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Path Of Exile StrongBox Guide - Affix | Drop Item

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Oct/27/18 01:38:31 Views: 6076

Strongboxes are a special type of loot container found throughout Wraeclast. When opened, a strongbox will release groups of monsters to surround and attack the character. Only once all of the ambushing monsters are slain will a strongbox relinquish its loot. The monsters released by a strongbox also drop loot and grant experience when killed

There are many different types of StrongBox in Path Of Exile. Many players don't care about these things. In fact, just pay attention to the existence of the StrongBox and invest in the game properly. I believe that any player can get a good return, even some very rare and rare items.

Today, We will introduce you a guide to the PoE StrongBox. This guide details the prefix and suffix of several common types of StrongBox. It also describes the items and rewards available in the StrongBox.

Path Of Exile StrongBox Guide


All StrongBox have the same prefix

  • Freezes you when activated
  • Releases Caustic Clouds
  • Guarded by a Rogue Exile
  • Casts Ice Nova
  • Ignites you when activated
  • Guarded by a pack of Magic Monsters
  • Guarded by 3 Rare Monsters
  • Summons Skeletons
  • Detonates nearby Corpses
  • Guarded by a stream of Monsters
  • Revives nearby dead Monsters with Onslaught
  • Casts Firestorm
  • Explodes
  • Casts Lightning Storm
  • Casts a random Curse when activated

Different kinds of StrongBox

Normal Strongbox

  • Contains (3 to 8) additional Items
  • Contains (1 to 3) additional Rare Items 
  • +(1 to 5) Chest level
  • (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contained Items have (1 to 2) additional Sockets
  • Contains (1 to 5) additional Magic Items
  • Contains Mirrored Items
  • Contained Items have (1 to 20)% Quality
  • Contains an additional Unique Item
  • (1000 to 2000)% increased Rarity of Contained Items
  • Contained Items are fully Linked
  • Contains Identified Items
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins

Contains all kinds of items. Strongboxes are one of the most common boxes in the game. Look for increased item quantity, contains additional items mods on these boxes.

Path Of Exile - StrongBox Warbands

Jeweller's Strongbox

  • Contains (3 to 8) additional Items
  • Contains (1 to 3) additional Rare Items 
  • +(1 to 5) Chest level
  • (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contains (1 to 5) additional Magic Items
  • Contains Mirrored Items
  • Contains an additional Unique Item
  • (1000 to 2000)% increased Rarity of Contained Items
  • Contains Identified Items
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins

Jeweller's Strongbox contains rings/belts/amulets. These are good boxes to use Vaal Orb on. Corrupted jewelry and belts inside the box has good chance to turn into rare item with 6 affixes, which could yield you some pretty nice loot. Good mods to look for on the box are – contains additional items, increased item quantity or contains additional rare items.


Armorer's Strongbox (spawn rate 6%)

Regarding when to use Vaal Orbs on Armorer’s, please never please Vaal it if you have already rolled +2 Sockets or Fully Linked Items. Despite what lots of people have put out there, the Vaal Orb increasing the chance of a 6L is completely independent of the +2 Socket and 6L modifier.

Contains pieces of Armor.  At higher levels of maps you can get some fantastic bases out of this, and in some cases, a few 6 link chest pieces. If you can afford to you want to ensure the box contains the following:

  • Items are fully linked and Contained items have +2 additional sockets.

Keep in mind that this box’s Unique version is “Kaom’s Cache,” which can drop a Kaom’s Heart Unique chest. Using a Chance orb here to roll its rarity can definitely pay off and in some cases scouring and chance spam may net you an early 400 Chaos sale.



Path Of Exile - StrongBox Maraketh

Arcanist's Strongbox & Artisan's Strongbox

  • Contains (3 to 8) additional Items 
  • +(1 to 5) Chest level
  • Only contains Support Gems
  • (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contains an extra Vaal Gem
  • Contained Gems have Experience
  • Contained Items have (1 to 20)% Quality
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins

Arcanist's Strongbox

You can find every kind of poe currency in these boxes, even the rarest pieces. 

This juicy little fella has the potential to drop every form of poe currency that DOES NOT affect item quality in the game, yes, that’s right boy’s and girl’s, even the fabled Mirror of Casandra. 

If the strongbox does not have at least 50% item quantity or contains 5 additional items mod after turning rare, You should reroll it, depending how much poe currency you have. It is also a good idea to just roll it with Orbs of Alteration for additonal items mod.

Artisan's Strongbox

this box will only drop poe currency that improves the Quality of items, such as Armorer's scraps, Blacksmith's whetstones, Cartographer's chisels and Gemcutter's Prisms.



Path Of Exile - StrongBox Ashes

Gemcutter's Strongbox

  • Contains (3 to 8) additional Items
  • +(1 to 5) Chest level
  • Only contains Support Gems
  • (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contains an extra Vaal Gem
  • Contained Gems have Experience
  • Contained Items have (1 to 20)% Quality
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins

Gemcutter's Strongbox – contains skill gems. These are quite good strongboxes to use poe currency on if you want a lottery – you can get very lucky and roll gems have increased quality mod, although it is really rare.


Cartographer's Strongbox

  • Contains (1 to 2) additional Item
  • Contains 1 additional Rare Item
  • +(1 to 3) Chest level
  • (30 to 40)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contains 1 additional Magic Item
  • Contained Items have (1 to 20)% Quality
  • Contains an additional Unique Item
  • (1000 to 2000)% increased Rarity of Contained Items
  • Contains Identified Items
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins

This box can actually prove to be quite useful in boosting your map pool or Chisel supply. Use only Transmutes, Alterations and Augmentations that you want,



Path Of Exile - StrongBox

Diviner's Strongbox

  • Contains (3 to 8) additional Items
  • +(1 to 5) Chest level
  • (30 to 60)% increased Quantity of Contained Items
  • Contains (2 to 4) additional Silver Coins
  • Contains additional Divination Cards that give Corrupted Items
  • Contains additional Divination Cards that give Currency
  • Contains additional Divination Cards that give Unique Items

This is where you can make enough poe currency in the 10 minutes you take to reroll its modifiers to fund the ridiculous build Mathil is playing. Sadly, these are extremely rare. Mods you want on this strongbox is increased quantity or additional items – use poe chaos orbs to roll these.


Blacksmith’s Strongbox (spawn rate 5.7%)

Now, you might be thinking “Sweet! Same as an Armorer’s, I’m gonna get me some 6 linked weapons!” Weapons require far more in the way of RNG to be worth anything regardless of links. A 6 linked, low dps weapon will not fetch much, especially if its base is undesirable and not worth crafting. As a result, I advise we treat these the same as the above Artisan’s boxes.


The above is the introduction guide for the Strongbox in Path Of Exile. If you have other questions about the game, you can  visit our website for other guides and news, hope to help you!

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