Poe Xbox One 3.0.1b Patch Notes Improvements
Path of exile Developer GGG has released Xbox One Path of Exile patch 3.0.1b, which offers various new features, improvements, and bug fixes aplenty.Among other changes, the update offers improvements to The Beachhead map and the Harbinger league.This article List this Released improvements,if you want more information about Path of Exile Xbox One patch 3.0.1b click here
The Beachhead Improvements:
he chance of The Beachhead map being created by a Harbinger’s Orb has been increased.
The Beachhead map now has a wider variety of monsters.
Monsters slain as part of the Beachhead portal encounter now don’t drop items, but still award experience.
Upon completing The Beachhead portal encounter, the Obelisks now will shatter and drop shards.
Completing the encounter awards significantly more items.
The encounter itself has been rebalanced, and players now have to defeat an especially powerful Harbinger as part of it.
Monsters in The Beachhead now will drop items, so that players using Animate Weapon can replace their minions.
Currency Shards from The Beachhead final encounter now have more concentrated stacks.
Harbingers in The Beachhead now drop more white items.
Harbinger Improvements:
Harbingers now drop fewer stacks of currency shards, but these shards have reliably higher stack counts. This results in a higher total number of currency shards than before.
Harbingers now appear more frequently in Map areas.
More powerful Harbingers now appear more frequently. The volume of shards they drop has been increased, and they are also better dressed.
You now need to complete 50 Harbinger End-game maps to complete the “End Game Grind” challenge (down from 100).
Minions spawned by Harbingers were granted a resistance to all damage types that decayed over time. This is now multiplicative with other forms of damage taken. This change means that they can’t be trivialised by Wither, Shock and other modifiers to damage taken.
Harbingers are now less likely to enter a state where they don’t summon new monsters.
The Harbinger Flame Dash ability now Flame Dashes its minions to your location.
The Harbinger Storm Call-like ability now attaches to the minions, moving with them.
The Harbinger Flameblast ability is now stronger but used less often.
The Harbinger Storm Cascade ability no longer stops at the Harbinger’s minion’s location. Instead, it will pass through, making it much more deadly for characters at a distance.
Added several new abilities for the Harbingers to use. Be careful!
The Harbingers from Act 6 onwards now have a chance to spawn an Obelisk when they summon monsters. These obelisks have a variety of skills.
Increased the speed of most Harbinger encounters.
Increased the speed that Harbingers can deploy minions.
We’re also slightly increasing the number of shards dropped by Harbingers.
Reduced the chance of getting lower-value shards from Harbinger drops in yellow- and red-tier maps.

Useful Guides for path of exile Beginners
if you are a beginner to play path of exile there five guides for you 1. Don't pick up every single piece of loot you find. 2. Don't neglect life and mana regeneration. 3. Begin your return from exile. 4. Learn the gem system and take advantage of support gems. 5. Join the Path of exile league that best meets your needs

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Path of Exile Xbox one is free, and none of its optional microtransactions convey a gameplay advantage. all the content, including our latest expansion, The Fall of Oriath, is included for free. If you’d like to party with other players online, then an Xbox Live Gold membership is required.