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The Most Popular PoE 3.2 Duelist Builds

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Mar/06/18 07:56:55 Views: 3673

The Duelist is Path of Exile's strength/ capacity hybrid class, generating him unmatched at dealing and avoiding harm. He can properly use a shield but is equally comfy slashing away using a strong two-hander or fighting with weapons in each hand. Within this Post, You may locate One of the most Preferred PoE 3.2 Builds for Duelist Ascendancy classes Gladiator, Slayer, Champion.


The Most Popular PoE 3.2 Duelist Builds

NO.1 [PoE 3.2 Gladiator Build] Gladiator Reave - Beginner Friendly - Low Entry & High Scaling - Shaper & MFing

This is not a crazy or weird or silly build; it's just a strong, fast and engaging all around melee build.
This Reave build has no required chase uniques or super significant expensive power spikes. It is possible to finish all content on a two EX budget, but it is possible to also massively improve your gear to insane levels of DPS to farm Overmodded Guardians or take on Uber Elder.
I have above average gear, but I already farm maps like shown below entirely deathless. Downgrading gear would end up having 2-3 deaths which are not essential once you've reached level 91-95.

BoR would be a good budget/starter item early on for natural links even though you'd be missing out on a few links. The level 12 faster attacks give you leave a better feel when you're struggling to discover out where else to pick up attack speed from to make reave feel smoother. The additional block on BoR is also lovely. I played your version of the build last league and was probably the most fun I've had with any build. Took it to level 92 before I stopped playing Abyss. I'm suggesting maybe incorporating BoR for early/beginner friendly portion of this guide, so people can play it a bit more smoothly with less currency early on until they're able to pick up the gear that makes Reave feel smooth. You'll be able to look at my characters I played this build on (JbearChan - Abyss League and JbearTauntDeezNuts - Bestiary League which I'm currently testing and playing using a BoR). Regardless, I enjoy playing this build.

Creator: Kiss_Me_Quick

Videos: https://youtu.be/wSWyLBIobEc

PoB Link: https://goo.gl/jVgX51

Skill Tree: https://pastebin.com/2qeLU4Tj

Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2064695

NO.2 [PoE 3.2 Slayer Build] From League Starter to Shaper ¨C Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST ¨C Very Detailed Guide

This is a guide to Physical ST Slayer. It is a perfect league starter, can be used in SSF and scales to do all content in the game. It is a lot of fun to play as it is fast and tanky, has good evident speed and easily destroys all bosses.

Changes in Poe 3.2:
The reshuffling of mods is not essential. It might slightly affect our leveling progression, but in the end, we get the same properties.
No more physical reflect harm. This is an excellent buff since most of our Damage is physical. Elemental indicated harm is resisted, so we only get 25% of it. In short, you could forget about reflecting.
We now do 30% increased harm while leeching (which is all the time). Slight buff but more harm is always nice to have.

- Can easily do all content in the game
- Cheap, nonmetal gear
- Fast and fun to play, 0.5 sec Whirling Blades, easy to dodge boss slams
- 2-button build. We only use ST and WB; everything else is automated
- 7K life without Belly
- Huge leech
- Good clear speed
- Great boss killing potential
- Great league starter
- Suitable for SSF
- Easy to level, all skills available very early
- No required gear
- Not likely to get nerfed (no metal gear or mechanics)
- Spectral Wolves as decoys
- We have to switch a gem for clear/single target
- Not the current meta million DPS build


Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fhjwSbmS2E

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/PXqKCpc1

Skill Tree: https://goo.gl/eRNfKB

Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077519

NO.3 [PoE 3.2 Champion Build] Frosty Duelist - Dual Swords & Frost Blades

Easy to level and play with good evident speed.
Medium Price build that can be expanded as far as you want (or have the chaos to do :).
178% life (more easily possible), leech and regen or Vaal pact
The wrong side is that it is very gear dependent and uses plenty of rares including for the weapons so you will want the path of building for working out late game gear. It's also hard to balance resists.

PoE 3.2 Quick Changes:
Champion got a pretty huge buff and looked great!
Gladiator doesn't compare to this build anymore (more block chance but less other defenses and A LOT fewer DPS so, for one of the most part, I took gladiator discussion out (in sections marked outdated).
Scion got a small nerf for us in the Assassin tree but big buffs with Inquisitor or Slayer as 2nd ascendency (I'll be playing champion this league so will leave to others to decide and comment on what is best).

Creator: WildWombat

Videos: https://youtu.be/K-rwJ5eFZ-E

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/SMQ9uaWT

Skill Tree: https://goo.gl/xuNBsa

Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1886363



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