[Templar] PoE 3.8 Righteous Fire Guardian Funny Build (PC, PS4, Xbox)
Burning everything you can see
Quick Jump
Skill Tree
Normal Lab: Time of Need
Cruel Lab: Radiant Faith
Merc Lab: Unwavering Faith
Uber Lab: Bastion of Hope
Kill all Bandits
Passive Tree & PoB
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/750ZSBXE
Gems Setup
Pseudo 6-7L Vaal Righteous Fire
Vaal Righteous Fire, Elemental Focus, Burning Damage, Increased AOE/Conc Effect, Arcane Surge, Swift Affliction. (In Helmet)
Arcane Surge gives RF a Duration tag, that enables us to use Swift Affliction. Sounds stupid, but it works. The other option is to get an Elder Helmet that gives you Conc Effect/Burning Damage/30% More Elemental Damage for a pseudo-7 link for your RF. You can then put a 6L Scorching Ray in your chest instead.
4-6L Scorching Ray
Scorching Ray, Burning Damage, Elemental Focus, Efficacy, Controlled Destruction, Swift Affliction
3L Orb of Storms
Orb of Storms, Curse on Hit, Flammability
Cast on hard rares/uniques/bosses for extra damage and to maintain Elemental Overload.
3L Shield Charge
Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, Fortify
4L Aura Setup
Purity of Lightning, Purity of Ice, Enlighten 4, Blood Magic 21
+2 or +3 Unsets
Purity of Fire (Level 23 total is the breakpoint for the highest amount of Max Res we can get)
3L Aura Setup
Discipline, Vitality, Enlighten 4
Random 1L's
Flame Dash (for ledges, not needed), Portal (I'm lazy)
Gear Setup
Move the mouse on the bold poe equipment to see needed mod
Doryani's Catalyst, Titanium Spirit Shield, Hubris Circlet, Shavronne's Wrappings, Sorcerer Gloves, Presence of Chayula, Rift Twirl Unset Ring, Doom Grasp Unset Ring, Stygian Vise, Sorcerer Boots
Weapon: Doryani's Catalyst
Focus on the % Elemental Damage roll, after that look for Attack Speed and Crit Strike Chance.
Look for a Rare with the highest Energy Shield you can get, look for Resists if you need, then Intelligence/Spell Damage/Reduced Damage Taken Over Time.
Chest: Shavronne's Wrappings
Focus on Energy Shield roll, the higher the better. Lightning Resist next.
Similar to shield, you'll be looking for the highest possible Energy shield total you can get. After that, focus on getting resists to cap, then Intelligence for more overall ES. You can use Essence of Horror for 30% More Damage on RF/SR.
Presence of Chayula. +1 Curse/Max Resists are both really nice corruptions.
Rare Unset rings with +2/3 level of Socketed Gems, then grab Energy Shield/Resists/Stats.
Rares with the highest possible ES, then go for Stats/Resists. You can use Essence of Delirium for 30% More Damage on RF/SR.
Go for a Shaped Rare belt (Ideally Stygian on Standard) that has Energy Shield Recovery Rate. It's a more multiplier for our total ES Regen. After that, focus on Energy Shield, Intelligence (Essence Only), Strength/Resists.
Look for a Rare with the highest Energy Shield you can get, Movement speed, Resists if you need, and always more Intelligence for more ES total.
In League you'll be looking for at least 10-12k+ ES total. In Standard you should be able to achieve 14k+ fairly easily.
Jewel Stat Priorities
There's two ways to look at jewels. For maximum ES, or maximum DPS. I went for both.
DPS Priorities
- Burning Damage
- Fire Damage
- Damage Over Time/Damage
- Spell Damage/Spell Damage While Holding a Shield (For SR)
- Area Damage (For RF)
ES Priorities
- % Maximum Energy Shield
- Intelligence
- Int + Str/Int + Dex
Stats/Resists IF you need them.
You'll also be using 2 Energy From Within jewels and a Watcher's Eye. Go for Energy Shield Recovery While Affected by Discipline Eye, if you can get % Energy Shield Regen with Discipline/% Mana as ES with Clarity as well, great.
Chemist's Ruby Flask of Heat, Ample Sulphur Flask of Staunching, Rumi's Concoction, Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline, Witchfire Brew
You want bleed/curse/freeze immunity somewhere. Mix and match.

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