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[POE 3.6 Shadow] Best Synthesis Soulrend Trickster Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Fast, Cheap Mapper, Great Defenses

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Mar/11/19 07:35:06 Views: 8008

Fires a projectile that turns towards enemies in front of it, damaging and piercing through those it hits, and leeching some of that damage as energy shield. As the projectile travels, it repeatedly applies a short but powerful chaos damage over time debuff to each enemy in an area around it - Soulrend

The character is designed to be a fast and cheap mapper with great defenses and hardcore viability in mind. Trickster brings more to the table than Occultist in terms of clear speed and ease of gearing. Should be viable in both trade and SSF leagues.

[POE 3.6 Shadow] Best Synthesis Soulrend Trickster Build (PC,PS4,Xbox) - Fast, Cheap Mapper, Great Defenses


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  • High effective health pool
  • ~30% block chance
  • 10/45% spell and attack dodge during Quartz flask
  • 45/75% spell and attack dodge during Vaal Grace
  • ~80% evade chance during jade and stibnite flasks uptime
  • 3% reduced damage taken per Ghost Shroud stack, 3 stacks in total
  • ~2.5k instant energy shield recovery when hit
  • ~120% movement speed
  • Temporal Chains curse from Bane
  • 3 endurance charges
  • Fortify
  • Grace
  • Vaal Grace


  • We get a lot of attack and cast speed from the Trickster ascendancy
  • Our damage over time is further boosted by Patient Reaper and Prolonged Pain
  • 3 frenzy and 3 power charges
  • ~15% chance to gain Onslaught on kill
  • Malevolence Aura
  • Despair curse from Bane
  • Vaal Haste


There have two version in this build

Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses

Straightforward Mind Over Matter build. 30% of the incoming damage is drained from our mana pool. Bane on 4 link with Despair and Temporal Chains. You can switch Temporal Chains for Enfeeble.

The given unique items are not required for the build to function, they are just nice to have if you don't want to transition to the MoM+EB version. You can go with full rare items in SSF.

Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses

This version uses Mind Over Matter together with Eldritch Battery. 

The given unique items are not required for the build to function. You can go with full rare items in SSF. However before switching to this version, you will need ~1500 evasion rating chest, decent hybrid(life+es) helmet and shield in order to get ~2k energy shield pool. Play the pure MoM version before you have those items. If you really want to transition to this version without the items, a simple workaround is to use discipline aura instead of malevolence.

When we get hit, Trickster's Ghost Shroud(has 3 stacks, each stack gives 3% reduced damage taken) recovers 5% of our evasion rating back as energy shield. Using this in combination with Kintsugi makes us take 29% less damage taken the first time we get hit recently. We leech to both our life and energy shield pools at the same time with the combination of Cerberus Limb and Lioneye's Remorse. Overall stronger version, but needs certain items to work.


Skill Tree & POB


  • Ghost Dance
  • Escape Artist
  • Patient Reaper
  • Prolonged Pain

Passive Skill Tree 

Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses

Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/jGwjA6MS

Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses

Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/WqqBGtSV


(If you do not know how to use it, see the instructions below, otherwise please ignore)

  • Download Path of Building (link: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases)
  • Copy pastebin URL.
  • Launch path of building.
  • Click on Import/Export.
  • Click Import from Pastebin
  • Paste (Ctrl+V) the URL copied in step 2.
  • Done!


Gems Setup

For Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses Version

Soulrend6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Arcane Surge - Controlled Destruction - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Void Manipulation - Empower/Swift Affliction(6L)*.

May be a bit hard to get 4 blue sockets if you are using Belly of the beast.

Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Void Manipulation for single target.

If you have only 3 blue sockets, replace Controlled Destruction with Swift Affliction.

Shield Charge4L: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike

Wither4L: Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Faster Casting

Bane4L: Bane - Despair - Efficacy - Temporal Chains/Enfeeble/Controlled Destruction*

use Controlled Destruction before you get your second curse from Whispers of Doom

3L: Cast when Damage Taken(LVL8) - Immortal Call(LVL10) - Vaal Righteous Fire*

or chaos/stone golem if you don't like using Vaal Righteous Fire

3L: Vaal Haste - Vaal Grace - Clarity

1L: Malevolence Aura*

Socket this in Essence Worm ring, don't use it if you don't have the ring


For Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses Version

Soulrend6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Swift Affliction - Empower(6L).

Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Swift Affliction for single target.

Shield Charge4L: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike

Bane4L: Bane - Despair - Efficacy - Temporal Chains/Enfeeble/Controlled Destruction*

use Controlled Destruction before you get your second curse from Whispers of Doom

Wither3L: Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems

2L: Cast when Damage Taken(LVL8) - Immortal Call(LVL10)

2L: Flame Dash - Faster Casting

1L: Vaal Grace

1L: Vaal Haste

1L: Malevolence Aura


PoE Gear


For Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses Version

Two Fragility jewels to get the permanent Onslaught from Ahn's Heritage.

The Transcendent Spirit jewel can be placed in the jewel socket north of Herbalism. It gives ~300 mana and ~10 movement speed, but is expensive, thus optional.

The rest of the jewels are generic %life/+life/%chaos damage/%damage/%spell damage/%dot.

For Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses Version

Intuitive Leap jewel placed in the jewel socket east of Overcharged.

We use it to generate frenzy, power and endurance charges on kill and allocate the Melding node.

Two or three Searching Eye Abyssal jewels with %chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill. Aiming for 15-20% chance.

The rest of the jewels are generic %life/+life/%chaos damage/%damage/%spell damage/%dot.



Examples of rare crafted weapons and which mods to look for:

Weapon Mod

You can achieve higher damage with a wand but you won't be able to shield charge. The Decay mod is from essence of delirium. You can do fine without it, just replace it with cast speed. However it's a great damage boost. Those weapons have the best mods available for us, look for any combination of them. Prioritize x% spell damage, +x% to non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier and x% chaos damage+chaos skills have x% increased duration. You can choose another mod instead of arcane surge if you don't want it.

For Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses Version

Armor: Belly of the Beast

Ring: Essence Worm

Shield: Ahn's Heritage

Weapon: Breath of the Council - budget weapon, a rare crafted dagger will vastly outperform this.

Rares: All other pieces are generic +life/+mana and resist rares. You can craft % chaos damage amulet with essence of envy or abberant fossil.

For Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses Version

Armor: Kintsugi - any unique armor with 1500+ evasion will work, you can get Queen of the Forest for +50% movement speed or Cospri's Will for +1 curse.

Shield: Lioneye's Remorse - budget shield, works with Cerberus Limb. Get rare shield with energy shield and life if you have better weapon that Cerberus Limb.

Weapon: Cerberus Limb - budget weapon, a rare crafted dagger will vastly outperform this. Works only in combination with Lioneye's Remorse. 

Rares: Hybrid(life+energy shield) helmet and shield.

If you don't want to use unique armor, aim for 1500+ evasion rare crafted chest.

All other pieces are generic +life/+evasion and resist rares. You can craft % chaos damage amulet with essence of envy or abberant fossil. If you get a good hybrid(es+life) shield, you can switch to it in combination with a rare crafted weapon.



  • Seething Divine Life Flask(Instant)
  • Experimenter's Stibnite or Chemist's Basalt Flask
  • Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
  • Experimenter's Quartz Flask
  • Experimenter's Jade Flask / Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes (+EB version )

Be sure to roll bleed(of Staunching), freeze(of Heat) and curse(of Warding) immunities on your flasks.

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