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[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Witch Summon Ice Golem Elementalist Easy Endgame Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jun/09/20 21:36:28 Views: 22521

Do you want to do insane dps? Do you want respectable clearspeed, and great survivability? Do you want to complete all content in the game lazily? Let's play this PoE 3.11 Witch Summon Ice Golem Elementalist Build.

[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Witch Summon Ice Golem Elementalist Easy Endgame Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)


Quick Jump

Pros & Cons

  • + Sirus killer deathless on lvl 8
  • + Guradians deleted
  • + Uber Elder
  • + Uber Atziri (you must swap gloves - check videos)
  • + Catarina monster lvl 83 (T16) deleted / deathless
  • + Shaper fight is a joke - deleted
  • + Tons of defensive layers also absurd life regen (1000hp+/second
  • + Uber lab farmer (not fast as deadeye etc but u can do it easly like playing Thicc Jug - u can afk on traps , go to kitchen , back in 15min and u are still alive)
  • + If you are lazy like me , u can do all content without any problems thats a build for u
  • + Pure fun
  • + You will never get bored
  • + All content (everything deleted)
  • + lvl 100 is a piece of cake
  • + Headhunter will make huge smile on ur face :)
  • + All map mods can be done (physical reflect is tricky because you need to swap gloves (Triad Grip) but im just rerollng it thats why i put this into pros and cons)


  • - Min-Max is VERY EXPENSIVE
  • - Some people dont like lazy builds (u do nothing, golems delete everything)
  • - Physical reflect can and also cant be done :) to finish physical reflect map you need to swap gloves (Triad Grip). Im not doing it , just rerolling mods on map. Other map mods doesnt matter just go. 


League starter

You can made golemancer as your league starter but need to do few things:

  • You dont need to buy anything on market , you just pick items from the floor so u can keep currency for your primordial jewels.

  • You can easly do 10 acts + start doing maps without buying anything! 

  • When u get currency for primordial jewels u refund points and u can start playing as a golemancer. Like i said u dont buy anything from market as a arc because u dont need to. You just keep your currency for primordials.


Skill Tree


Liege of The Primordial -> Elemancer  -> Shaper of Desolation -> Beacon of Ruin

or ALTERNATIVE : Paragon of Calamity + Pendulum of Destruction


  • Lunaris + Gruthul -> mapping , bossing

  • Lunaris + Yugul -> Uber Elder / Shaper 

Bandit: Kill All

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link

1) Convoking wand version with 2 curses - (2.5mln meele hit + 4mln slam) x6


2) BIG YOLO version max dmg (NOT HC viable)(very expensive) - (3.3mln meele hit + 5.3mln slam) x6


PoE 3.11 Witch Summon Ice Golem Elementalist Skill Tree




Gems Setup

KEEP IN MIND AWAKENED GEMS are expensive so you start with normal version :)

Helmet: Summon Chaos Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Stone Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Lightning Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Empower lvl 3 (level 4 - high end) "this is our buff helmet"

Chest: Summon Ice Golem lvl 21 (lvl 20 is fine too but lvl 21 gives us more dmg also got more life) - Awakened Minion Damage Support 20 - Impale Support - Awakened Melee Physical Dmg - Awakened Multistrike - Empower 3 (level 4 gives us big dmg boost!)

ALTERNATIVE : We swap Impale support for Ruthless

Weapon (Clayshaper): Phase Run (level depends on ur dexterity) - Vaal Haste (level depends on your dexterity - quality very important) - Incrueased Duration lvl 20 = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS Or Dash + Vaal Haste

Or if you use Convoking wand: Desecrate - Convocation - Flesh Offering

Shield (Clayshaper): (dread banner - generosity (linked) , flame dash) = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS or (if you have Awakened Curse on hit lvl 5

ALTERNATIVE: We swap Dread Banner for War Banner if you are using Ruthless


Ring: Essence Worm -> Hatred

Boots: Flesh offering 11 -Convocation 9 - Steel Skin 13 - CWDT 6 or we use here 2 curses + storm brand + awakened curse on hit 

ENCHANT : Life/Mana regen BIS but you can use others too :)

Gloves: Depends on what u choose

Clayshaper -> punishment or vulnerability - curse on hit - storm brand - culling strike
or Convokation version below


KEEP IN MIND : If you use Clayshaper mix gems to make it work or if you use Convoking wand with autocast we use a bit changed setup. Everything will be in Path of building link if you somehow are confused. I use Vaal Haste for extra dmg , Phase run for fast running maps , Dread banner + Generosity for extra impale/dmg too.

Clayshaper Version

  • cwdt 6 - steelskin 13 - flesh offering 11 - convocation 9 put it into gloves or boots
  • weapon -> vaal haste - phase run - increase duration (all linked)
  • shield -> dread banner - generosity (linked) , flame dash
  • boots or gloves -> punishment or vulnerability - curse on hit - storm brand - culling strike


Gear Setup


Look at helmet with only Armour or Hybrid (Armour+Evasion) , dont buy with energy shield or only evasion

1 ->4 mean Cheap -> High End

1) Get any rare helmet with life + resistances
2) Get helmet with +1-3 level of socketed minion gems + life + resistances
3) Non Elder Bone Helmet (enchanted) with +2-3 minion gems , high life , resistances , minion life can be crafted on bench
4) Elder helmet with +2-3 level of socketed minion gems , +x lvl minion life , life , resistances
5) Elder helmet (enchanted) with +3 minion gems , lvl 16-20 minion life , high life , resistances
6) Elder Bone Helmet (enchanted) with +3 minion gems , lvl 16-20 minion life , high life , resistances
7) You can also add as suffix ( -% physical dmg or -% cold dmg)

Enchants : Ice Golem dmg 40%

Alternative : Flesh offering attack speed (only if you have Convoking wand with auto cast there) or Stone Golem buff 150% (more life regen)


1 ->5 mean Cheap -> High End

1) - Tabula Rasa

2) - Any 6L rare chest with 4 red 1 blue 1 green socket

3) - Corrupted Tabula Rasa with +1 lvl socketed gems

4) - Skin of the Loyal (our goal) with 4 red 1 blue 1 green socket

I dont recommend buying Skin Of The Loyal with 2 green or 2 blue sockets. You do that only if its very cheap. I know u can put there FasterAttacks or Conc but you lose Maim! Stick with Tabula +1 will give u way more dmg till u can get 4red 1blue 1green.

And we can use Feeding Frenzy instead of Ruthless so 3 red 2 blue 1 green.

5) - Rare Astral plate or Redeemer with +1 supported gems

Glorious Plate

+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+108 to maximum Life
+44% to Lightning Resistance
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
8% increased maximum Life
7% increased maximum Mana
+14% to Fire and Chaos Resistances

or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green)

This is our BIS. You go with Astral for extra res or you can go with Redeemer

6) - YOLO MAx DMG version Corrupted Skin of the Loyal with +1 to all gems (the biggest dmg you can have , overkill) with 3 red 1 blue 2 green socket or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green)

7) - Rare Astral Plate (LEGACY because MAIM only for standard users) +1 , maim , life , life % 

Rare chest - We are looking for +1 lvl , life , life % , resistances. Keep in mind you can craft on bench life % / mana % (prefix)


1) We get ClayShaper for extra minions life + extra golem

Convoking Wand

Can roll Minion Modifiers
+1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems
+1 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
Minions deal 48% increased Damage
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill
Minions have 15% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 14% increased Cast Speed

2) BIS Convoking wand with +2 , minion dmg , minion attack speed , auto cast




Victarios Charity - huge dmg boost for our golems , free frenzy + power charge


Stygian belt

1) - We go with life/mana/resistances

Stygian Vise

Has 1 Abyssal Socket
+106 to maximum Life
12% increased maximum Life
+66 to maximum Mana
+47% to Fire Resistance
+39% to Cold Resistance
+15% to Cold and Chaos Resistances

2) - BIS Hunter version (because life %)

3) - Headhunter


Keep an eye on Armour boots! or hybrid (Armour + Evasion)

1 ->3 mean Cheap -> High End

1) - any rare boots with life , resistances , movement speed

2) - Two-toned high life , 30 % movement speed , resistances

3)- Two-toned boots with high life , life % or mana , 35% movement speed , resistances


1) - Essence Worm with Hatred

2) - Rare ring with high life , resistances and mana for our MoM

3) - Vermillion Ring with life / resistances / mana

Vermillion Ring

8% increased maximum Life
+93 to maximum Life
+34% to Chaos Resistance
Minions deal 25% increased Damage
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
+56 to maximum Mana
+15% to Fire and Chaos Resistances

4) - BIS Vermillion Redeemer with minion damage


The Primordial Chain

Get as low rolls there as u can -> low rolls means more dmg , more life for our golems

This is where our fun beggins! We can put extra node from skill tree on our amulet. Of course some of them are expensive such as +1 Curse (Whispers of Doom) or Ravenous Horde

Keep in mind Awakened Curse on Hit lvl5 gives u +1 extra curse so you can have 3 curses with Whispers of Doom or 2 with Ravenous Horde. 3rd curse you can get from corrupted gloves (such as enfeeble , temporal chains etc so u can mix them like u want)


1) - Grip of the Council (biggest dmg)

Riveted Gloves

13% increased Attack Speed
+68 to maximum Life
+69 to maximum Mana
+25% to Cold Resistance
Minions deal 29% increased Damage
+15% to Cold and Chaos Resistances

2) - Redeemer rare gloves with minion dmg! , life , resistances (extra dmg , more life , easier to cap res)

3) - Command of The Pit 2 socket (tank mode since we use 2 extra jewels)



Ghastly Eye Jewel

+28 to maximum Life
Minions have 7% chance to Taunt on Hit with Attacks
Minions deal 1 to 5 additional Physical Damage
Minions have 4% chance to Blind on Hit with Attacks

We are looking for high life , high mana (for our mom) and Blind + Taunt. You can also use Hinder but only if you want use it on ur tree or you took Command of The pit 2s

8 or 9 Primordial of Harmony -> Keep an eye on Golem Dmg 20% also high rolls on golems have % increased cooldown recovery speed because stone golem second attack . If u get enough reduced cooldown his skill will be reduced below 2 seconds (9 = more dmg / use 8 if u want 1 extra jewel. DONT LOOK AT Golem SKILLS % HAVE INCREASED CD (useless because u can cast golems faster which is useless for us since our golems dont die)

2 or 3 x - Primordial Eminance -> Keep an eye on 20% golems attack speed

1 Primordial Might -> Keep an eye on golems life % (rest doesnt matter)

1 -> Anima Stone

KEEP AN EYE: Corrupted Blood is BIS. So corrupt your jewels to get it :) 


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