Combat almost rivals the DPS of Rage but with no ramp up, it does however only work that well if you are right on top of the enemy.

Awakened BrutalityAwakened Melee Phys

When you get the awakened gems, obviously swap Brutality for it's awakened version and swap Close Combat for awakened Melee Phys since it now also grants us Intimidate.


Vaal Ancestral WarchiefMaimImpaleBrutality

We only use the Vaal Warchief here. The totem does very high DPS on its own but it also buffs our damage by 32% wich is a huge buff to use on bosses.

Molten Shell

Vaal Molten Shell -> CWDT -> Summon Flame Golem

Vaal Molten Shell synergizes very well with our build because we naturally use a lot of armour gear, making the absorb much stronger. I like the CWDT because I forget to press the normal Molten Shell while mapping and Flame Golem is just something extra.

Leap Slam

Leap Slam -> Endurance Charge on Melee Stun -> Blood Magic -> Faster Attack

Either Leap Slam, Whirling Blades or even Dash. Blood magic is needed given we reserve almost all of our mana and we get 1 endurance charge per use when we hit an enemy with this.


Pride, Blood and Sand, Flesh and Stone, Dread BannerPrecisionEnlighten

These are the best auras you can get for a balanced setup.

You can swap back and forth between blood and sand stance as you want, just keep in mind that blood=DPS and sand=defense. Until you are comfortable with the build, just play in sand stance.

An Enlighten 3 is not necessary however it allows you to level up Precision past level 1 for additional accuracy and crit.

If you use Enlighten, link it with Pride, Flesh and Stone and either Dread Banner or Blood and Sand.


Blood Rage, Portal, Enduring Cry 

Blood Rage is very strong, both for mapping and bosses since it gives frenzy charges on kill, but more importantly attack speed. If you want you can rely on this to get your life leech cap and save a few points on the tree.

Portal is just because I'm lazy, if you have portal scrolls you can use blood magic here aswell so none of your skills cost mana.

Enduring Cry is completely optional, it's just a means for generating endurance charges for defense. I dont use this but its there as an option if you want more defense.  


Path of Building Link



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