POE 3.5 Betrayal Scion Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Ascendant
The daughter of corrupt nobles, the Scion was exiled to Wraeclast for killing her husband on their wedding night. She is aligned with all three core attributes - strength, dexterity and intelligence, which places her in the center of the passive skill tree. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Scion in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.
Recommended Scion Builds
Scion Ascendant Builds
POE 3.5 Scion Ascendant Starter Reave + DS + BF Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High DPS, Cheap, Tankly, Good Mapping Speed
This build doesn't need super high cost gear, and very good to starter for shaper kill. You can also easily do all contents but if you want to kill uber-elder very easily and need some currencies (not very much)
Gems Setup
There is Two choice. all good. just do what you want.
Important: If you use VDS on body armour with bloodlust.
You have to use totem and reave for bleeding enemy so that your DS could work properly.
IF you dont like this style,
1.use chance to bleed gem instead of bloodlust.
2.Set DS on gloves.
3.Use Blade flurry.
All work well, just up to your style.
Choice 1
increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike - damage on full life-hypothermia
increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike
melee physical - damage on full life - multistrike - maim- bloodlust
melee physical - damage on full life - multistrike
Choice 2
increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike - damage on full life-hypothermia
increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike
blade flurry(body)
concentrate - melee physical - maim- bloodlust - hypothermia
blade flurry(gloves)
concentrate - melee physical - maim
Whirling blade
whirling blade - faster attack - blood magic
Ancestral warchief
ancestral warchief - blind - chance to bleed
(if you have deter watcher)
Enlighten - hatred - determination
(if not)
Enlighten- hatred- herald of purity - herald of ash or arctic armour
cast when damage taken - ice golem - blood rage - Immortal call
POB link
- Cheap version V1- https://pastebin.com/6GKtUFYX
- End version V3- https://pastebin.com/TiSkfKRE
POE 3.5 Scion Ascendant Starter Aura Support Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Cheap, Tankly, Endgame
This build is a great Leaguestarter if you play with your friends and doesn't give a damn about physical Damage. It can start with minimal Investment and support all Endgame.
Gems Setup
- Discipline
- Vitalit
- Inc. Duration
- Vaal Grace
Chest Armour
- Anger
- Wrath
- Hatred
- Purity of Fire
- Purity of Lightning
- Purity of Ice
- Haste
- Determination
- Grace
- Animate Guardian
- Minion Life
- Stone Golem
- Ball Lightning
- Curse on Hit
- Enfeeble
- (another Curse if you need)
- Vigilant Strike
- Cast when Damage taken - might be you prefer to selfcast this
- Spirit Offering
- Phase Run - or Immortal Call
- Rejuvenation Totem
- Movement Skill / Enduring Cry
POE 3.5 Scion Ascendant Powerful Elemental Hit Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High DPS, Tankly, Endgame
In most of this guide, we tend to have a Softcore player complete all the content in the game with a single build, so this build prefers a single target rather than a cleanup speed.
Some features of this build are enough for the player to endgame: All Content Viable, Tanky, Resolute Technique. It also means that expensive budgets are not suitable for league starter. But if you are looking for a powerful build and it is still strong in Betrayal League, then this will be a good choice for you.
Gems Setup
Elemental Hit
Single Target:
Elemental Hit - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Combustion - Mirage Archer - Fire Penetration - Damage on Full Life
Elemental Hit - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Combustion - Mirage Archer - Fire Penetration
If you are using Frostferno I like putting my Single Target:
Elemental Hit - Elemental Damage With Attacks - Mirage Archer - Combustion
NOTE: Cold to Fire is top priority if you aren't using Pyre Ring.
NOTE: Experiment with taking out Mirage Archer for Faster Attacks if it suits your playstyle more!
None! This is a Blood Magic build. Before picking up the keystone: Anger/Flammability-Blasphemy/Herald of Ash/Arctic Armor can all be considered.
Cast When Damage Taken – Blood Rage - Immortal Call – Vaal Cold Snap
- Don’t overlevel your gems. You need to keep these gems relatively low level because we want CWDT to proc at a lower life threshold. By keeping it low – it also limits what level of spell it can cast.
- Vaal Cold Snap does double duty here. It will automatically cast the non-vaal version of Cold Snap when you get hit (which applies a chill). Remember applying different ailments allows Elemental Hit and Yoke of Suffering to give you More damage! The Vaal Cold Snap can gives you the chill on demand.
Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks
- Great mobility and gap crossing.
Lightning Golem
- Gives attack and movespeed if you can afford to get the links.
- Can be annoying to recast and keep up so try having a high level Cast When Damage Taken. Culling Strike, Blind, and/or Increased Item Rarity are good ways to get more value from your golem.
Decoy Totem
- A great utility totem which helps for bosses.
Other Nice to Haves
Vaal Grace
- Some extra survivability for bosses.
Vaal Haste
- For all the speed demons.
With any of these Vaal Skills consider linking to Increased Duration!
Quality Priority
Elemental Hit > Damage Supports (All give .5% increase) > Attack Speed Supports (GMP)
POB link: https://pastebin.com/3EcsBxAP

POE 3.5 Scion Ascendant Powerful Elemental Hit Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High DPS, Tankly, Endgame
In most of this guide, we tend to have a Softcore player complete all the content in the game with a single build, so this build prefers a single target rather than a cleanup speed. Some features of this build are enough for the player to endgame: All Content Viable, Tanky, Resolute Technique.If you are looking for a powerful build and it is still strong in Betrayal League, then this will be a good choice for you.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Witch Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox, PS4) - Necromancer, Elementalist, Occultist
The Witch is Path of Exile's pure intelligence class, making her an unmatched master of the elemental and dark arts. She wields the power of raw magic to decimate her foes from a distance. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Witch in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Templar Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Inquisitor, Hierophant, Guardian
The Templar is Path of Exile's strength/intelligence hybrid class, a perfect balance of brawn and wits. He is a skillful fighter, trained in an array of weapons, from the sharpest cutlass to the heaviest two-handed mace. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Templar in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Shadow Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Trickster, Assassin, Saboteur
The Shadow is Path of Exile's dexterity/intelligence hybrid class. He prefers to use fast-hitting weapons such as daggers or claws to dart in and out of battle, while laying traps or remote mines and controlling the flow of combat. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Shadow in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Ranger Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Raider, Pathfinder, Deadeye
The Ranger is Path of Exile's pure dexterity class, which befits her slim and graceful appearance. She is agile and fast, darting in and out of combat to deliver vicious critical strikes that often fell her enemies in a single blow. In this guide, poecurrencybuy.com aims to share the most popular builds about Ranger in Path Of Exile Betrayal League

POE 3.5 Betrayal Marauder Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox) - Berserker, Chieftain, Juggernaut
The Marauder is Path of Exile's pure strength class, which means that he's great at taking hits, and even better at dishing out punishment. His melee skills encompass a wide range of assault, from massive single target damage to devastating area of effect. In this guide, poecurrencybuy aims to share the most popular builds about Marauder in Path Of Exile Betrayal League.