PoE 3.9 Ranger Lightning Arrow Deadeye Bow League Starter Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
Lightning Arrow is a phys-to-lightning based projectile AOE bow attack. Barrage is a shotgunning strong single target bow attack. We will be using Lightning Arrow to clear most content and Barrage for nasty rares and bosses.
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Pros & Cons
- + From level 12 to Uber Elder with just 2 skills. Incredible League Starter that will not fail!
- + great clear speed
- + Plenty of bossing DPS. Barrage 6-7 Million. LA = 1-2 Million.
- + cheaper than Physical and Cold builds. Cheaper than Tornado Shot (helm enchant says HELLO)
- + can switch to MF in a blink of an eye
- - Expensive to min-max (my investment was around 50 EX)
- - squishy, super hard to reach 6k life. Mostly dodge and Warlord's Mark to survive. But does fine in end-game.
Skill Tree
Ascendancy: Gathering Winds, Rupture, Fast and Deadly, Powerful Precision
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Arakaali and Ryslatha
Passive Tree & PoB
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/J8Zw4SF2
Gems Setup
Take Ice Shot and use it in this combo:
Ice Shot - Pierce - Volley support
Puncture and Burning Arrow are also great for single target
Switch to Lightning Arrow at level 12. Take Precision
Assuming Tabula: 6L Lightning Arrow - Added Cold - Added Lightning - Pierce - Mirage Archer - Elemental Damage with attacks
4L Lightning Arrow - Added Lightning/Pierce - Mirage Archer - Ele.damage with attacks
5L Lightning Arrow - Added Lightning - Pierce - Mirage Archer - Ele.damage with attacks
Add Herald of Ice and Thunder when available.
Add Barrage when it's available (lvl.12):
6L Barrage - Added Cold - Ele damage with attacks - Vicious projectiles - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley (you will later drop both Volley and Added Cold for stronger gems as you go)
5L Barrage - Added Cold - Ele damage with attacks - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley
4L Barrage - Ele damage with attacks - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley
At level 31 get Cold Penetration and switch Volley to Slower.Projectiles
Early Levelling Gear / Skills
As a lot of people are having general problems progressing, you need to understand a few basic things about GEARING while levelling:
1) Always upgrade your gear as you go. Don't be surprised if your 3L LA does no damage as well as your 2L Barrage which you are carrying since Act 1. ALWAYS upgrade your links and gear. ALWAYS buy a cheap blue/white 5L for 1 Alch and put LA and BARRAGE in bow/chest. Don't expect to run on a 4L till Act 10. Follow gearing progression guide.
2) If you are a new player and can't dodge shit as more experienced players, make sure your life pool remains solid as well as try to balance resists otherwise you will constantly die from everything. Once you reach maps start buying resist rings/belt/amulet/30% movespeed boots/helm. etc. Your resists must be over 75+ and life over 4K to start mapping smoothly.
3) Once you get enough currency buy the chest and make a 5L.
Get a 6L Silverbranch if possible. You can later upgrade it to Silverbough at level 36.
Lioneye's Glare 6L is also 1 ex, so this will be your end-game bow for a while. Then buy a Windripper
Silverbough Crude Bow
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems
95% increased Physical Damage
Adds 19 to 60 Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+10 Mana gained on Kill
+30 to Accuracy Rating
Wanderlust Wool Shoes
5% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've
taken Spell Damage Recently
+5 to Dexterity
+16 to maximum Energy Shield
36% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
20% increased Movement Speed
Cannot be Frozen
Lochtonial Caress Iron Gauntlets
15% increased Attack Speed
14% increased Cast Speed
+30 to maximum Life
10% reduced maximum Mana
10% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill
Dusktoe Ironscale Boots
57% increased Armour and Evasion
+23 to maximum Life
15% increased Movement Speed
50% increased Stun and Block Recovery
20% reduced Light Radius
+50% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask Effect
Adds 15 to 25 Chaos Damage to Spells and Attacks during any Flask Effect
Wurm's Molt Leather Belt
+39 to maximum Life
+21 to Strength
+30 to Intelligence
+13% to Cold Resistance
0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
Goldrim Leather Cap
+45 to Evasion Rating
10% increased Rarity of Items found
+34% to all Elemental Resistances
Reflects 4 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
Karui Ward Jade Amulet
+30 to Dexterity
+20 to Strength
+100 to Accuracy Rating
30% increased Projectile Speed
10% increased Movement Speed
30% increased Projectile Damage
Araku Tiki Coral Amulet
Regenerate 3.7 Life per second
+100 to Evasion Rating while on Low Life
+38 to maximum Life
+20% to Fire Resistance
Regenerate 1% of Life per second while on Low Life
Wake of Destruction Mesh Boots
Adds 16 to 24 Cold Damage if you've been Hit Recently
Adds 1 to 120 Lightning Damage to Attacks
32% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+19 Life gained on Kill
15% increased Movement Speed
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
Lioneye's Glare Imperial Bow
23% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
174% increased Physical Damage
Adds 6 to 26 Physical Damage
18% increased Attack Speed
+84 to maximum Mana
Hits can't be Evaded
Far Shot
Hyrri's Bite Sharktooth Arrow Quiver
+4 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
+22 to Strength
+39 to Dexterity
+23 to Intelligence
Adds 10 to 20 Cold Damage to Attacks
10% increased Attack Speed
+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
10% increased Area of Effect
Prismweave Rustic Sash
14% increased Global Physical Damage
Adds 8 to 16 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 5 to 14 Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to 31 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+8% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
10% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Blackheart Iron Ring
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
5% increased Global Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 3 Chaos Damage to Attacks
+26 to maximum Life
Regenerate 4 Life per second
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
Thunderfist Murder Mitts
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Added Lightning Damage
Adds 1 to 100 Lightning Damage to Attacks
10% increased Attack Speed
+25 to maximum Energy Shield
100% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
10% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
The roar of the heavens
Strikes more than fear
Into the hearts of Man
The Taming Prismatic Ring
+10% to all Elemental Resistances
20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Freeze, Shock and Ignite on Enemy
+30% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage
10% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Sacrificial Heart Paua Amulet
25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Adds 26 to 38 Fire Damage
Adds 22 to 35 Cold Damage
Adds 2 to 48 Lightning Damage
Gain a Power Charge when you use a Vaal Skill
10 Life gained for each Enemy Hit if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
10% increased Movement Speed if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently
And Tabula Rasa
Take Ice Shot and use it in this combo:
Ice Shot - Pierce - Volley support
Puncture and Burning Arrow are also great for single target
Switch to Lightning Arrow at level 12. Take Precision
Assuming Tabula: 6L Lightning Arrow - Added Cold - Added Lightning - Pierce - Mirage Archer - Elemental damage with attacks
4L Lightning Arrow - Added Lightning/Pierce - Mirage Archer - Elemental damage with attacks
5L Lightning Arrow - Added Lightning - Pierce - Mirage Archer - Elemental damage with attacks
Add Herald of Ice and Thunder when available.
Add Barrage when it's available (lvl.12):
6L Barrage - Added Cold - Elemental damage with attacks - Vicious projectiles - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley (you will later drop both Volley and Added Cold for stronger gems as you go)
5L Barrage - Added Cold - Elemental damage with attacks - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley
4L Barrage - Elemental damage with attacks - Elemental focus (need to get it from another character or buy) - Volley
At level 31 get Cold Penetration and switch Volley to Slower.Projectiles

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PoE 3.9 Shadow Arc Traps Saboteur Endgame Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
Thanks to the excellent performance of Arc in 3.9, many players use arc as their league starter. Link Arc and Traps will give you huge damage, and it is very suitable for boss fight of PoE 3.9. Just try it now!