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POE 3.4 Ranger Raider Cuastic Arrow Build - Cheap and Easy to Play

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Sep/22/18 04:46:40 Views: 2617

"No hunt is complete without the gutting and the skinning."

The Raider focuses on maintaining buffs, gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Phasing through kills. She can specialize in one of these buffs to enhance its effect, greatly boosting her speed and evasion. 

This build features easily acquirable 6000 life, very high evasion with up to 95% evade chance cap, 46/40% dodge/spell dodge. It's also immune to all ailments and can run absolutely any map mod. Any incoming damage can be easily solved with two instant life flasks healing you back to full life. Capable of clearing all content in the game. Everything with possiblity to use some magic find gear.



Pros & Cons


  • + Cheap starting cost, great league starter
  • + Very easy to play
  • + Tanky end game, over 6000 life and very high evasion + dodge
  • + Fast without flasks (over 80% ms, high AS)
  • + Flexible build, adjust how much you want to go MF / damage / tanky
  • + Can run literally any map mod, including "No regen"
  • + Capable of clearing all end game content
  • + 79% max res while mapping (Divination Distillate)
  • + Permanent flask uptime while mapping (except bosses)


  • - Mediocre single target damage
  • - Slightly expensive end game gear
  • - Weak against physical spells


Skill Tree



Avatar of Veil (Phasing) + Avatar of Slaughter/Chase (Frenzy/Onslaught)

Frenzy path is default. Reliable, standalone, easy to gear up. Always start a character with it.

Onslaught path is very strong end game option. Best used for pure mapping, but it still works great against end game bosses. Slightly more expensive, optional, lvl 90+ only. 


Help fine


Major God: Soul of Lunaris

Nuff said, straight up has the best synergy with the build. Others barely do anything except few specific cases.

Minor God: Soul of Shakari OR Ryslatha OR Garukhan

All three of them are pretty good, but my personal favorite is Shakari. Having full ailment immunity simply feels great. Use it only if you upgraded it.

Passive Tree

Skill Tree


Gem Setups

Main Skill


Caustic Arrow - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction - Vicious Projectiles - Concentrated Effect

6th Link

Damage on Full Life OR Empower lvl 3/4

Your primary damage setup. First 3 support gems have no real downsides and should always be included in the build. Conc Effect and Damage on Full Life have downsides, which one you prefer is up to you (i recommend first one). Empower has no downside but requires level 3 or 4 to be worth using. Costs a lot of money or time.

In case you feel that your damage good enough, you can use Greater Multiple Projectiles for clearing instead of Swift Affliction.

Wither Totem

Color: BBRR

Wither - Faster Casting - Spell Totem - Increased Duration

Free 90% more damage against bosses. Place the totem and let it do the work. It also slows their movement speed, so keep that in mind against some bosses.

Cursing Setup

Color: GGBB

Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Curse on Hit - Despair

Use it to curse tanky rares, bosses and whenever you need to refresh your frenzy charge duration.

CWDT Immortal Call

Color: RRR

Cast when Damage Taken lvl 3 - Immortal Call lvl 5 - Increased Duration lvl 20

Standard CWDT setup. Immortal Call is useful against random bleeding from bosses / lab traps. Not a mandatory setup, but very much recommended.


Grace / Vaal Grace

Grace gives huge amount of addtional evasion. Vaal Grace allows us to cap Dodge / Spell dodge, and is best used during abyss/breaches/harbingers etc. Vaal Grace can be linked with CWDT Immortal Call setup for longer aura duration, it will not trigger automatically but still benefit from Increased Duration.

Movement Skill

Blink Arrow

These are the only mandatory gems, and we still got 5 free gem slots. How you fill the rest of them is your choice. 




+3 CA Bow (self-crafting recommended, see crafting section)


Life and Resists, late game get one with increased AoE (Elder) or +1 arrow (Shaper)




Life and Resists, 40% CA dmg or 30% CA duration enchantment


Life and Resists or Atziri's Step unique, 8% chance to Dodge Spells enchantment.


Life and Resists, of Spite enchantment


2 Life flasks, 3 utility flasks recommended. Flexible, use what you want.
Get Dying Sun if you hate MF flask. Witchfire brew sucks in the long run.


Life and damage on all of them, very efficient if you have at least 3 good mods. Watcher's Eye unique with +5-8% to Evade is invaluable (BiS) once you get respe
to Onslaught path. 

Notes: Mana on Kill is bad, makes it impossible to use Divination Distillate. Aim to have ~160 strength and intelligence, so you can use lvl 20 gems. You wanna cap elemental weakness (113% with MF flask)



First and most important to remember - when searching for equipment, your priority on them is Life and Resistances. Links are equally as important, be sure to look out for correct socket colors. This applies to all acts.
Act 1-3 should be very easy in general. That's where you slowly shape up your main skill. Majority of the necessary gems are rewards from quests. The ones you can't, you can buy from a Nessa, Yeena and Siosa as you progress through the main story.
In act 4 it's important to have good resistances, especially fire resist. Outside of that, it should be a breeze. It's a good idea to enter Labyrinth after you find waypoint inside Crystal Veins. Should trivial at this point.
Act 5 is where things get little bit tougher. Monsters out there are quite dangerous and it's also recommended to have capped fire and lightning resitances. It's also a time where bleed removal life flask becomes necessary. I recommend to farm Chambers of Innocence until you reach level 45 and then face the Innocence himself. Next boss is Kitava, 1600 life is enough to tank all of his abilities.
Once you arrive in act 6, check your resistances. If they're below 60%, you should pick up Purity of Elements from Clarissa (act 3) - use it instead of Grace aura until you solve the resistance problem. It's recommended to have them capped before the final boss.
Act 7 is quite easy. Beware of ghosts inside the Crypt, they can hit quite hard.
Act 8 features Deodre, the hardest boss you encounter during levelling. It's relatively safe if you have 2500 life, but that might be hard to acquire. After that, the act is going to be trivial. It's good to have freeze removal flask for Lunaris area, in case you don't have it already. Kill the final boss of this act and proceed to Blood Acqueducts.



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