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Path of exile 3.1 Build For Shadow Trickster

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Dec/13/17 03:13:36 Views: 3756

The Trickster is often a versatile class that has access to intelligence-dexterity hybrid defenses, mana regeneration, high maneuverability and harm over time. In this article, PoeCurrencybuy will share Path of exile 3.1 Build For Shadow Trickster use Caustic Arrow, Essence Drain, Flicker Strike, Kitava's Thirst, Spectral Throw, Volatile Dead Poe Gems.


Path of exile 3.1 Build For Shadow Trickster

NO.1 [Poe 3.1 Caustic Arrow] Sidefx Cthulhu Arrow (CA) Destroy Shaper and Elder Maps!

This build focuses on damage with time mechanics inside the game even though also possessing Incredible ES regen begin time/speed
When you get pleasure from being able to rush into heavy packs and kill them all without attempting and not ever coming close to death, then this is the build for you. This build farms Uber lab and all map tiers, no doubt in my mind that it would also farm shaper. So I am going to say now this build can clear all content but not without having a decent wallet. There is also a budget version as well.

+ Not that pricey to get going
+ Super relaxed play style
+ Higher content with low gear

- Boring with no MTX
- Slower playstyle
- To min, max will price you lots of currency
- Crafting the god bow is tons of RNG

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NO.2 [Poe 3.1 Essence Drain] SC/HC Essence Drain Progression - At the moment MoM ED/Blight/Contagion

The alterations impacted this build in 3.1. We are going to lose some mana resulting from the Thoughts more than Matter alterations, which will affect our survivability. The outcome needs to be about 150-200 reduce efficient well being but considering a well-geared character had about 9k; this is not a big deal. Our boss damage will also be slightly smaller, now that Wither only gives 90% elevated harm taken in place of 140%. This Build final results in us being able to drop a help gem in the Wither totem setup, as well as the new curse must be in a position to compensate for the modifications as well. The build continues to be trusted, and in a place to complete all content, however, it may demand a bit more finesse against the guardians and Shaper given that the kills will now take some additional seconds.

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NO.3[Poe 3.1 Flicker Strike] CI, 8k+ ES/49% Evade Hybrid FS/ BF Trickster

Considering that 3.1 enable's employing Vaal Pact for CI char's, This Build changed the Tree rather quite a bit.
Also with 3.0, the Boss HP is the strategy to higher to entirely rely on Flicker Strike.
That's why This Build forced the Flicker Strike into a four Link and use Blade Flurry(God send me yet another selection) within the six Link for Single Target.

+ Rapidly
+ Exciting
+ Rebuildable in Temp Leagues
+ Quite Tanky (will need awareness play)
+ Double Curse enables Party to play given that numerous want Energy charges

-Needs specific Item's to create it run (Unique's items will not be the Core of this Build)
-Can be costly, especially in end game
-Can bring about Eye Cancer for many people (joke)
-Need high awareness playstyle
-Very extremely Map Hungry
-Not going to lie, Flicker Strike will not be appropriate for Endgame Bosses, may have to switch to Blade Flurry (which can be no dilemma)

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NO.4 [Poe 3.1 Kitava's Thirst] Kitava's Spirit - Price range Multicast Trickster [Uber Farm capable]

Kiva's Thirst carries on the endless hunger of its progenitor, in this case for mana, that magical wellspring from which life flourishes. When sated, the helmet features a chance to reward its feeder together with the casting of socketed spells. This enables anyone who promptly feeds Kitava's Thirst to cast spells passively as they combat their foes.

-Relatively low-priced to gear (1 Poe Exalted Orb)
-Easy to level
-Great harm mitigation
-Covers the screen in harm

-Relatively overall EHP (~4.5k Life + 1.5k ES)
-Desperate to obtain resists on gear
-Some bosses are tricky (Reflect)

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NO.5 [Poe 3.1 Spectral Throw] TRICKSTER Scorching Ray + Righteous Fire MoM Boss farmer 1.8mil trash DPS

Check out my character "golden blades" for a template on ways to build this character in 3.1 as well as make use of the pop hyperlinks as guides for endgame gear. It will likely be updated when This Build gets the character in league situated with endgame mapping.
Some suggestions for frost blades leveling (This Build applied it until lv 70):
1. This Build uses wake of destruction (boots) gives flat ele. This Build utilized Monday's (the gloves) gives insane attack speed though around the complete life.
2. four hyperlinks: Frost blades, Damage to the entire life, added cold, multistrike when dual wielding claws.
3. curse on hit - herald of ice - poachers mark (reduces enemies evasion and gives u plenty of flask charges for leveling/early maps when your accuracy is most likely poor)
4. protector totem with minion/totem resist, life gain around the hit from claws will assistance he keep alive.
Get your three labs accomplished and get two wasp nests and around lv 70 get started STing every little thing :).

+ Quick Mapping with budget gear.
+ No "need" for pact until red maps. (I took at lv 92 on Mayhem. Will clarify this later)
+ You feel the playstyle exceptionally early on (lv 60) and right after that, it only gets better.
+ six Link NOT Expected just aids with crit consistency when your bossing.
+ Most budget solid build I have done. (actually, 1c gear apart from uniques/300+ PDPS claw which I created on Mayhem SC)
+ Simply because we're trickster we have a lot more defensive stats in comparison to Raider.
+ Can go dual wield or Lycosidae. Lycosidae is greater if you are Vpact in red maps.
+ Baseline weapon is insanely cheap. (Wasp Nest)
+ ELE reflect NP with current 3.0 Vpact. Only indicate maps WITH reflect rares are scary.
+ 10s Vaal Grace for defense.
+ Freeze/chill (and due to pandemonium blind on hit)
+ Can do no regen maps and spam ST even if you happen to be not leeching.
+ Area for an Inspired finding out in ranger section if you want to get buffs.

- Low total life pool (5k), pigeon-holed into using Belly from the Beast or perhaps a life chest with 140+ life and 50 strength.
- Build leveling up feels incredibly slow/bad. I leveled with frost blades until I got everything set up.
- Want a claw with good APS, Crit AND high Phys. 300+ PDS with 8.0 crit is best. (check my PoB link for my nail)
- POB does not correctly calculate half with the trickster's ascendancy, so POB DPS is more significant than shown. You may also determine the harm by counting onslaught flask off and then turn it on, that's how much harm bonus you get from a swift killer. Extra gear will make that enhance even bigger.
- Won't hit 6+ APS as a raider can thoroughly buff. You are going to have to settle for four.0+ base with 5.0+ completely buffed

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NO.6 [Poe 3.1 Volatile Dead] MoM Volatile Dead Trickster (League starter, Budget-friendly)

That is my go for the new gem Volatile Dead. This builds this character additional for mapping because the initial char in a new league, but This build can probably see it doing harder content. When Inquisitor almost certainly offers you much more DPS from Inevitable Judgement, Trickster provides you far better defense (evasion, mana regen), power and frenzy charge generation and much more speed general.

+ Defensive (MoM, Evasion)
+ Good harm (probably high)
+ Agile (more quickly than inquisitor)
+ Frenzy and Power charge on kill
+ Low cost, no mandatory uniques
+ Terrific mana sustain

- Life sustain may be troublesome at occasions. Leech comes from Atziris promise and boot enchant.
- Mana hungry build (while trickster quite significantly solves that)

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