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[POE 3.6 Witch] Best Synthesis Raise Spectre Necromancer Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Safe, Fast Mapping, League Starter

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Feb/23/19 02:44:55 Views: 5657

By using Spectres you are effectively summoning real monsters to fight for you. They will use all attacks and spells they naturally have. As well as will become stonger with level. 

[POE 3.6 Witch] Best Synthesis Raise Spectre Necromancer Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Safe, Fast Mapping, League Starter


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + safe across most content. Bosses offscreening.
  • + extremely fast for map clearing
  • + around 70% potential Phys Damage Reduction (Basalt, Taste of Hate, etc)
  • + decent regen
  • + flexible, can stack a lot of block chance if needed
  • + great single target damage (around 3 million with Victario)
  • + much better than Zombies as you don't need to constantly resummon spectres, also you don't care if Skeletons die. So you effectively are PAIN-FREE.
  • + can go Energy Shield and 5-6 spectres too! POGCHAMP!


  • - Not super high sustain as we are running Vis Mortis with no life on it (around 7K for Uber Elder).
  • - Spectres are a pain to resummon if they die


Skill Tree 


Invoker -> Soul Weaver -> Commander of Darkness -> Puppet Master


This quest is given to you by Eramir in the Forest Encampment after you complete Through Sacred Ground or talk with any of the bandit leaders. There are three different bandit leaders. You can either side with one of them (and kill the other two) to get the respective reward or you can kill all of them to get the reward from Erami - from Gamepedia

Kill all


The Pantheon List

  • Major: Arakaali
  • Minor: Ryslatha

Passive Tree



Endgame Skills

Spectres 5L

Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Elemental Focus - Greater Multiple Projectiles

Spectres 6L Mapping

Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction -  Greater Multiple Projectiles

Spectres 6L Bossing

Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Slower Projectiles

These are the most common, basic, reliable gem setups for ANY spellcaster spectres of ANY element.

If you decided to stick with Solar Guards and use fire, you can also try this combination:

Spectres 6L Fire

Spectre - Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Combustion - Fire Penetration - Greater Multiple Projectiles /  Slower Projectiles

4L Skeletons (in 5-6L Minion Damage Elder Helm)

Summon Skeleton - Brutality - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage (this is END-GAME Skeleton links, assuming we have Elder Helm with Minion Damage)



Early Levelling Gear / Skills

Get Explosive Trap after the very first quest, use it along with ZOMBIES.

Once you get Multiple Traps, attach it to the Explosive Trap.

2L Explosive Trap: Explosive Trap - Multiple Traps

You can also use Arc Traps later instead of Explosive Trap

3L Arc: Arc - Trap Support - Multiple Traps

You can also link Phantasms to your Explosive Trap or Arc Trap

4L ArcArc - Trap Support Multiple Traps - Summon Phantasm on Kill

Also start using Summon Raging Spirits if you wish, but it is not necessary.

3L Zombies: Raise ZombieMinion Damage

3L ZombiesRaise Zombie - Summon Phantasm on Kill Minion Damage

4L ZombiesRaise Zombie - Summon Phantasm on Kill Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage (melee phys gem can be bought from Yeena in act 2)

You can use Zombies up till maps and drop them if you wish or just put them into Flesh Offering link, dropping Increased Duration there.

They will still die all over in end-game...

Start using Skeletons at level 10. Link them with

2L Skeletons: Summon SkeletonMinion Damage

3L SkeletonsSummon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage

4L Skeletons (no Elder Helm)Summon Skeleton - Minion Damage - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage

Your Spectres will NOT be VERY effective till Cruel lab (this is when you can POTENTIALLY (if you saved enough currency to buy a Vis Mortis) get a FOURTH Spectre as well as 100% increased Spectre damage)!

For the gear, recommend 3L Lifesprig for +1:

Move the mouse on the bold poe equipment to see needed mod

Lifesprig , Wanderlust, Goldrim, Mark of the Red Covenant, Wraithlord

Then buy Incursion/Bestiary Staff or a 1Hander with a lot of Minion Damage:

Citaqualotl's Coiled Staff of Snow,  Victario's Flight

Start using Anger at level 24. And link it with Generosity at level 31.

Also don't forget Blasphemy with Elemental Weakness!

Buy a cheap Vaal Summon Skeletons gem with high quality.

Make sure you have Bones of Ullr by level 28 (when u get first Spectre).

At level 59, let's hope you have enough currency for:

Vis Mortis

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