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[POE 3.6 Shadow] Best Synthesis Divine Ire Trickster Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Cheap, Good EHP, League Starter

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Mar/16/19 08:02:58 Views: 4102

Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages, damaging a number of nearby enemies when you do so. Release to unleash a powerful burst of energy in a beam in front of you. - Divine Ire

Divine Ire's beam has a fixed length and width, though area damage modifiers from all sources still apply. The range of the zap while channelling can be affected by area modifiers. In addition to the beam, a small bubble of area damage also expands from the player upon skill release; this bubble is affected by AoE increases and decreases as normal.

[POE 3.6 Shadow] Best Synthesis Divine Ire Trickster Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Cheap, Good EHP, League Starter


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + Good EHP
  • + Immune to stun if you have shrouds.
  • + A lot of attack and cast speed for smooth clearing.
  • + EB lets us reserve all our mana
  • + Big hits that will end up shocking big bosses
  • + Aesthetics of a new skill. 


  • - Can't do ele reflect
  • - Channeling forces you to stand still and be a punching bag sometimes


Skill Tree


Swift Killer -> Ghost Dance -> Escape artist -> Harness the void


Help Alira


  • For mapping: Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Shakari
  • For bosses: Soul of Solaris

Passive Skill Tree 

POE 3.6 Synthesis Shadow Divine Ire Trickster Passive Skill Tree



Gems Setup

Plenty of ways to level, Storm brand, explosive trap, freezing pulse are all good. You get Divine Ire at level 28 from Act3. You start using it right away. Take EB and MOM at same time once you have decent amount of ES.


Divine IreDivine Ire - Infused Channelling - Energy Leech - Phys to Lightning - Crit Strikes - Crit dmg/Inc AOE/Lightning pen (maps)- Conc (bosses)

Wave of Conviction - Curse on hit - Elemental weakness

Auras: There's a lot of options with the auras. You can run zealotry + discipline/some herald or give up discipline and go double herald. Even switch zealotry to wrath or hatred. For mapping I'm currently going with Hatred - HoI - Arctic armour after diadem I'll switch AA to discipline. For bosses I'll go Zealotry - Wrath - Discipline

Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify / Flame dash - faster casting

CWDT (lvl 1) - Immortal call (lvl 3)- Increased Duration - Lightning Golem (lvl 3)


PoE Gear

Aim for high life and es, a lot of rares so res capping should be easy. Shaped staff extra phys dmg as extra lightning and +lightning gems will be the endgame goal. Try to keep your ES around 40% of your Life any less will lower your ehp.

Agnerod West

+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
+2 to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems
+92 to Intelligence
49% increased Lightning Damage
Adds 13 to 137 Lightning Damage to Spells

40% increased Strength Requirement
Damage Penetrates 20% Lightning Resistance

Sapphire Ring

+25% to Cold Resistance
22% increased Lightning Damage
+21 to maximum Energy Shield
+77 to maximum Life
+19 to maximum Mana
+27% to Fire Resistance

Hubris Circlet

Blade Vortex has +3% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each blade
+36 to maximum Energy Shield
+79 to maximum Life
+47 to maximum Mana
+23% to Fire Resistance
+29% to Cold Resistance
11% increased Stun and Block Recovery

Two-Stone Ring

+13% to Fire and Cold Resistances
+39 to Dexterity
+161 to Accuracy Rating
+35 to maximum Energy Shield
+39% to Lightning Resistance
+55 to maximum Life

Sadist Garb

+38 to Dexterity
+115 to maximum Life
10% increased maximum Life
8.8 Life Regenerated per second
+36% to Cold Resistance
Gain 9% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield

Heavy Belt

+29 to Strength
+22 to maximum Energy Shield
+79 to maximum Life
+24% to Fire Resistance
+25% to Cold Resistance
15% increased Flask Effect Duration
+142 to Evasion Rating
+12 to maximum Energy Shield

Recommended uniques

Devouring Diadem is really good for this build, with built in EB you can save 2 points from the passive tree, get 2 big auras and 1 herald and get some sustain for mapping.

Carcass Jack might be a good option to consider as well since everything it has synergizes well with the build.

Agnerod West is extremely good starter if you're going for the staff version.


Try to get life on jewels after that any number of these mods

  • Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills
  • Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells
  • Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
  • Increased Global Physical Damage
  • Increased Lightning Damage
  • Increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield
  • Increased Area Damage
  • Increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield
  • Increased Cast Speed with Lightning Skills



PoB: https://pastebin.com/h2jWSudB

(If you do not know how to use it, see the instructions below, otherwise please ignore)


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