Path of exile Top 5 Most Popular zones
In Path of Exile Top 5 Deadlist Areas We introduced the five most deaths area, today we introduce the most popular five maps. Poe've culled out a few areas that would otherwise have warped the stats, such as hideouts and the Aspirant's Plaza. The Age of Dried Lake has officially come to an end, with the relatively open, straight-forward layout of Oasis, Spider Forest and Beach taking the top spots. All three of these maps are quite closely matched in terms of the volume run. Crystal Veins and Ravaged Square both make an appearance, likely because they are some of the few areas in Path of Exile that you must revisit several times to complete the story.
The Oasis is an area in Act 9. It is connected to the Vastiri Desert. Vaal side area Shifting Sands has a chance to spawn.
Boss Arena
Boss doesn't have an arena. He stands in the open on the side of the map opposite to the starting point.
Planus, Hollow Soul based on Voll, Emperor of Purity. Uses an identical skillset.
Produced by three Desert Maps
Three Oasis Maps yield one Arid Lake Map
Beach map is based on the Tidal Island zone in Act 1.
Boss Arena
The arena is a small circle - when entering, there is only a small area to move before the boss engages and seals the entrance.
Produced by three Jungle Valley Maps
Three Beach Maps yield one Vaal Pyramid Map
Divination cards
This map is based on the The Blackwood zone in Act 2. Features moderately open areas broken up by large patches of impassable forest. There are plenty of narrow areas to use to avoid being surrounded, but few strong choke points. A road runs through the area, with potential for branching.100 shaped spider forest 4x chiseled, 2x yellow and 1x white sextant. Leaguestones: bloodline+breach+onslaught, every map with at least 10% packsize and 80% quantity. Rerolled only temp chains, kept ele reflect for “player can’t take reflected damage” sextant which happened 4 times – more than enough to run them. 102/126 atlas - only shaped mesa, forest and vault completed in their tiers.Did them as 95lvl ele wander raider with bisco's and 19% sadimas, each run took around 3.5 minutes incuding vendoring and stashing. Farmed caer to get base pool of 13 shaped forests which was enough to keep me going.Total cost to run them was 1120c, including cost of maps and 6,3h. Return: 3610c, profit 2490c which makes it 395c/h. Without doctors profit/h would be 109c. 2 doctors seem to be lucky outcome, lets assume 1 is the average per 100 maps then we get around 250c/h profit.
Boss Arena
Arena is a large camp. Entrance seals when the boss is engaged and opens when she is killed.
Enticer of Rot, based on Alira.
Casts Desecrate
Casts Detonate Dead
Summons 2 Shadow Archers and a Crazed Martyr from the tents at 75/50/25% health
Spawns Avatar of Rot from the cauldron at 50% health.
Avatar of Rot is a unique zombie. Entrance can be reopened without killing it, but it does drop items.
Periodically creates 3 slow red mists of physical damage
Uses Earthquake with Less Duration Support
The Blood Aqueduct is an area in Act 9. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Harbour Bridge and Highgate.
This map uses the Fetid Pool tileset. It is a large, open area with a pool of water in the center, similar to the Fetid Pool in Act 1. Players start at the edge of the map, and the boss arena spawns on the opposite side close to the water.
Boss Arena
The arena is large and doesn't have a random magic monster pack. Instead, it contains 3 packs of rhoas (one per nest). Boss awaits on the far side of the arena, and engaging it seals the entrance until the boss is killed.
Drought-Maddened Rhoa, based on Oozeback Bloom.
Nearby enemies take chaos damage over time
Drops more and better Items when Enraged - break all the nests in the room to Enrage him

Poe Launches Fan Art Competition until October 17th 2017
Path of exile Launches New Fan Art Competition until October 17th 2017, If your style of art takes a while to complete, don’t fret, you have time. In fact, you have until October 17th to complete your art piece and submit it to the team.

Path of Exile Xbox one Interview
Path of Exile Xbox one is free, and none of its optional microtransactions convey a gameplay advantage. all the content, including our latest expansion, The Fall of Oriath, is included for free. If you’d like to party with other players online, then an Xbox Live Gold membership is required.

How to Use Path of Exile xbox one Trade Board
As you progress through the story you’ll likely come across a wealth of content ranging from gems, weapons, shields and armor. If you find your stash getting pretty full, you might want to offload some of that equipment elsewhere which is where the Trade Board comes into play.

Poe Xbox One 3.0.1b Patch Notes Improvements
Path of exile Developer GGG has released Xbox One Path of Exile patch 3.0.1b, which offers various new features, improvements, and bug fixes aplenty.Among other changes, the update offers improvements to The Beachhead map and the Harbinger league.

Poe Currency Stash Tab for mass dumping of small items
Currency Stash tabs for mass dumping of small items - Instead of taking the time to look at every rare ring, amulet or jewel you can just identify them and throw them in a tab for Currency Stash tabs.

Easy Way to Farming Poe Currency
You can pick and choose which maps to complete on the atlas to manipulate which maps will drops poe currrency for you. There are several guides out there for this already, and multiple variations so you won't go into too much detail on this part.