POE 3.5 Betrayal Ranger Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Raider, Pathfinder, Deadeye
The Ranger is Path of Exile's pure dexterity class, which befits her slim and graceful appearance. She is agile and fast, darting in and out of combat to deliver vicious critical strikes that often fell her enemies in a single blow. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Ranger in Path Of Exile Betrayal League
Recommended Ranger Builds
Quick Jump
- POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Starter Tornado Shot Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Starter Elemental Hit Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Lightning Scourge Arrow Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Blade Flurry Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Viper Strike Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Toxic Rain + Herald Of Agony Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Raider Starter Cyclone Build
- POE 3.5 Ranger Raider Starter Molten Strike Build
Ranger Deadeye Build
POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Starter Tornado Shot Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Low Budget Viabe, Fast, Endgame
In particular, the build is designed around using Void Shot. Void Shot is a triggered skill that fires an arrow to the targeted point, which will then explode after a short delay... it's kinda a reskinned version of the exploding shot those crossbow enemies in act 5 fire at you.
An ordinary Void Shot isn't especially impressive, it deals around the same damage as a typical unsupported skill, but since it's not in a socketed piece of gear you've no way of adding support gems to it, which makes it seem underwhelming. However, it scales extremely well on extra arrows, better than any other skill (barrage and molten strike included), because it's extremely easy to get the explosions to overlap... it's like using multi-projectile lightning arrow when the enemy is up against a wall, only you don't actually need the wall. So one added arrow is effectively 100% more damage, for the explosion at least. Or in the case of this build, 4 extra arrows = 400% more damage (6 for 600% more with dying sun up)... and that kinda amplifier is on par with about 5-6 dps support gems.
Gems Setup
Tornado Shot - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Cold Penetration - Added Cold - Hypothermia - (choice 6th)
Ice Shot - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Pierce - Added Cold - Mirage Archer - (choice 6th)
These are the main damage setups, Tshot mostly for focused damage and ice shot for clearing and mirage archer supporting dps.
For the 6th links, i use Faster Attacks for both Tshot and ice shot. There's other supports that could result in better dps, but all in all with the relatively low attack speed in the build and the plentiful dps already, i've elected to go with faster attacks to keep things smoother and allow me to attack-and-move more ably (which is important vs uber elder in particular)
As for the other setups
Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vaal Grace
Frenzy - Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Culling StrikeHerald of Ice - Hatred
CWDT-IC for defense, Vaal Grace-Inc duration for defense (especially in incursions), HoI and Hatred for base cold damage and HoI explosions, blink arrow for movement,
frenzy to build up charges for tougher boss fight
POB link: https://pastebin.com/9UVwRY95
POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Starter Elemental Hit Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Budget, High DPS, Endgame
Elemental Hit is an attack skill, executing a basic attack with added damage of a random element. An Elemental Hit may be performed with any weapon. Combat Focus now causes Elemental Hit to deal 50% less damage of the prevented element, including damage that gets converted from the prevented element to a new element.
Gems Setup
Elemental Hit + GMP + Mirage Archer + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen
For AoE: swap Fire Pen with Cold to Fire if you don't use Pyre.
Single Target
5L: Elemental Hit + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen + Slower Proj
6th link: Empower lvl 4 or Faster Attacks or Damage on Full Life
Frostferno 4L: Ele Hit + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen or Damage on Full Life (~12% more dps than Fire Pen if your life is full...)
- - Vaal Haste
- - Grace if you're using Queen of the Forest
- - You may use Herald of Ash in order to improve AoE clear
- Orb of Storms + Power Charge on Crit + Curse on Hit + Proj Weakness vs. Bosses / Guardians / Shaper OR: gloves with Elemental Weakness on hit corruption (but only if you can manage to get this corruption on a really nice pair of gloves)
- - Blink Arrow
- - Ice Golem
- - Blood Rage
- - CWDT + IC
POB link: https://pastebin.com/Jp5rpZxD
POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Lightning Scourge Arrow Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Boss Killer, High DPS, Endgame
The build is lightning based because Lightning Damage gear mods are the highest of the 3 Elements, and also very easy to scale along with Elemental Damage. Lightning Damage can also shock enemies, therefore allowing us to deal even more damage to them.
- + Easy and Achievable Items. No League Specific or Legacy Items are needed. All you really need are some Uniques with Life & Elemental Resistances on Rare Gear. No need to stack 10+ Abyss Jewels.
- + Adaptable. You can easily swap out some gear and skills to suit your own play style. e.g Tornado Shot or Lightning Arrow for clearing/mapping.
- + Easy Map Boss Killer. Uber Elder, Shaper and (Shaper/Elder) Guardians are cut and dry, no extra mechanics needed, just need to know their basic mechanics and you'll be fine.
- + 5.6K+ Life. With a bit of investment in gear, you can EASILY achieve a life pool above 5.6K, this build usually ends up around 5.7K to 6.1K of Life.
- + Start Build Friendly. The template of this build can be a nice starter build for a Temp League, no need to respec or level a new character just to play this build.
- + Beginner Friendly Endgame. Once you get use to the Scourge Arrow mechanics, you can just simply fire away from a safe distance and the Thorn Arrows (from the Spores) does most of the work for you.
- - Cannot do REFLECT Maps.
- - Cannot do Hall of Grandmasters. Only a few builds are dedicate to doing and farming this map. This build definately isn't one of them.
- - Leech Rate. Unlike Barrage where you fire continuously and maintain a level of DPS and Life Leech, Scourge Arrow can't to that, so you can't face tank Endgame contents.
POB Link
Build and Items: https://pastebin.com/EN125hVq
Build Template: https://pastebin.com/HWzEFzAV
Ranger Pathfinder Build
POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Blade Flurry Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Speed, Cheap, High Damage
This build uses Blade Flurry as the main skill. It's still fine for clearspeed. It's not your clear 2 screens with one massive projectile skill clearspeed, but with enough attack speed you can just WB>hold for half a second and move on.
There is plenty of working room with these links. So please feel free to try moving them around, adding, and removing some of them to adapt them to your own playstyle.
- + Cheap / Budget
- + Can clear literally every map mod at all tiers
- + Fast movement speed with and without shield charge
- + Has very respectable damage
- + Does not care about any pack's life pool
- + Synergies with bex's "Pop" loot filter
- - Has to ramp up damage against bosses
- - Have to stand still periodically to do damage
- - Abyssal Cry cooldown is a clear-speed gate
- - Not a juggernaut
- - Requires more than a single button for clearing (2!)
Gems Setup
6L Body Armour (G-G-G-B-B-R)
4-Link: Blade Flurry - Added Chaos - Lesser Poison - Void Manipulation
5-Link: Add Unbound Ailments and swap Lesser Poison for Poison
6-Link: Add Melee Physical Damage
4L Gloves (G-G-B-R)
Abyssal Cry - Increased Area of Effect - Void Manipulation - Poison
4L Boots (G-G-G-R)
Herald of Agony - Ancestral Protector - Culling Strike - Withering Touch
4L Helmet (G-R-R-R)
Herald of Purity | Cast when DT (Lvl 5) - Blood Rage (Lvl 10) - Immortal Call (Lvl 7)
If you want to self-cast Blood Rage, level it to 20.
If you want to have it automated, keep it at level 10.
> Make sure you put Blood Rage "earlier" in the socket order than Immortal Call.
3L Main-hand (B-B-*)
Blasphemy - Despair | Portal
3L Off-hand (G-R-R)
Shield Charge (Lvl 1) - Faster Attacks - Fortify
POB link: https://pastebin.com/S4zYhcYH
POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Viper Strike Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High DPS, Cheap, Fast Speed
It's a cool Viper Strike giga damage + Herald of Agony cool friends for clearing build! No matter what, the build will be cheap because of common uniques, and crazy DPS - Up and beyond 5,000,000.000 DPS!
- + Crazy DPS - Up and beyond 5,000,000.000 DPS! W0W!
- + Forget party play, you now have 10( TEN) friends who you can map with
- + No matter what, the build will be cheap because of common uniques
- + A lot of uniques that are very strong with this build
- + Plenty of interesting and powerful Delve crafting items to be obtained and maxxed
- + Fast as HECK and doesn't need Movement Speed
- + 15 Second Vaal Blight and Vaal Haste!
- + So many defensive layers that I need to use a spoiler
- + Fight against the evil corruption of Uber Elder with friends!
- - If you like being bored, then this build will let you down
Gems Setup
Viper Strike - Deadly Ailments - Vile Toxins - Melee Splash - Added Chaos Damage - Ancestral Call for mapping and Multistrike for bossing
Our main damage skill. If you feel that you're dying a lot or need more regen, try using multistrike for mapping.
Most important to level up is Viper Strike, then Vile Toxins & Added Chaos damage, all 3 are REALLY good at level 21.
Viper Strike Level 21 gem is better than level 20 with 20 quality since it gives you +1 range.
Added Chaos damage gives us most damage at level 21.
Vile Toxins gives you 5% more damage with hits per poison at level 21.
Vaal Blight - Herald of Purity - Ancestral Protector
We get 5 friends from this! Ancestral Protector is mainly to get 20% MORE attack speed, which is A LOT! Herald of Purity is to have more friends, more damage for us and fun poison stacks!
Vaal Blight is the biggest DPS buff you can have and it also slows enemies by 80%. I've pretty much gone as far as completely stunning T16 Guardians with it + Vaal Cold Snap.
Cast When Damage Taken Level 1 - Immortal Call level 3 - Vaal Cold Snap level 1
This is what enemies get blasted with when they attack us. Don't ever level up above these levels or your setup won't work. The main function of Immortal Call is to proc Soul of Arakaali Pantheon. Even though Vaal Skill don't work with CWDT, the Vaal skills also have a normal version attached to them which does work and the Vaal version will be able to be casted manually.
Manually casting Vaal Cold Snap gives you frenzy charges and freezes enemies - use it for bosses and strong targets!
Vaal Double Strike - Withering Touch - Lesser Poison - Faster Attacks
These hop into boots since once we get Increased Duration on Elder rare Boots which make it a 5 link and their duration goes to 15 seconds. The duration of these skills is super long because of our passive tree and boots.
Holds 2 stacks, both can be used at the same time, use only Vaal version of the skill. This is super good for bosses and hard encounters. It applies tons of poisons and also Withering which increase our DPS output a lot. Plus we get 4 more friends!
Whirling Blades - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic
Main movement skills, scales with attack speed and movement speed is irrelevant. You should use it as your main method of moving even during bosses to proc Fortify which makes you take 20% less damage from Hits. This doesn't drain any mana from us, only health.
Herald of Agony - Pierce - Maim or Empower LV3 / 4 - Minion Damage (+ Vile Toxins if using Embalmber's Gloves )
This is our cool friend who helps us with clearing and killing + gives us MORE poison damage! Keeping high stacks is VERY easy.
POB link: https://pastebin.com/TALiYAPn
POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Toxic Rain + Herald Of Agony Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Decent AOE, Fast Reflect Immune
This build have great single target damage without Barrage or Elemental Hit and great clear speed with usual high Pathfinder mobility, no need to PIERCE heavily, like in CA setup. REFLECT IMMUNE!
- +decent AOE
- +great single target damage without Barrage or Elemental Hit
- +great clear speed with usual high Pathfinder mobility
- +permanent flask uptime
- +no need to PIERCE heavily, like in CA setup
- +REFLECT IMMUNE (all reflect!)
- +45-65% dodge
- -Still pretty squishy as relies mostly on acrobatics and Evasion.
- -stacking Virulence is harder with slow bow
- -111 INT required for proper gearing
Gems Setup
For Uber Lab enchant
40% Toxic Rain damage if not running 6L Herald or using Coming Calamity. 30% Reduced Herald of Agony if running 6L Herald on Belly of the Beast and everything else.
Link setup here is a balance between dot, poison and pod explosions!
- Toxic Rain 5L: Toxic Rain-Damage on Full Life-Void Manipulation-Vicious Projectiles-Mirage Archer
- Toxic Rain 6L: Toxic Rain-Damage on Full Life-Void Manipulation-Vicious Projectiles-mirage Archer-Added Chaos
For maximum DoT stacking
Toxic Rain 6L: Toxic Rain-Void Manipulation-Vicious Projectiles-Swift Affliction-Increased Duration-Efficacy
- Herald of Agony 5L: Herald of Agony-Vicious Projectiles-Minion Damage-Withering Touch-Damage on Full Life
- Herald of Agony 6L: Herald of Agony-Vicious Projectiles-Minion Damage-Withering Touch-Damage on Full Life-Maim.
POB link: Lioneye's Glare: https://pastebin.com/AT6ADTY9
Ranger Raider Builds
POE 3.5 Ranger Raider Starter Cyclone Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Pure Physical, Cheap, Friendly
This build is a perfect league starter, you can do it with only about 30 chaos. Kondo's pride is a great place holder until you can afford a starforge. This build also has the capability to scale amazingly well. You can dump 100+ exalts and still see substantial results. The only two map mods the build can't do are physical reflect and no leech.
Gems Setup
Links are in the order they appear in terms of priority. (Cyclone - Melee Phys - Maim - Brutality would be a example of a 4 link setup)
(Chest plate) Cyclone - Melee Physical - Maim - Brutality - Conc/Increased AOE - Damage on full life
Blasphemy - Vulnerability - Vaal Grace - Herald of Purity
Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Conc effect - Fortify
(WEAPON) Ancestral Warchief Totem - Ruthless - Melee physical - Brutality - Blood lust - Damage on full life
Cast when Damage taken - Immortal call - Increased Duration - Blood Rage
POB link: https://pastebin.com/54hCaPUp
POE 3.5 Ranger Raider Starter Molten Strike Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Easy, Cheap, Tankly, Endgame
This build is a molten strike raider based on synergy with raider ascendancy and heavily underrated and under used cheap unique swords for lots of attack speed, defenses, perma onslaught/phasing, tons of DPS and loads of fun
This build is easily started at the beginning of league and starts out cheap and powerful with extreme end game scaling available with investment as the league goes on.
- + Cheap league starter.
- + Can clear all content. Including Uber Atziri, Shaper, Uber Elder, Hall of Grandmasters
- + Can run all map mods with small adjustments.
- + Easy minimalist playstyle.
- + Very tanky.
- + Loads of DPS from beginning to end game.
- + Variation available.
- + Can have very fast movement speed for map clear and Uber lab farming.
- + Can farm uber lab.
- + Molten Strike finally got an MTX.
- - Molten Strike finally got an MTX (potentially incoming nerf).
- - Can get expensive for optimal version.
- - Not the fastest zoom zoom clear speed around.
POB link: https://pastebin.com/L985uSQK

POE 3.5 Betrayal Witch Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox, PS4) - Necromancer, Elementalist, Occultist
The Witch is Path of Exile's pure intelligence class, making her an unmatched master of the elemental and dark arts. She wields the power of raw magic to decimate her foes from a distance. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Witch in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Templar Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Inquisitor, Hierophant, Guardian
The Templar is Path of Exile's strength/intelligence hybrid class, a perfect balance of brawn and wits. He is a skillful fighter, trained in an array of weapons, from the sharpest cutlass to the heaviest two-handed mace. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Templar in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Shadow Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Trickster, Assassin, Saboteur
The Shadow is Path of Exile's dexterity/intelligence hybrid class. He prefers to use fast-hitting weapons such as daggers or claws to dart in and out of battle, while laying traps or remote mines and controlling the flow of combat. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Shadow in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Scion Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Ascendant
The daughter of corrupt nobles, the Scion was exiled to Wraeclast for killing her husband on their wedding night. She is aligned with all three core attributes - strength, dexterity and intelligence, which places her in the center of the passive skill tree. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Scion in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Marauder Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Berserker, Chieftain, Juggernaut
The Marauder is Path of Exile's pure strength class, which means that he's great at taking hits, and even better at dishing out punishment. His melee skills encompass a wide range of assault, from massive single target damage to devastating area of effect. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Marauder in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Duelist Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox, PS4) - Champion, Gladiator, Slayer
The Duelist is Path of Exile's strength/dexterity hybrid class, making him unmatched at dealing and avoiding damage. He can effectively use a shield, but is equally comfortable slashing away with a powerful two-hander or fighting with weapons in both hands. In this guide, poecurrencybuy.com aims to share the most popular builds about Duelist in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.