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PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Oct/19/21 06:55:34 Views: 5929

The Atlas of Worlds is undergoing huge changes with Path of Exile: Scourge, as its regions are going down from eight to four. Today, we've gathered up the Atlas Passive Trees for the 3.16 expansion to help you plan your endgame progress! Please note, you'll still receive the same amount of Atlas Passive skill points as before.

PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide


PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide HaewarkHamlet

PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide ValdosRestUpdated

PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide GlennachCairns

PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide LiraArthain

PoE New Atlas Passive Tree Guide UnchartedRealms


Full list of Atlas Passives including small nodes

Haewark Hamlet

Metamorph Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Metamorph Encounter

Escaped Experiment
Areas have 50% chance to contain a rogue Metamorph

Metamorph Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Metamorph Encounter

Finest Samples
Metamorphs in Areas deal 15% more Damage
Metamorphs in Areas have 150% more Life
50% chance for Rewards from Metamorphs in Areas to be Doubled

Metamorph Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Metamorph Encounter

High Yield
Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop an additional Itemised Sample
You can assemble an additional Metamorph in Areas after the first is Dead
Metamorph Vat Meters in Areas require 50% less Power to fill

Tormented Monster Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Possessed or Touched Monsters in Areas

Up to 5 Rare Monsters in Areas are Possessed and their Minions are Touched

Betrayal Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Jun Mission on Completion

Immortal Syndicate Members in Areas are 200% more likely to offer to Bargain for Items
Immortal Syndicate Members in Areas drop 200% more Items when Bargained with for Items

Betrayal Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Jun Mission on Completion

Test of Loyalty
Immortal Syndicate Members Executed in Areas have 100% chance to gain an additional Rank

Betrayal Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Jun Mission on Completion

Intelligence Gathering
Completing Maps grants 10 Intelligence for a random Immortal Syndicate Safehouse

Tribute Quantity
Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in Areas grant 8% increased Tribute

Sacred Lands
Areas have +10% chance to contain Ritual Altars

Tribute Quantity
Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in Areas grant 8% increased Tribute

Paid in Blood
Ritual Altars in Areas allow rerolling Favours 2 additional times
100% increased chance of Ritual Altars with Special Rewards

Additional Harvest Crafting Chance
Plants Harvested in Areas have 3% chance to give an additional Crafting option

The Grove's Call
Areas have +10% chance to contain The Sacred Grove

Additional Harvest Crafting Chance
Plants Harvested in Areas have 3% chance to give an additional Crafting option

Bumper Crop
The Sacred Grove in Areas contains an additional Harvest

Additional Harvest Crafting Chance
Plants Harvested in Areas have 3% chance to give an additional Crafting option

Heart of the Grove
Harvest Bosses in Areas always drop a Sacred Blossom
Harvests in Areas have 10% chance for the unchosen Crop to not wilt

Additional Essence Chance
Imprisoned Monsters in Areas have 20% chance to have an additional Essence

Controlled Corruption
Corrupting Imprisoned Monsters in Areas cannot release them
Areas contain an additional Essence

Additional Essence Chance
Imprisoned Monsters in Areas have 20% chance to have an additional Essence

Essences found in Areas are a tier higher

Valdo's Rest

Delirium Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a mirror of Delirium

Persecutory Delusion
Delirium Encounters in Areas are 100% more likely to spawn Unique Bosses
Delirium Bosses in Areas drop 100% increased Simulacrum Splinters
Delirium Bosses in Areas have 100% increased chance to drop Unique Cluster Jewels

Delirium Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a mirror of Delirium

The Singular Eternity
Delirium Fog in Areas dissipates 25% slower
Delirium Fog in Areas lasts 10 additional seconds before dissipating

Delirium Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a mirror of Delirium

Greater Forces
Delirium in Areas increases 50% faster with distance from the mirror

Delve Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Niko Mission on Completion

Guarded Hoards
Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas have 10% chance to contain double Sulphite
Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas are guarded by Sulphite-hoarding Monsters

Delve Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Niko Mission on Completion

Sulphite Infusion
White Tier Maps grant 200 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion
Yellow Tier Maps grant 350 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion
Red Tier Maps grant 500 additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion

Delve Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Niko Mission on Completion

Packed with Energy
+1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found in Areas
35% increased Damage for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found in Areas
15% increased Movement Speed for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found in Areas

Strongbox Pack Chance
Strongboxes in Areas have 25% chance to be guarded by an additional Pack of Monsters

Twice Tempted
Areas contain an additional Strongbox
Strongboxes opened in Areas have 10% chance to be openable again

Strongbox Pack Chance
Strongboxes in Areas have 25% chance to be guarded by an additional Pack of Monsters

Strongboxes in Areas are Corrupted
Strongboxes in Areas are at least Rare

Additional Harbinger Drops
Harbingers in Areas drop an additional Stack of Currency Shards

Ominous Arrival
Areas contain an additional Harbinger

Additional Harbinger Drops
Harbingers in Areas drop an additional Stack of Currency Shards

Diplomatic Escort
Harbingers in Areas have 30% chance to be replaced by a powerful Harbinger boss

Lucky Blight Chests
Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in Areas are Lucky

Spores on the Wind
Maps found in Areas have 5% chance to have an 'Area contains a Blight Encounter' Enchantment Modifier

Lucky Blight Chests
Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in Areas are Lucky

Blight Chests in Areas have 100% more chance to contain Blighted Maps
Lanes of Blight Encounters in Areas have 35% chance for an additional Reward Chest

Lucky Blight Chests
Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in Areas are Lucky

Immune Response
Blight Encounters in Areas spawn 100% more non-Unique Monsters
Blight Monsters in Areas spawn 150% faster

Glennach Cairns

Legion Monolith Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Legion Encounter

Face to Face
Legion Encounters in Areas are 100% more likely to include a General
Legion Encounters with a General in Areas have both Generals

Legion Monolith Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Legion Encounter

Protracted Battle
Legion Encounters in Areas have 50% increased Duration
Legion Monsters in Areas take 50% increased Damage while in Stasis

Legion Monolith Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain a Legion Encounter

High Value Targets
Legions in Areas contains 3 additional Sergeants
Legion Sergeants in Areas have 25% additional chance to have Rewards

Incursion Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion

Time Dilation
Incursions in Areas have 33% chance for all Monsters to be least Magic
Time gained from kills is Doubled for Incursions in Areas

Incursion Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion

Resource Reallocation
Killing non-resident Architects in Areas has 50% chance to add an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

Incursion Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion

Contested Development
Killing resident Architects in Areas adds their Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

Abyssal Depths Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Abyssal Depths in Areas

Underground Kingdom
Areas have 1% chance to contain an Abyss per 2% increased Pack Size
Abysses in Areas have 100% increased chance to lead to an Abyssal Depths
Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% increased chance to contain a Lich

Abyssal Depths Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Abyssal Depths in Areas

Lightless Legion
Abyssal Depths in Areas have +3 to Monster Level
Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% more Magic Monsters
Abyssal Depths in Areas have 100% more Rare Monsters
Abyssal Depths in Areas have 50% increased Pack Size

Abyssal Depths Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Abyssal Depths in Areas

Abyssal Army
Abyss Monsters in Areas grant 50% increased Experience
Abysses in Area spawn 100% increased Monsters

Paired Exile Spawn Chance
15% chance for Rogue Exiles in Areas to appear in Pairs

Total Anarchy
Areas have a 10% chance to contain 20 additional Rogue Exiles

Paired Exile Spawn Chance
15% chance for Rogue Exiles in Areas to appear in Pairs

Rogue Trader
Wild Rogue Exiles in Areas have 50% chance to have additional Rewards
Rogue Exiles have 100% more Maximum Life

Beyond Monster Experience
Beyond Demons in Areas grant 10% increased Experience

Scent of Blood
Slaying Enemies close together in Areas has a 3% chance to attract monsters from Beyond

Beyond Monster Experience
Beyond Demons in Areas grant 10% increased Experience

Per Diemon
Rare Beyond Demons in Areas have 25% chance to drop an additional Basic Currency Item

Beyond Monster Experience
Beyond Demons in Areas grant 10% increased Experience

Torn Veil
Powerful Beyond Demons require 1 fewer Portal to summon in Areas
Beyond Portals in Areas have 50% increased Merging Radius

Lira Arthain

Breach Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain Breaches

Breaches in Areas have 100% increased chance to contain a Boss
Breach Bosses in Areas drop double Breach Splinters
Breach Bosses Defeated in Areas have 5% chance to drop a Breachstone

Breach Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain Breaches

Flash Breach
Breaches in Areas have 30% increased Area of Effect
Breaches in Areas have 30% increased Monster density
Breaches in Areas open and close 50% faster

Breach Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain Breaches

Within Their Grasp
Breach Bosses Defeated in Areas have 5% chance to drop a Breachstone
Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have 9% chance to be Charged
Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have 3% chance to be Enriched
Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in Areas have 1% chance to be Pure

Bestiary Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion

Big Game
Red Beasts in Areas have 15% chance to appear in Pairs
Yellow Beasts in Areas have 15% chance to be replaced with Red Beasts

Bestiary Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion

Great Migration
Areas with Einhar Missions have 10% chance to contain additional Packs of Beasts instead of other Monsters

Bestiary Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion

Great Migration
Areas with Einhar Missions have 10% chance to contain additional Packs of Beasts instead of other Monsters

Bestiary Mission Chance
Areas have 3% chance to grant an additional Einhar Mission on Completion

Natural Selection
Beasts in Areas are more likely to be less common varieties

Invader Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Invasion Bosses in Areas

Areas contain additional Invasion bosses

Invader Item Quantity
10% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Invasion Bosses in Areas

Exotic Goods
Invasion Bosses in Areas drop 1 additional valuable Item

Expedition Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter

Distinguished Demolitionist
35% increased Explosive Radius in Areas
20% increased number of Explosives in Areas

Expedition Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter

Ancient Writings
Remnants in Areas have 40% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifier
Expeditions in Areas have +2 Remnants

Expedition Chance
Areas have +3% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter

Buried Knowledge
50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in Areas
Areas contain 25% increased number of Runic Monster Markers

Rogue Marker Stack Size
20% increased Stack size of Rogue's Markers found in Areas

Secret Stash
Areas have +10% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache

Rogue Marker Stack Size
20% increased Stack size of Rogue's Markers found in Areas

Inside Job
Smuggler's Caches in Areas have 100% increased chance to drop Blueprints
Blueprints that drop in Areas have 10% chance to be fully Revealed

The Uncharted Realms

Unique Watchstone Chance
Sirus, Awakener of Worlds has 10% increased chance to drop a Unique Ivory Watchstone

Secrets of the Stones
25% increased Effect of Watchstone Modifiers

Atlas Mission Chance
Areas have +3% chance to grant an Atlas Mission on Completion

Close Allies
Gain 1 additional Atlas Mission from each Master each day
Areas have +7% chance to grant an Atlas Mission on Completion

Atlas Currency Chance
Unique Map Bosses have 5% chance to drop additional Map Currency Items

Enduring Influence
Sextant Modifiers have 1 additional use

Shaper, Elder and Guardian Influenced Item Chance
The Shaper, The Elder and their Guardians have a 35% chance to drop an Influenced Item

Remnants of the Past
Unique Bosses have 3% chance to drop an Elder Guardian Map (Tier 14+)
Unique Bosses have 3% chance to drop a Shaper Guardian Map (Tier 14+)

Shaper, Elder and Guardian Influenced Item Chance
The Shaper, The Elder and their Guardians have a 35% chance to drop an Influenced Item

Gaze into the Abyss
The Elder has +10% chance to drop a Watcher's Eye
The Shaper drops 3 additional Shaper Items

Shaper, Elder and Guardian Influenced Item Chance
The Shaper, The Elder and their Guardians have a 35% chance to drop an Influenced Item

Guardian's Aid
Shaper and Elder Guardians are healed and joined by an ally on first reaching 33% Life
Allies have a chance to drop their Fragments

Synthesis Monster Pack Size
5% increased Synthesised Monster Pack size

Neural Pathways
+1.0% chance for a Synthesis Map to drop from Unique Bosses (Tier 11+)

Synthesis Monster Pack Size
5% increased Synthesised Monster Pack size

Vivid Memories
Monsters in Synthesis Maps have 1% chance to drop Synthesised Items
100% increased effect of Additional Modifiers on Unique Synthesis Maps

Synthesis Monster Pack Size
5% increased Synthesised Monster Pack size

Synthetic Source
Unique Bosses of Synthesis Maps drop a well-rolled Fractured Item
Synthesised Unique Items dropped in Areas have 3 Synthesised Implicit Modifiers

Influenced Item Chance
Items found in Areas have 10% increased chance to be Influenced

Adept Tracker
25% chance on completing a Map influenced by a Conqueror of the Atlas to gain double progress towards locating their Citadel

Influenced Item Chance
Items found in Areas have 10% increased chance to be Influenced

Thaumaturgical Awakening
Sirus, Awakener of Worlds has 50% increased chance to drop an Awakened Support Gem

Influenced Item Chance
Items found in Areas have 10% increased chance to be Influenced

Atlas Awakened
+1 to Awakening Level

Zana Map Quality
+5% to Quality of Maps offered by Zana Missions in Areas

Master of the Atlas
Areas have 5% chance to grant an additional Zana Mission on Completion

Zana Map Quality
+5% to Quality of Maps offered by Zana Missions in Areas

Paths Not Taken
Zana Missions in Areas have additional Maps that can appear in the Map options
Zana Missions in Areas have double the Base number of Map options

Zana Map Quality
+5% to Quality of Maps offered by Zana Missions in Areas

Echoes of War
Zana Missions in Areas have up to 30 additional packs of Shaper and Elder monsters


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