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PoE 3.7 Shadow Starter Builds

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: May/31/19 07:30:32 Views: 10038

With the release of PoE 3.7, Poecurrencybuy has carefully selected some poe 3.7 Shadow starter builds for players, including Assassin, Saboteur, Trickster. Whether you are a new player to the game or an experienced player, you can find the guide you want in here, even cheap poe currency.

PoE 3.7 Shadow Starter Builds


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Shadow Assassin

[3.7] CoC Discharge Shadow Assassin Fast Build

[3.7] Winter orb CWC Ice Spear Assassin 2.2m+ Shaper DPS 9kehp - Beginner Friendly. Uber Elder Down


[3.7] CoC Discharge Shadow Assassin Fast Build

Build Mechanics

To trigger Cast on Critical Strike you must first Attack and then IF you crit you will cast the linked spells (or the ones in Cospri's)

That means with Elemental Equilibrium, we hit with Cold Damage (negative fire/lightning res to enemies) and then Discharge (lightning/fire/cold damage, reseting to negative cold res) and then hit again. Flipping enemy resists for free damage!

We get Power Charges on every Crit with Voll's Protector. Voll's Devotion gives us Endurance Changes with each Discharge that consumes the Power Charges.




Discharge, Controlled Destruction, Increased Critical Strikes

This setup casts anytime we crit with any melee skill (Shield Charge/Cyclone)

4L Shield Charge

Shield Charge, Increased Critical Strikes, Faster Attacks, Fortify

Super fast, high crit setup with a free defensive buff.

6L Discharge

Cyclone, Cast on Critical Strike, Discharge, Increased Critical Strikes, Power Charge on Critical, Concentrated Effect

Highest sustained dps single target setup, used basically only on bosses/hard uniques/rares.

3L Max Level CWDT

Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Ice Golem.

Defensive physical immunity as well as crit/accuracy.

3L Auras

Discipline, Blasphemy, Poacher's Mark

Big chunk of flat energy shield alongside free accuracy, double flask charges gained, mana gained on hit, and frenzy charge generation for damage/attack speed.

3L Buffs

Vaal Righteous Fire, Increased Duration, War Banner

BIG DPS BOOST for bosses as well as free Adrenaline (damage/attack/castspeed) if you drop the banner.

3 Random 1Ls

Portal, Flame Dash

Quality of Life links for going up and down ledges/portaling out


CI Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/VnygA4qf

LIFE BASED Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/CNGcDB2V



[3.7] Winter orb CWC Ice Spear Assassin 2.2m+ Shaper DPS 9kehp - Beginner Friendly. Uber Elder Down


  • + 9k+ ehp with Fenumus Shroud, 7k+ ehp with a tabula!
  • + Cheap to start gearing!
  • + No gem swapping!
  • + End game viable!
  • + Can do all map mods!
  • + Nice clearspeed!
  • + Can handle t16 syndicates easily due to playstyle
  • - Non facetank build
  • - Not T1 clear speed
  • - Less DPS than double voids
  • - Quite a lot of buttons to press


VideoShaper Kill , Uber Elder Kill 

Leveling Tree30 Passive -> 60 Passive -> 90 Passive 


Tabula is the MVP here. Winter Orb clears remarkably well provided it has dps. Winter has pretty shitty single target dps. CwC has a good mix of both but requires a 6l. Tabula is the answer.

But seriously tho, if you're starting from scratch and afford a tabula, start with a +1 cold gems scepter/wand. You can make them yourself by vendoring a white scepter/wand with a sapphire ring to get that cold gem.

Level 1 - 27

Grab freeze pulse and explosive trap to start.

Both deals pretty great damage as a single link and have great single target as well. Use a +1 gems scepter/wand using recipe or a dagger if you manage to find one with some nice spell damage.

If you have a guild, try to ask them for 2x lifesprigs. Lifesprings make leveling so much easier. alternatively you can try your luck on global 820 if you're cheap. Equip Lifesprigs if once you reach lvl 14. Grab added cold damage link it to your freeze pulse/explosive trap.

Grab herald of ice and thunder asap once you reach act 2.

Grab a ice spear and level it in your spare gem slots

Level 28 - 45

Once you hit level 28, grab winter orb added cold and lesser multiple projs and socket in a 3l wand/scepter +1 cold gems. Use a offhand with spell damage/crit or flat damage. Basically anything that boosts your dps. Equip tabula if you have/can afford one at this point. This set up should be able to carry you all the way till Act 5 without much of a problem. Dont facetank and run around in circles when fighting bosses.

By level 40 you should either have a 3l in a +1 gems setup OR a 4l/5l with spell dps weapons OR tabula with winter orb, cwc and ice spear in that setup.

Take GMP and CWC but dont link it with your WO unless its in a 6l with ice spear.

If youre on gloves 4l, craft +1 to projectile gems/ pierce additional 1 target that huge QoL increase.

The links you should have are as follows:

  • 3L : WO - added cold - LMP
  • 4l : WO - added cold - LMP - Controlled Destruction - (hypothermia)
  • 6l : WO - added cold - GMP - Cont. Des. - CWC - Ice Spear

Affixes you wanna look out for are: Spell/cold/flat damage(cold) ->crit chance -> crit multi/cast speed.

Once you hit 44, swap mainhand for a cerberus limb and try to get a shield such as aeges aurora if you want survivability or light of lunaris if you want dps.

Grab goldrim if youre struggling with resists, grab the gull(38) if you are able to cap resists.

Grab boots with at least 25% MS.

Level 45 - 70

Now would the time when you just finished act 5. Grab resists gears, equip that goldrim that you have been holding off for a while and make sure you get resists on rings.

Grab a brine crown once you hit level 63.

Once you clear act 10 you need to upgrade your resistance gear again. Make sure you are capped(except chaos) or you will have a hard time entering maps.

Level 70+

Do not enter maps without a tabula or with uncapped resistance.

Use discipline to increase your ehp pool.

Grab voidwalkers if you are saving up for a pandemonius.

Upgrade rings and amulet to decent rares (life -> resists -> es)


PoB pastebin

https://pastebin.com/u34ptshA - Old version with hypothermia

https://pastebin.com/BuS2gk2H - New version with poison

More Details: poeurl.com/codj



Shadow Saboteur

[3.7] Lightning Trap Shadow Saboteur Starter Build

[3.7] Windz's GC Miner Sabo (Life/MoM & LL variation. Uber Elder viable + all content)


[3.7] Lightning Trap Shadow Saboteur Starter Build

Do you like being able to delete entire screens while laughing maniacally at the quiet shattering of enemy corpses?

What about having infinite mana sustain and being nearly impossible to hit? or how about being able to clear all content on a low budget?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this build is for you!

Q: Why Lightning Trap instead of (insert other skill)?

Short answer: Because it's better and more fun.

Long answer: You can choose literally any skill with traps and it will perform admirably with this guide. If you want to play meta-arc, feel free. Just make sure to remove any projectile related skill nodes/gear bits/jewel stats and make them fit the skill you choose.


List of other skills you can use:

A: Literally any spell ingame. Ice Trap, Arc, Firestorm, Bladefall, Fire Trap, Explosive Trap, Ball 


6 Link Lightning Trap

Lightning Trap, Cluster Trap, Trap and Mine Damage, Controlled Destruction, Pierce, Lightning Penetration

(controlled destruction doesn't mean you can't crit. if you use ele focus you can't shock/shatter. do not.)

For single target situations (like Uber Elder), you can swap in Slower Projectiles instead of Pierce.

If you want to use Arc, just take out Lightning Trap/Pierce and put in Arc/Trap Support.

4 Link Lightning Spire Trap

Lightning Spire Trap, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, Lightning Penetration

3-5 Link Movement Skill

Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, Fortify, Culling Strike, Blood Magic

4 Link CWDT:

Cast when Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Enfeeble, Summon Lightning Golem

Keep an eye on the level of your CWDT. I prefer mine to go off when I take about 40% of my maximum life in damage. So if you had 6k life, set it to a level where it requires about 2k damage to proc. Level the other gems accordingly so they cast automatically.

Aura Setups

Wrath, Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder

Support Skills

Bear Trap, Increased Duration, Portal

Alternate Defensive Setups

If you're feeling a bit squishy, swap out Herald of Ice/Herald of Thunder for an Enfeeble, Blasphemy setup. It will drop enemies damage in an area around you for added safety.


Path of Building Link links: https://pastebin.com/69uHB2zS



[3.7] Windz's GC Miner Sabo (Life/MoM & LL variation. Uber Elder viable + all content)

Pre shaper +1 mine helm:

GC + Remote mine + Minefield + Inc crit + Inc AoE/Conc + Hypothermia/Trap&Mine dmg

Arc + Remote mine + Minefield + Inc crit + Light pen + Added cold/ TnM dmg

Post shaper +1 mine helm:

GC + Remote mine + Inc crit + Inc AoE/Conc + Hypothermia/Trap&Mine dmg + Controlled/Cold Pen

Arc + Remote mine + Inc crit + Light pen + Added cold/ TnM dmg + Controlled/Ele focus

Whirling blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify

CWDT - Immortal call - Inc duration - Phase run

Alternative CWDT - Immortal Call - Inc duration - Curse/detonate mine

Frost bomb - Inc duration (-20 cold res...cast on boss if you have time)

Flame dash - Arcane Surge - Faster casting (dont need all of these links)

Hatred on essence worm

Blood magic - Clarity lvl 1 (if you use clarity watchers eye)


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/RWibqD78      / https://pastebin.com/65kYMWhp for high budget

More Details: poeurl.com/codl




Shadow Trickster

[3.7] Soulrend Shadow Trickster Starter Build

[3.7] Winter Orb Shadow Trickster Endgame Build

[3.7] Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

[3.7] Divine Ire Trickster CRIT MOM/EB cheap leaguestarter

[3.7] Essence Drain Shadow Trickster Cheap Build


[3.7] Soulrend Shadow Trickster Starter Build


  • + fast
  • + can go super duper fast as fuck or tanky as fuck
  • + starts off cheaper than dirt, can have 30+ exalts dumped into it as well
  • + all map mods besides cannot regen 
  • + If bored, can switch to contagion/essence drain and/or use bane as main skill. Will have to switch to a few more curse nodes on tree tho for bane


  • - not a melee chad warrior of death and destruction
  • - everyones playing it
  • - wtb devouring diadem



Run around like a chicken with its head cut off, spam your flasks and soulrend stuff until it dies. If a big tough scary ugly mob appears, drop blight totem, bane every 3 ish seconds, use vaal grace, stand still and stab the thingie to death.


Gems Setup


Soulrend - Efficacy, Void manip, Controlled, GMP

Bane - Despair, Controlled destruction, Efficacy or temp chains (imo). 


Immortal Call (3) - CWDT (1) - Inc Dur - insert some spell if you want 

Vaal grace - Inc Duration - Phase run


Blight - Spell totem - Faster casting

Flame dash - Faster casting - Malevolence - Blood Rage (also grace btw)


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/c30W9u4i



[3.7] Winter Orb Shadow Trickster Endgame Build


Is this build for you?

1. If you are looking for a Winter Orb build that has good enough single target damage for the end-game!

2. A build capable of competing in the clear speed meta.

3. Boss kill potential despite being designed as a clear speed build.

4. A cheap yet very effective clear speed build.

5. If you prefer a build guide that has a video linked to it.


How the build functions

You level up the build generally by not using Winter Orb itself, you can read the leveling tips further down in this guide.

Winter Orb is a channeling ability that builds up stages up to 10 (12 with helmet enchant from uber lab), that then decays over a duration. The higher the stack is the more frequent your orb you've created over your head will shoot projectiles that then explodes on the ground in an AoE based damage area. This AoE damage shotguns, which means that each projectile can hit the same target, this is why we use weapons like Beltimber. This makes the build function very similarly to a Blade Vortex build where you charge up the ability, then you move through the map whilst your ability kills everything to then only stop briefly to recharge a few stages of your ability.

A lot of people have complained about the lack of single target Winter Orb has, so I've designed this build to sort that issue this way:

The Winter Orb is designed to be our generic clearing ability which also helps Ice Spear via Combustion as well as itself.

So for single target we are using an Unleash - Ice Spear combination that looks like this:

- Ice Spear, Unleash, Controlled Destruction, Cold to Fire, Elemental Focus, Added Cold

This allows Winter Orb to drop enemies fire resistance on enemies and you only use Ice Spear for harder enemies and/or bosses which completely destroys them!

The core design of this build is to simply destroy enemies with Herald of Ash using Winter Orb and then delete bosses in no time at all with the Unleash Ice Spear.


Leveling Tree: 33 Point -> 71 Point -> Finished


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/qJgq5THe

Low Budget Acrobatics / Phase Acrobatics version: https://pastebin.com/1iYGpLRV

High Budget Magic Find Approach: https://pastebin.com/RJfDTYaa



[3.7] Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Is this build for you?

1. If you are looking for a build with insanely high exp/h gain.

2. A build that allows you to level as itself without any external abilities required.

3. If the build you seek can start with a very low budget with possible upgrades with more currency.

4. If you like to play a build that works wonders in low budget to accumulate enough currency fast for the higher budget version(s).

5. If you prefer a build guide that has a video linked to it.


Defence & Utility

The build utilizes Mind over Matter combined with Eldritch Battery which moves all your Energy Shield over your mana pool

Here is a link to a downloadable calculator for how much effective HP you'll have with Mind Over Matter: Mind Over Matter eHP Calculator


Passive Skill Gems

Essence Drain:

- Essence Drain, Controlled Destruction, Efficacy, Void Manipulation, Swift Affliction, Empower

Note: Before you can afford an Empower lvl 3+ you can use Decay!

Cast When Damage Taken:

Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Increased Duration

Note: The lvl of CWDT is suppose to be low, this comes down to a matter of taste, I prefer to keep it at lvl 3 with the Immortal Call at lvl 5, if it's higher it won't work. It also does not require Endurance Charges to function though the duration will be rather low without which is still enough to keep you from getting instantly killed by Porcupine packs that dies!


- Flame Dash

- Phase Run, Vaal Righteous Fire Increased Duration, Efficacy

Note: You only want to use the Vaal Righteous Fire, not the regular Righteous Fire!


- Malevolence, Discipline

Wither / Blight Totems:

This part is tricky, you either run a standard Wither setup like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Wither, Faster Casting

Or you run with the "hindered" effect via Blight threshold jewel Spreading Rot, which requires 1 of those jewels and looks like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Blight, Faster Casting

Bane vs Contagion:

The choice between the 2 abilities comes down to personal preference, some enjoy to cast Essence Drain and spread it by having a Contagion cast before you use ED. However, I felt that the approach of using Bane was smoother, faster and honestly, better in all ways. A classic Contagion set would look like this:

- Contagion, Spell Cascade, Faster Casting, Increased Area of Effect

Whilst my preferred style is Bane like this:

- Bane, Despair, Efficacy, Controlled Destruction

The Bane approach makes you able to skip other sources of Despair cursing via things like Witchfire Brew Flask.


Path of Building Link links: https://pastebin.com/90iE1LbW

More Details: poeurl.com/codv



[3.7] Divine Ire Trickster CRIT MOM/EB cheap leaguestarter

  • + Good EHP
  • + Immune to stun if you have shrouds.
  • + A lot of attack and cast speed for smooth clearing.
  • + EB lets us reserve all our mana
  • + Big hits that will end up shocking big bosses
  • + Aesthetics of a new skill. 
  • - Can't do ele reflect
  • - Channeling forces you to stand still and be a punching bag sometimes


Divine Ire - Infused Channeling - Energy Leech - Phys to Lightning - Crit Strikes - Crit dmg/Inc AOE/Lightning pen (maps)- Conc (bosses)

Note that these might change in the future once we get to test stuff out

Wave of Conviction - Curse on hit - Elemental weakness

Auras: There's a lot of options with the auras. You can run zealotry + discipline/some herald or give up discipline and go double herald. Even switch zealotry to wrath or hatred. For mapping I'm currently going with Hatred - HoI - Arctic armour after diadem I'll switch AA to discipline. For bosses I'll go Zealotry - Wrath - Discipline

Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify / Flame dash - faster casting

CWDT (lvl 1) - Immortal call (lvl 3)- Increased Duration - Lightning Golem (lvl 3)


Path of Building Link linkshttps://pastebin.com/h2jWSudB

More details: poeurl.com/codx



[3.7] Essence Drain Shadow Trickster Cheap Build

About this build

  • + insanely high exp/h gain
  • + can level as itself without any external abilities required.
  • + start with a very low budget
  • + It's works wonders in low budget to accumulate enough currency fast for the higher budget version.
  • + Has one of the most amazing feeling


Gems Setup

(Essence Drain), Void ManipulationControlled DestructionSwift AfflictionEfficacyEmpower lvl 3+

Note: Before you can afford an Empower lvl 3+ you can use Pierce or Decay!

(Cast When Damage Taken), Immortal CallIncreased Duration

Note: The lvl of CWDT is suppose to be low, this comes down to a matter of taste, I prefer to keep it at lvl 3 with the Immortal Call at lvl 5, if it's higher it won't work. It also does not require Endurance Charges to function though the duration will be rather low without which is still enough to keep you from getting instantly killed by Porcupine packs that dies!


- Flame Dash

- Phase Run, Vaal Righteous Fire Increased Duration, Efficacy

Note: You only want to use the Vaal Righteous Fire, not the regular Righteous Fire!


- Malevolence, Discipline

Wither / Blight Totems

This part is tricky, you either run a standard Wither setup like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Wither, Faster Casting

Or you run with the "hindered" effect via Blight threshold jewel Spreading Rot, which requires 1 of those jewels and looks like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Blight, Faster Casting


Path of Building Link links: https://pastebin.com/eaf2k2F1


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