POE 3.5 Betrayal Shadow Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Trickster, Assassin, Saboteur
The Shadow is Path of Exile's dexterity/intelligence hybrid class. He prefers to use fast-hitting weapons such as daggers or claws to dart in and out of battle, while laying traps or remote mines and controlling the flow of combat. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Shadow in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.
Recommended Shadow Builds
Shadow Assassin Builds
POE 3.5 Shadow Assassin Molten Strike Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Life Recovery, Cheap, Tankly
This is a poison build that used to clear Shaper/Elder and all of their Guardians on a budget (see gear section). Uber Elder is also possible, though requires better gear.
Gems Setup
6 Link: Molten Strike - Added Chaos Damage - G. Multiple Projectiles - Multistrike - Ancestral Call - Deadly Ailments
The first five gems are pretty much required to have, Deadly Ailments is the best DPS gem we have left.
Level 21 Added Chaos Damage is very desirable because it's the main source of base damage
A 6-link is very important for your damage, as the final link is another 60% bonus.
Recommend getting a Tabula Rasa or 6-linked rare item for a cheap start.
Volkuur's Version
Replace Added Chaos Damage for Immolate because it has higher numbers (you can ignite with critical strikes).
Frost Blades
Frost Blades - Added Chaos Damage - Chain - Multistrike - Ancestrall Call - Damage on Full Life
If you want, you can try out Frost Blades It produces less lag than MS and has better area coverage, but significantly worse single target damage.
The gem colours are the same as Molten Strike, so you can easily swap between both skills. Threshold jewels are not needed.
4 Link: Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks, Arctic Armour
As Movement Skill I highly recommend Shield Charge, as it's more precise than Whirling Blades and costs less mana.
With Fenumus' Weave, these gems have to be in the gloves because every other setup would support Aspect of the Spider, increasing the mana reservation.
Volkuur's Version
Replace Arctic Armour for Anger for some extra fire damage.
4 Link: Spell Totem - Wither - Increased Duration - Faster Casting
The totem pretty much doubles our damage and should only be used in bossfights. The Hinder debuff does not stack with Aspect of the Spider, but overwrites it for a stronger effect instead.
4 Link: Cast When Damage Taken (level 1) - Immortal Call (level 3) - Increased Duration - Enfeeble (level 5)
Just the usual IC/Curse setup to protect you.
Note that you can use any curse you prefer, but Enfeeble is the most defensive.
3 Link: Herald of Agony - Pierce - Minion Damage
Adding support gems to the Agony Crawler will increase you mana reservation to a total of 85%, which is still fine.
If that's too low for you, you can swap Minion Damage for Additional Accuracy (which doesn't have a mana multiplier).
Note that the Crawler starts extremely strong, but falls off the further you progress through maps
A level 21 Crawler with 40 stacks will end up dealing ~120k single target DPS, which makes it sufficient for packs, but relatively weak against bosses. If that's not enough for you, feel free to consider another setup
Level 21 on the Herald is highly recommended, as is 20% quality.
3 Link: Cast When Damage Taken - Summon Lightning Golem - Blood Rage
Both of these buffs boost our attack speed. Blood Rage can be sustained with our life regeneration, so it actually helps survivability by increasing our hit rate.
These gems are on CWDT because I'm too lazy to activate them myself (Blood Rage is instant so you could also manually activate it if you want).
POB link
- Fenumus' Weave: https://pastebin.com/16WnwTbf
- Volkuur's Guidance: https://pastebin.com/JcB46nre
POE 3.5 Shadow Assassin Starter Rain of Arrows Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High Clear Speed, Cheap, All Map Mods
This build choose Rain of Arrows to get good aoe. Rain of Arrows is a ranged attack skill that fires a number of arrows in the air, with each of them landing to deal area of effect over a short period of time. And players don’t need too high a budget to get a good start in the league , more importantly£¬it's end game viable.
Gems Setup
Listed in order of importance.
Single target: Barrage-Added Chaos Damage-Greater Multiple Projectiles-Withering Touch-Deadly Ailment-Vicious Projectile
Rain of Arrows- Added Chaos Damage- Mirage Archer – Deadly Ailments- Vicious Projectile- (Vile Toxins)
Note: Toxic rain is a viable alternative, but it is a bit slow to apply life gain on hit part, which can be dangerous in some situation.
Actually you don't need a 6 link Rain of Arrow to kill trash mobs, 5 links is fine.
Herald of Agony setup:
HoAg – Minion Damage- Vicious Projectile- Faster Attack
Note: No greater multiple projectile, the mana multiplier is just too much.
Cast on Damage Taken : CoDT – Immortal Call – Enfeeble – Chaos Golem
Utility setup: Phase run – Blink Arrow- Arctic Armour- Whatever you like (Decoy Totem?)
Shadow Saboteur Builds
POE 3.5 Shadow Saboteur Starter ARC Mine Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High Speed, Cheap, Endgame
This build is the jack of all trades. It can do every map mod, boss, has decently fast clear, and is extremely cheap. Put all of these together and you have yourself an extremely powerful beginner friendly and starter build that can catapult you into end game extremely quickly and efficiently.
Gems Setup
Main 6L Body
Minefield Support + Remote Mine Support + Added Cold Damage Support + Increased Critical Strikes Support + Arc + Lightning Penetration Support
If you have a call of the brotherhood you can swap out added cold damage for added lightning or controlled destruction
If you have a 4L or 5l
4L Setup --> Minefield - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc
5L Setup --> MineField - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc - Added Cold
Lightning Spire Trap + Lightning Penetration Support + Advanced Traps Support + Elemental Focus Support
Movement Skill/How We Proc Arcane Surge (huge damage boost)
Arcane Surge Support + Faster Casting Support + Flame Dash
Quality of Life Gems
Smoke Mine + Detonate Mines + Spell Totem Support + Increased Duration Support
When you put this spell totem down it will detonate your mines instantly if there are enemies around, so you don't have to press detonate yourself.
Smoke mine gives us a huge movement speed bonus.
Aura Gems
Clarity + Wrath
Defensive Cast When Damage Taken Setup
Cast when Damage Taken Support + Immortal Call + Phase Run + Enfeeble
Don't level up any of these gems past 2
POB link: https://pastebin.com/xA38DXvn
POE 3.5 Shadow Saboteur Lightning Spire Arc Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast, Cheap, Endgame
This builds have great map clear speed and serious firepower with very low investment. You can choose it as your end-game build (need very good reflexes for end-game though!
Gems Setup
Level 12
At level 12 get Arc and start doing this setup:
3L: Arc-Trap Support-Multiple Traps
4L: Arc-Trap Support-Multiple Traps-Added Lightning
Level 18
4L: Arc-Trap & Mine Damage-Trap Support-Multiple Traps
Level 22
At level 22 buy Deerstalker boots!
Level 28
At level 28 start using Lightning Spire Trap in a second 4L:
4L: Lightning Spire-Added Lightning-Trap & Mine Damage-Advanced Trap Support (or Controlled Destruction)
Level 38
At level 38 start using Cluster Traps Support on Arc:
4L: Arc-Trap & Mine Damage-Trap Support-Cluster Traps
POB link: https://pastebin.com/qwAv98Cw
Shadow Trickster
POE 3.5 Shadow Trickster Starter Toxic Rain Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Cheap, Safe, Fast Recharge, Endgame
This build is an easy, cheap league starter build using the new Toxic Rain and Herald of Agony, that can be boosted with a some investment.
Gems Setup
Primary clear skill 5L on weapon:
Toxic Rain - Vicious Projectiles - Added Chaos Damage - Void Manipulation - Swift Affliction
Possibilities for 6th gem for 6L
Mirage Archer, Increased AoE, Vile Toxins, Faster Attacks, Poison, Unbound Ailments, Empower
Debuff totem
Ranged Attack Totem - Rain of Arrows - Withering Touch - Faster Attacks - Added Chaos - Lesser Poison
For high-tier bossing, perhaps swap Barrage in for Rain of Arrows (not necessary in yellow maps). Rain of Arrows also works very nicely in delves. Alternatively, have Barrage instead of Toxic Rain on a weapon swap.
Minion clear
Herald of Agony - Minion Damage - Damage on Full Life - Vicious Projectiles
Defense / Utilit
CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Phase Run
Blink Arrow
Summon Ice Golem
Up to you whether to self-cast Phase Run (nice for Delves), or trigger it with CWDT for a "vanish" effect.
POE 3.5 Shadow Trickster Starter Caustic Arrow Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High Clear Speed, Cheap, Amazing
This build that you can start playing as from the get go and really shines with some investment. If you just like run around as stuff dies, it's maybe suitable for you.
Gems Setup
For clearing
[Caustic Arrow + Swift affliction + Vicious Projectiles + Mirage Archer + Concentrated Effect + Damage on Full Life]
Once you acquire your offhand 6l +3 bow use these
[Caustic Arrow + Swift affliction + Vicious Projectiles + Void manipulation + Empower + Concentrated Effect + Concentrated Effect]
POB link: https://pastebin.com/8ALRQHej

POE 3.5 Duelist Slayer Popular Lacerate Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Melee, Endgame
Do you like being purple? Do you enjoy leeching too much life and not giving a singular ?! How about having 8k+ life without kaoms or belly? What about cutting things in pieces? smashing them? spinning like a top?? If answer = yes, then this build is for you!

POE 3.5 Betrayal Witch Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox, PS4) - Necromancer, Elementalist, Occultist
The Witch is Path of Exile's pure intelligence class, making her an unmatched master of the elemental and dark arts. She wields the power of raw magic to decimate her foes from a distance. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Witch in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Templar Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Inquisitor, Hierophant, Guardian
The Templar is Path of Exile's strength/intelligence hybrid class, a perfect balance of brawn and wits. He is a skillful fighter, trained in an array of weapons, from the sharpest cutlass to the heaviest two-handed mace. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Templar in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Scion Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Ascendant
The daughter of corrupt nobles, the Scion was exiled to Wraeclast for killing her husband on their wedding night. She is aligned with all three core attributes - strength, dexterity and intelligence, which places her in the center of the passive skill tree. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Scion in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Ranger Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Raider, Pathfinder, Deadeye
The Ranger is Path of Exile's pure dexterity class, which befits her slim and graceful appearance. She is agile and fast, darting in and out of combat to deliver vicious critical strikes that often fell her enemies in a single blow. In this guide, poecurrencybuy.com aims to share the most popular builds about Ranger in Path Of Exile Betrayal League

POE 3.5 Betrayal Marauder Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Berserker, Chieftain, Juggernaut
The Marauder is Path of Exile's pure strength class, which means that he's great at taking hits, and even better at dishing out punishment. His melee skills encompass a wide range of assault, from massive single target damage to devastating area of effect. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Marauder in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.