PoE 3.9 Shadow Icicle Mine Saboteur Fast Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
This is an Icicle Mine build that let's you melt down everything from a safe distance. No uniques required, can be done in SSF and on a budget.
Quick Jump
Pros & Cons
- - Mine playstyle may not suit everyone
Skill Tree
Bomb Specialist -> Born in the Shadows -> Pyromaniac -> Explosives Expert
Major - Lunaris or Brine King if you feel like you get stunned too much
Minor - Gruthul or Shakari for the poison immunity
Bandit: Help Alira for extra res and crit multi or kill all
Passive Tree & PoB
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/uQPRQCEZ
Gems Setup
6L Single Target
Icicle Mine - Controlled Destruction - Inspiration Support - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage - Hypothermia
6L Clear
Icicle Mine - Controlled Destruction - Inspiration - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage - Pierce/Chain Support
Other Options
Pierce -> Chain
Swift Assembly -> Minefield Support
Controlled Destruction -> Added Cold Damage/Critical Damage
If you've got white sockets you can add cold to fire support for single target with Eternity Shroud.
Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Arcane Surge (Lvl 7) - Portal
Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Cold Snap or Vaal Grace
Precision (lvl 1), Summon Skitterbots
Zealotry can be added but will most likely require Enlighten Lvl 3 or 4 because of the mana reservation
Boss Detonation Detonate Mines - Spell Totem Support - Faster Casting
Other useful skills
Summon Ice Golem, Phase Run, Vaal Grace
Gear Setup
Mods to look for/Best in wand slot
Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos
Critical strike chance for spells
Spell/Cold Damage
Added cold damage to spells
Crit multiplier
Added Cold damage to attacks
%increased Mine damage (Shaped helm)
Body Armour
There are several options here: Shroud of the Lightless, Skin of the Loyal - +2 socketed gems corrupt, Belly of the Beast, Carcass Jack, A 6L Rare with Life/resist
Increased damage against chilled enemies
Slower Projectiles
Stygian Vise
Cold damage
Elemental Damage (with attacks skills won't work)
Other Options
Mods to look for: Life, Resist, MS
Cold/Spell Damage
Crit strike/multi
Cold/Spell damage
Cold Damage to spells
Assassin's Mark
Abyssal Jewel
Crit chance/multi
Spell/cold/Projectile/Area/Mine damage
Useful leveling uniques
Wands: Lifesprig, Axiom Perpetuum
Gloves: Lochtonial Caress
Boots: Wanderlust
Helm: Goldrim -> Skullhead, Honourhome (+2 gems)
Amulet: Karui Ward, Atziri's Foible, Astramentis
Belt: String of Servitude with All resistances
Body Armour: Tabula Rasa
Rings: Praxis, Dream Fragments, Le Heup of All, Berek's Grip
As always, make sure that you are res capped first
Leveling Trees
20pts - 40pts - 60pts - Full Tree
Leveling gems
Lvl 1
Freezing Pulse - Onslaught - Arcane Surge Support
Explosive Trap
Lvl 8
Freezing Pulse - Onslaught - Added Cold Damage
Lvl 10
Flame Dash
Lvl 12
Icicle Mine - Added Cold Damage - Added Lightning Damage
As an option, you can link Frostbomb to Onslaught to help keep your speed up
At lvl 28 you can decide to go for Pyroclast mine if you feel that you're lacking single-target damage
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[3.10] PoE Delirium Duelist Cyclone Champion Tankiness Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
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Path Of Exile 3.10 Delirium Revealed Details
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