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PoE 3.2 Witch Elementalist Build For Bestiary Standard And Hardcore League

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Apr/02/18 05:56:12 Views: 2892

Path of Exile Elementalists deal in all things elemental. They have access to conditional but powerful element damage bonuses, some granted periodically or with a skill requirement. They can also specialize in elemental ailments, Herald skills, and elemental golems. Some passive skills can be mixed and matched to accommodate multiple damage types, even physical and chaos. In this Post, PoeCurrencyBuy Will share PoE 3.2 Witch Elementalist Build For Bestiary Standard And Hardcore League

PoE 3.2 Witch Elementalist Build For Bestiary Standard And Hardcore League

NO.1 [PoE 3.2 Bestiary Standard Build] Poet's pen Volatile dead/Body swap Witch Elementalist build

This build is a Poet's pen Volatile dead/Body swap build. There's nothing new, and you can find the mechanic pretty easy with google. This guide is just to give you more information on how to min-maxing the build on an Elementalist character.
Because poet's pen has internal cooldown = 250ms
An aspect of Spider is right, extra dmg output and slow enemy.
Bodyswap/Volatile combo deal was fewer DPS than just Volatile dead alone, because of the bodyswap's animation delay.

+ Easy to start
+ Good clearing speed
+ All content viable
+ Ele reflect Safe
+ 7k+ life

-Weak again physical damage, you can fix this by using Voll's devotion + IC, but's that's another matter.
-Tri res balance may hard and consume a lot of Poe currency; the new player shouldn't do it.

Gear Helm
Enchant - Volatile Dead destroys up to 1 additional Corpses -> grant you tons of DPS
Starkonja or a High HP resist. Last time Builder check Starkonja's Head was like 5ex, so This Build bought a rare at 1.5 Poe Exalted.

Gear Chest
Kaom's heart -> Very high base HP, nice %fire damage, since we don't need link this is the best
a Kaom's heart is cheaper than a 6L Belly, and it's endgame Armour for you

Gear Gloves
shadow and Dust: Cheap gloves, give you crit chance/multiplier and Clear speed with rampage
Oskarm: Free curse, got an extended life, spell dodge.
Fenumus' Weave: Life, attack speed, the aspect of spider and bonus, an excellent glove. The only reason why this Build don't use this is that Build don't want to lose Aspect of the spider while having rampage for map clear, so This Build craft Aspect of a spider on my ring and switching between Shadow and Oskarm

Video Link:
T15 Elder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6S8dgbZXhM
8-mod Hydra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk_keYj70tQ
UBER Elder Struggle with WoodenPC/internet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9azCfA8OHU&t=2s
Pob Link: https://pastebin.com/p8iwkNXD
Skill Tree: https://goo.gl/fM4r37
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2105455

NO.2 [PoE 3.2 Bestiary Hardcore Build] 300k hit and 100k+ ignite and millions of dmg from abusing Herald of Ash with adds Witch Elementalist build

You level with freeze pulse + fire trap until firestorm. Then you use firestorm until act 4 and switch to flame blast BUT use an initial hit massive scaling for it until later. So a 4L of Flmeblast - Faster Casting - Controlled Destruction - Fire Penetration! Make sure to have both Templar and Witch AOE clusters before going Flameblast and try to get some cast speed on gear.

Single Target early gets carried by first hit Flameblast, and later you will have like 300k hit, and 100k+ ignite and millions of dmg from abusing Herald of Ash with adds. It's excellent so far; bosses die faster than on most build, to be honest.

Auras, Curses, and Jewels:
Herald of Ash and Clarity - you can drop Clarity if you want more one-shot protection but you will have a lot less mana regen.
I prefer Enfeeble on CwdT setup. You can also use Elemental Weakness or Temporal Chains but would not recommend except softcore.
Try to get life on all Jewels! Mainly abyss jewels which are into mandatory section otherwise Life/Mana/Castspeed/Attackspeed/DMG jewels etc.

These three items in combination with the Elementalist global pro-life from "Beacon of Ruin" allows a completely new mechanic to exist. Stormfire gives you an incredible burn dmg buff, but the main purpose of it is that the explosion from "Inpulsa's Broken Heart" CAN NOW IGNITE and proliferate ANY ailment within range. This makes the pro-life travel with the explosion, which triggers more explosions on monster death. So basically everything in range of a burst or the pro-life AOE just gets annihilated! Not only shock to triggers explosions and ignite for the dmg but also chill proliferates all the way, which makes the 100% increased burning dmg taken from dyads work on everything.

Cheap Gear:
Esh's Mirror adds A LOT OF DAMAGE, it's not mandatory, but you want to have it in remaps. Try to cap your resists for Elemental Focus Support weak and DEX can be a problem to get enough for a high-level blood rage on gear...i had to take the 30 dex node on the tree as well for now. Otherwise, aim for high life & mana and mana regen on ring and amulet. Stygian Vise as belt ofc can be tricky to get a good one now. Also get two Onslaught Support on kill abyss jewels to make it consistent and get some leech boots, they add so much survivability!
Flasks are the usual ones; This Build uses these for now. You can take something else instead of Sulphur Flask, but if you want to use Wise oak, you have to give up on the granite of iron skin.

BiS Gear:
Horror Helmet for 30% more elemental dmg for HoA!
Insanity, Hysteria or Elder Faster Attacks Gloves for juicy Shield Charge!

The more dmg you have, the more relaxed you can kill and trigger the chain reaction with shield charge, this puts your character at a higher risk in hard maps but also can make the clear much faster!
I named the playstyle in harder maps "Tag & Trigger," "tag" the mobs with shield charge = you apply shock, chill and ignite with it. "Trigger" the chain reaction with a tap of the flame blast to kill one mob and annihilate pretty much everything that's close to each other.

Single target:
Keep up Orb of Storm for EE and try to hit the boss with a weak mob next to him to trigger HoA insane overkill damage! You can use a worm flask too.
If you hit it, right bosses can be one-shot! If you don't, they still die at a reasonable speed.
Ignite DPS at my current gear is about 150k in a right situation.
Initial Hit DPS is about 300k in a right situation.
HoA Burn DPS can be over 1mil DPS if you hit it right.

T15 Bog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydq7g-OMlLY
PoB link: https://pastebin.com/KP39A3QU
Skill Tree: https://goo.gl/qkEJFc
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2110987

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