Useful Website for new path of exile players to Build
Bookmark & use the following websites:
PoeCurrencybuy - the best palce to buy poe currency,poe Orbs,Exalted Orb and Chaos Orb.
PoE Wiki - Your place to go for any questions about the game, no matter if mechanics, item-related or whatever else.
PoeDB - Useful to look up datamined data such as enemy stats and stuff. - Most popular shop indexer, use it to buy gear or pricecheck rare gear.
Beware of price - fixers, always check for average prices instead of cheapest listings! - Same as above, but for currency trades. - Use this site for pricechecks. Keep in mind that rolls can heavily affect the value of uniques with big variables.
Poelab - Shows the current Labyrinth layouts, services and other important stuff.
Exilemods - Great resource to look up possible affixes, ilvl requirements and roll ranges for gear.
Aura Planner - Helpful tool to work out your aura setup when creating a new build.
Vorici Calculator - Tells you the average of chroms needed to recolor your gear to desired colors.
Build List - Looking for a new build? This page will help you finding builds based on their main skill.
‣ Level gems: Make use of your secondary weapon slot to level a few copies of Arc and Storm Burst, or other popular gems to vaal or sell. Even if technically not active, these gems will gain experience.
‣ Additional Guides: Engineering Eternity and Huizui are Youtube channels with video guides explaining different mechanics that are worth checking out!
‣ Don't give up: Path of Exile can be very harsh, even for people with experience in ARPG's.
So don't give up if something seems too difficult or you made some mistakes, and rather try to learn from the situation.
‣ Have Fun: While Path of Exile has an overall great community, there are some black sheep who will ridicule anything that doesn't come up to their "efficiency standards".
But seriously, screw all that. Having fun is all that should matter to you in a videogame, so play what and how you want!
‣ Use the help panel: This is a new feature that you can find on the lower right next to the shop button, and should be helpful with many different aspects of the game.
‣ Learn recipes: Path of Exile offers an extensive recipe system which you can use for your advantage - if you know all the good recipes.
‣ Level your masters: Elreon, Haku and Catarina can all substantially help you while gearing. Zana is very helpful once you hit endgame maps and should have a fixed spot in your hideout.
‣ Make use of crafting benches: After having unlocked masters by leveling them up once, you gain access to their crafting bench which you can place into your hideout.
‣ Use an item filter: You can find most relevant filters including a preview of each at Filterblast.
‣ Create a shop: Setting up a shop with Acquisition or through Premium Stash Tabs will help you selling stuff to buy upgrades for yourself.This little guide can help you to find out what gear is worth selling.

Poe 3.0 Shadow Build | Baldersh's Chin Sol Trapnel Shot
Poe 3.0 Shadow Build | Baldersh's Chin Sol Trapnel Shot was made to farm Uber Lab/Atziri/Highish maps early into the league on a really tight budget to maximize poe currency gain. this build currently at 11.5 exalts which is way more than bd've ever had this early and more than I know what to do with

Path of exile Top 5 Most Popular zones
In Path of Exile Top 5 Deadlist Areas We introduced the five most deaths area, today we introduce the most popular five maps. Poe've culled out a few areas that would otherwise have warped the stats, such as hideouts and the Aspirant's Plaza.
Path of Exile Top 5 Deadliest Areas
Every league path of exile comb through data for useful takeaways to help poe fans further improve Path of Exile. Today path of exile publish the top ten Deadlist Areas in poe.Unsurprisingly, the most deadly area is also the area which houses the final boss of Path of Exile's main storyline.

10 Minutes Delivery Guarantee will be added on
Poecurrencybuy delivery guys may not be able to finish the delivery for all orders within 10 minutes. In order to make those whose orders are not delivered in time feels better, so have decided to develop “Delivery Guarantee” function, this will let those who have waited for longer than 10 minutes get the compensation from us while not to have negative feelings to our site.

How to get path of exile Jeweller`s Orb
Jeweller's Orbs can be found from slain enemies and Arcanist's Strongboxes. there are four method to get Jeweller`s Orb, first you can farming by yourself, there are some suggest for you to farming Jeweller`s Orb. second you can trade Jeweller`s Orb from third you can Vendor Recipe Jeweller`s Orb from NPC, fourth you can buy Jeweller`s Orb from

How to get poe Gemcutter's Prism?
Poe Gemcutter's Prism is a currency item that can be used to improve the quality of a gem. Each Gemcutter's Prism will always raise the quality by 1%. and you can can be obtained from slain enemies or found in an Artisan's Strongbox