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PoE 3.17 League - Siege Of The Atlas

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jan/14/22 08:48:24 Views: 2736

After a long wait, PoE has finally announced the news about the next expansion. The next expansion will bring a brand new endgame content, let us look forward to the release of Siege Of The Atlas!

PoE 3.17 League - Siege Of The Atlas

Path of Exile Livestream Announcement

Tune in at 11am on January 27th (PST) to find out all about our next expansion!

In the livestream, you'll learn all about new endgame content in Siege of the Atlas and the features of the challenge league that will accompany the expansion. It's followed by a live Q&A between ZiggyD and Chris Wilson.

You can catch everything you need to know at twitch.tv/pathofexile. Twitch Drops will be enabled for the livestream so make sure to encourage your favourite streamers to watch along with us!

Path of Exile's Expansion Launch Date

You'll be able to play the new Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas for free on February 4th (PST) on PC and on February 9th (PST) on console. 

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